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Skate & Skateboarding Accident

rollerblading on streets

Injured Rollerblading on City Streets?

By Skate & Skateboarding Accident

Rollerblading through city streets can be an exhilarating way to get around and stay fit. However, the condition of roads and sidewalks can pose significant risks. Uneven pavement, potholes, and cracks can lead to serious injuries. Contact Fielding Law if you have been injured rollerblading on streets due to unkempt roads or sidewalks. Learning your legal rights and the steps you should take can help you navigate the aftermath.

Assessing the Situation: Who is Responsible?

When you are injured due to poorly maintained streets or sidewalks, determining who is responsible is key to pursuing compensation. In most cases, local government entities, such as cities or municipalities, are responsible for maintaining public roads and sidewalks. However, proving liability can be complex.

Public vs. Private Property

It is important to determine whether the accident occurred on public or private property. If the injury happened on public property, such as a city street or sidewalk, the local government is usually responsible. However, if the accident occurred on private property, the property owner may be liable for your injuries.

Notice of Hazard

To hold a government entity liable, you generally need to prove that they knew or should have known about the hazardous condition and failed to fix it within a reasonable time. This can involve showing that the defect had been present for a significant period or that similar complaints had been made in the past.

Steps to Take After an Injury

If you have been injured rollerblading on streets due to unkempt roads or sidewalks, taking the right steps immediately after the incident is crucial for protecting your legal rights.

1. Document the Scene – Take detailed photos of the area where the injury occurred, including any visible hazards such as cracks, potholes, or uneven pavement. This evidence can be crucial in proving the cause of your injury.

2. Seek Medical Attention – Even if your injuries seem minor, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. A medical report will document your injuries and can serve as evidence if you decide to pursue legal action.

3. Report the Incident – Report the hazard to the appropriate city or municipal department responsible for road and sidewalk maintenance. This not only helps to create an official record of the incident but can also prompt repairs to prevent future injuries.

4. Consult with an Attorney – Navigating a claim against a government entity can be challenging due to specific legal requirements and deadlines. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney can help you understand your legal options and guide you through the process of filing a claim.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we understand the challenges of pursuing a claim against a government entity after an injury caused by unkempt roads or sidewalks. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate the legal landscape with empathy, expertise, and tenacity. In Lahra Welch v. City of Los Angeles, Fielding Law and Law Office of Maximilian Lee went up against the City of Los Angeles. We won a final verdict of $1.66 million for our client. If you have been injured while rollerblading due to hazardous conditions, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

person skateboarding. Skateboarding laws

Skateboarding Laws: Know Your Rights

By Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Skate & Skateboarding Accident

Skateboarding is a popular activity enjoyed by many, but it is important to understand the laws and responsibilities that come with it. Whether you are cruising down a sidewalk or hitting a local park, knowing your rights and obligations can help ensure a safe experience for everyone.

Understanding Skateboarding Laws

Skateboarding laws vary by location, so it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the rules in your area. Some common regulations include:

  • Designated Areas: Some cities designate specific areas for skateboarding, such as parks or certain streets. It is illegal to skateboard outside these areas in some places.
  • Sidewalk Use: While some cities allow skateboarding on sidewalks, others prohibit it to protect pedestrians.
  • Safety Gear: Helmets and other protective gear may be required by law, especially for minors.

Knowing these regulations can help prevent fines and ensure your safety.

Responsibilities of Skateboarders

As a skateboarder, you have certain responsibilities to yourself and others:

  • Respect Pedestrians: Always yield to pedestrians on sidewalks and shared spaces.
  • Follow Traffic Rules: When skating on streets, obey traffic signals and signs. Treat yourself as you would if you were cycling.
  • Use Caution: Avoid risky stunts in public areas. Not only can they be dangerous, but they can also damage property.

What to Do If an Injury Occurs

Accidents can happen, even when following all the rules. If you or someone else is injured while skateboarding, it is important to take immediate action:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Prioritize health and safety. Call for medical help if needed.
  2. Document the Incident: Take photos and gather information from witnesses. This documentation can be crucial if you need to file a claim.
  3. Consult a Lawyer: If the injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, you might be entitled to compensation. Fielding Law specializes in personal injury cases and can guide you through the legal process.

Why Choose Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we understand that accidents can be overwhelming. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate the legal landscape with compassion and expertise. We fight with our fins up and with integrity and tenacity to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Whether you are dealing with a public liability case or a recreational injury, we are here to support you every step of the way. For a free consultation, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Top Verdict Award

Fielding Law Achieves Top Verdict Award: $2 Million Verdict in Los Angeles

By Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Public Entity, Skate & Skateboarding Accident

We are proud to announce that Fielding Law has achieved a significant milestone by securing a $2 million verdict in the case of Welch v. City of Los Angeles. This achievement has earned us a spot among the Top 50 Jury Verdicts in all practice areas in Los Angeles.

Case Overview: Welch v. City of Los Angeles

In the case of Welch v. City of Los Angeles, our client was seriously injured due to a dangerous condition on public property. The case involved several complex legal issues, including:

  • Dangerous Condition: The public property had a hazardous condition that led to the injury.
  • Failure to Warn: The responsible parties failed to provide adequate warnings about the danger.
  • Government Negligence: The City of Los Angeles was negligent in maintaining the property.
  • Personal Injury: Our client sustained severe injuries due to the unsafe conditions.
  • Premises Liability: The case focused on the property owner’s responsibility to ensure safety.
  • Trip & Fall: The injury occurred as a result of a trip and fall incident.
  • Negligent Tort: The city’s negligence directly contributed to the injury.
  • Bodily Injury: Our client suffered significant physical harm.
Top Verdict Award

The Legal Team

This landmark verdict was secured through the collaborative efforts of our skilled attorneys:

  • Clark Fielding of Fielding Law, APC
  • Ryan Cooper of Fielding Law, APC
  • In association with
    • Maximilian Lee of the Law Office of Maximilian Lee

Our team worked tirelessly to ensure that justice was served and that our client received the compensation they deserved.

Top Verdict Recognition

At Fielding Law, we are honored to be recognized by for securing one of the highest jury verdicts in the Nation. This prestigious acknowledgment highlights our relentless pursuit of justice and ability to handle challenging cases precisely and carefully. Being listed among the Top 50 Jury Verdicts in Los Angeles for the year reflects our dedication to achieving top legal victories for our clients. Our recognized legal triumphs are a testament to the hard work and expertise we bring to each case.

Why This Verdict Matters

Securing a $2 million verdict in a complex case like this highlights the dedication, expertise, and tenacity of our legal team. It underscores our commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. This recognition among the Top 50 Jury Verdicts in Los Angeles is a testament to our relentless pursuit of justice and our ability to handle challenging cases with precision and care.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you need a compassionate and capable legal team by your side. At Fielding Law, we offer:

Expertise: Our attorneys have extensive experience in handling complex personal injury cases.

Support: We provide empathetic and caring support throughout the legal process.

Results: We are dedicated to helping you receive the compensation you deserve.

Call 833.88.SHARK today to discuss your case and see how we can help you navigate the legal challenges you face.

The $2 million verdict in the Welch v. City of Los Angeles case is a significant achievement for Fielding Law. It reflects our commitment to excellence and our dedication to securing justice for our clients. If you find yourself in need of legal assistance, remember that Fielding Law is here to help. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for expert legal support.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Injured rollerblader

Rollerblader’s Triumph: Secured $2M Verdict for Injured Rollerblader

By Personal Injury, Public Entity, Skate & Skateboarding Accident

Los Angeles Superior Court Case No.: 22STCV06392

In a notable victory against the City of Los Angeles, Fielding Law secured a $2 million verdict for an injured rollerblader, Lahra Welch. The hazardous condition, exacerbated by shadows and lack of warnings, led to a six-day trial resulting in a favorable jury verdict.

The Case Details:

In Lahra Welch’s battle against the City of Los Angeles, we faced a unique challenge. Rollerblading down her neighborhood, Lahra tripped over hidden asphalt, causing serious injuries. The six-day trial, overseen by Honorable Michael Levanas, highlighted the complexities of proving fault and the extent of damages. Represented by the Law Office of Maximilian Lee and Fielding Law, APC, Lahra resiliently contested a 17% contributory negligence claim. After two days of deliberation, the jury delivered a hefty $2,000,000 gross verdict. Despite a contributory negligence percentage, Lahra secured a $1,660,000 net verdict, emphasizing non-economic damages. Fielding Law‘s dedication to navigating challenges ensured Lahra received just compensation.


  • Plaintiff’s Attorney:
    • Law Office of Maximilian Lee by Maximilian Lee, Santa Ana, California
    • Fielding Law, APC Attorneys: Clark Fielding and Ryan Cooper, Irvine, California
  • Defendant’s Attorneys:
    • Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney by Karen Woodward, Michael Zuckerman, and Lilya Dishchyan, Los Angeles.


  • Plaintiff’s Medical Experts: Matthew Enna, M.D., Garrison Whitaker, M.D., Jennifer Hertz, M.D.
  • Defendant’s Medical Expert: Ross Nathan, M.D.
  • Plaintiff’s Technical Expert: Gary Gsell, municipal infrastructure.
  • Defendant’s Technical Experts: Mark Blanchette, Ph.D., Henricus “Harm” Jansen, accident reconstruction.

Facts and Background:

Lahra Welch, on February 15, 2021, suffered injuries while rollerblading due to raised asphalt in a residential street. Shadows and lack of warnings contributed to the accident. Plaintiff contended that the City of Los Angeles was aware of the danger, while the defense argued it was a minor bump and the city lacked knowledge.

Injuries and Damages:

  • Physical Injuries: Broken left ulna and distal radius, post-surgery osteoarthritis, complex regional pain syndrome.
  • Emotional Damages: Distress, disfigurement, mental harm, inconvenience, anxiety.

Demands and Offers:

  • Plaintiff’s §998 Demand: $1,000,000
  • Defendant’s Offer during Trial: Verbally offered $100,000 on the first day of trial.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

Navigating a case against a public entity, such as the City of Los Angeles in Lahra Welch’s situation, requires a skilled legal team. Public entity claims involve seeking compensation for injuries caused by the negligence of government entities. It is crucial to note that these claims have different procedures and timelines than typical personal injury cases. In California and Arizona, where Fielding Law operates, public entity claims often have shorter statutes of limitations. Without an attorney well-versed in these nuances, victims may face challenges in pursuing their rightful compensation. Fielding Law, with expertise in public entity claims, successfully advocated for Lahra Welch, highlighting the importance of having seasoned attorneys on your side when dealing with such cases.

At Fielding Law, we navigate complexities with care and capability. Our client-focused approach ensures transparent communication and expert guidance. Trust us to champion your rights. Call 833.88.SHARK for a free legal consultation.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.