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Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident

Labor Day Safety

Labor Day Safety Tips from Your Personal Injury Attorney

By Boating Accident, Burn Injury, Car Accident, Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Public Entity

As a personal injury attorney, I understand the importance of safety during holiday celebrations like Labor Day. Whether you are planning a road trip, cookout, fireworks display, or a day at the beach, here are some expert tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend:

Road Trips

Before hitting the road, make sure your vehicle is in top condition. Check your tires for proper inflation and tread, ensure your brakes are functioning well, and test all lights and signals. Follow all traffic laws, wear your seatbelt, and avoid distractions like texting or using your phone. Plan your route in advance and take breaks to avoid fatigue.


Grilling is a favorite Labor Day activity, but it comes with risks. Keep a safe distance from the grill, especially with children around. Use proper grilling equipment and never leave the grill unattended. Follow food safety guidelines: keep raw meat separate from other foods, cook meats to the right temperature, and refrigerate leftovers promptly. Have a fire extinguisher nearby in case of emergencies.


While fireworks are a spectacular way to celebrate, they can be dangerous. Attend professional fireworks displays whenever possible. If you choose to use fireworks at home, follow all safety instructions. Light fireworks one at a time, never relight a dud, and keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby. Supervise children closely and ensure they use sparklers safely.

Beach Safety

A day at the beach can be refreshing and fun, but it is essential to stay safe. Swim only in designated areas and follow lifeguard instructions. Be mindful of rip currents and learn how to escape them if caught. Stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and take breaks in the shade to avoid heat exhaustion. Keep a close watch on children and ensure they swim with a buddy.

In Case of Accidents

Despite taking precautions, accidents can happen. If you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, seek medical help immediately. Document the incident with photos and gather contact information from any witnesses. After receiving medical care, contact a personal injury attorney to understand your rights and options.

Why Hire Fielding Law

At Fielding Law, we are committed to protecting your rights and ensuring your safety. Our experienced team is here to provide legal support during Labor Day and beyond. 833.88.SHARK is available 24/7 for immediate assistance. Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day celebration!

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Summer Camp Injuries

Navigating Summer Camp Injuries

By Boating Accident, Brain Injury (TBI), Catastrophic Injury, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Premises Liability, Public Entity, Slip or Trip and Fall, Wrongful Death

Summer camp is a time for children to enjoy fun activities and create lasting memories. However, when an injury occurs, it can raise questions about legal rights and potential legal action. Here is what you need to know about summer camp injuries and your legal options.

Understanding Summer Camp Injuries

  1. Types of Injuries: Summer camp injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe incidents such as fractures, sprains, or head injuries. It is essential to assess the severity and impact of the injury on your child’s health and well-being.
  2. Common Causes: Injuries at summer camps can occur due to various factors, including sports activities, outdoor adventures, playground accidents, swimming or water-related incidents, and falls.
  3. Camp Liability: Camps have a duty to provide a safe environment and adequate supervision for campers. If negligence or inadequate safety measures contributed to your child’s injury, you may have grounds for legal action.

Do You Have a Case?

Determining if you have a legal case after a summer camp injury involves several factors:

  • Type and Severity of Injury: Evaluate the type and severity of the injury and how it has affected your child’s health and daily activities.
  • Negligence: Consider if the injury resulted from negligence on the part of the camp staff or management, such as failure to maintain safe facilities, inadequate supervision, or lack of proper training.
  • Liability Agreements: Review any liability agreements you signed during camp enrollment. While these agreements may limit liability, they do not necessarily prevent you from pursuing damages in cases of negligence or misconduct.

Liability Agreements and Legal Options

If you signed a liability agreement, it is crucial to understand its implications:

  • Scope of Liability: Determine if the agreement addresses the specific circumstances of your child’s injury and the camp’s responsibilities.
  • Enforceability: Consult with legal experts, such as Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK, to assess the enforceability of the liability agreement. Some agreements may be deemed unenforceable if they violate state laws or public policy.
  • Negligence vs. Intentional Harm: Differentiate between negligence and intentional harm. Liability agreements typically do not protect camps from liability for acts of gross negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Here is why consulting with Fielding Law can make a difference:

Legal Expertise: Our experienced attorneys specialize in personal injury cases, including summer camp injuries. We can assess the details of your case, determine liability, and pursue fair compensation on your behalf.

Compassionate Support: We understand the emotional toll of a child’s injury. Our team provides compassionate support, guidance, and personalized attention throughout the legal process.

Negotiation and Advocacy: We will negotiate with insurance companies and advocate for your rights to ensure you receive the best possible outcome, including compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and long-term effects of the injury.

If your child was injured at summer camp and you are unsure about your legal options, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a confidential consultation. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of summer camp injury cases and seek justice for your child.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

4th of July Safety

Stay Safe this 4th of July: Essential Tips

By Boating Accident, Burn Injury, Car Accident, Catastrophic Injury, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Premises Liability, Wrongful Death

With Independence Day approaching, it is crucial to prioritize safety during the festivities. Fielding Law understands the importance of a safe celebration, which is why we have compiled essential tips for 4th of July Safety to ensure your holiday remains joyful and accident-free.

Prioritizing 4th of July Safety

Firework Safety: Leave fireworks to professionals and attend public displays. Follow safety guidelines and keep a water bucket nearby.

Grill Safety: Keep grills 10 feet away from structures and never leave unattended. Use long-handled tools and proper ventilation.

Alcohol Awareness: Consume alcohol responsibly and have a sober driver. Avoid driving under the influence.

Water Safety: Supervise children near water and ensure everyone wears flotation devices. Follow boating rules and never swim alone.

Food Handling: Cook meats thoroughly and store them properly to avoid food poisoning.

Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen, wear hats, and seek shade during peak sun hours to prevent sunburn.

Pet Safety: Keep pets indoors during fireworks to prevent stress. Provide water and a comfortable environment.

Key Steps to Ensure 4th of July Safety

If you are injured due to negligence, taking certain steps can help protect your rights and strengthen your potential legal claim. Here is what you should do:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health and safety come first. Get medical help immediately, even if your injuries seem minor. This creates a record of your injuries and ensures you get the necessary treatment.
  2. Document the Scene: If possible, gather evidence at the scene. Take photos of the accident site, your injuries, and any property damage. Obtain contact information from witnesses.
  3. Report the Incident: Report the incident to the appropriate authorities or property owner, such as the police, landlord, or manager. Request a copy of any incident reports.
  4. Keep Records: Keep all medical records, bills, receipts for expenses related to the injury, and any correspondence with insurance companies or other parties involved.
  5. Do Not Admit Fault: Avoid discussing fault or making statements that could be interpreted as accepting blame. Stick to the facts when recounting the incident.
  6. Consult an Attorney: Consider consulting a personal injury attorney like Fielding Law who can evaluate your case, advise you on your legal options, and help you navigate the legal process.
  7. Know Your Rights: Educate yourself about your rights and the laws relevant to your case. Understanding what you are entitled to can empower you in seeking fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

Remember, each case is unique, so it is essential to seek personalized legal advice to protect your rights and receive the compensation you deserve.

Compassionate Legal Support

Prioritizing safety ensures a memorable and accident-free celebration. Fielding Law supports you with compassionate legal assistance for personal injury cases. Trust us to safeguard your rights and secure deserved compensation. If injured in an accident give us a call to discuss your options 833.88.SHARK. Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Memorial Day Weekend Injuries

Injured During Memorial Day Weekend? Here’s How to Strengthen Your Case

By Bicycle Accident, Boating Accident, Car Accident, E-Bikes and E-Scooters, Motorcycle Accident, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Slip or Trip and Fall

Memorial Day weekend is a time for celebration, but it can also be dangerous. Many people suffer injuries during this holiday. Understanding common accidents and knowing how to strengthen your case can make a significant difference. Fielding Law is here to help.

Common Memorial Day Weekend Injuries

Car Accidents: With more people traveling, the risk of car accidents increases. Distracted driving, speeding, and impaired driving are common causes.

Boating Accidents: Many people enjoy boating during the holiday. Unfortunately, this leads to accidents caused by inexperience, alcohol, and overcrowded waterways.

Slip and Fall Incidents: Outdoor activities and gatherings can result in slip and fall accidents, especially around pools and wet surfaces.

Fireworks Injuries: Celebrations often include fireworks, which can cause serious injuries if not handled properly.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents: With more people outdoors, bicycle and pedestrian accidents become more common.

Tips to Strengthen Your Case

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Always get medical help immediately after an injury. This ensures your well-being and documents your injuries.
  2. Gather Evidence: Take photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and any property damage. Collect witness statements if possible.
  3. Report the Incident: Notify the proper authorities, whether it is the police for a car accident or the Coast Guard for a boating accident.
  4. Keep Records: Save all medical bills, repair estimates, and correspondence related to the accident. This documentation is crucial for your case.
  5. Avoid Social Media: Refrain from posting about the accident on social media. Insurance companies may use your posts against you.
  6. Contact Fielding Law: Getting professional legal advice can significantly strengthen your case. Fielding Law offers compassionate, capable representation to help you navigate your claim. Call 833.88.SHARK for assistance.

Do You Need an Attorney from the Accident Location?

It can be beneficial to hire an attorney from the location of the accident. They will be familiar with local laws and regulations, which can strengthen your case. However, Fielding Law can assist you no matter where the accident occurred. Our team is experienced in handling cases across different jurisdictions.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

Choosing the right attorney can make all the difference. Fielding Law is dedicated to providing compassionate, yet tenacious representation. We understand the stress and uncertainty of Memorial Day weekend injuries. Our team is available 24/7 to support you and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation.

Memorial Day weekend should be a time of joy, not distress. If you or a loved one has been injured, reach out to Fielding Law. We are here to help you navigate the legal process with care and expertise.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

injured using a rental jet ski

Navigating Injuries from a Rental Jet Ski

By Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident

High-speed personal watercraft (PWC) can give you the adrenaline rush you are looking for, but they come with high risks. According to the US Coast Guard, PWCs are responsible for 36% of all boating injuries. Getting injured on a rental jet ski is not on your vacation to-do list. Make sure you do your part to stay safe.

Know Before You Go

When renting a PWC like a jet ski, carefully review the rental agreement before signing. Some rental companies may include clauses that release them from liability, even if they are responsible for your injuries. It is better to be safe than sorry; seek out companies that will take accountability. You can always visit the company’s website or call to access their agreement to ensure you pick the best rental company.

Understanding Liability

Rental companies can be held liable under the following circumstances:

  • Lack of Proper Equipment: The rental company is responsible for familiarizing riders with the watercraft before departure. This includes providing essential safety gear like life jackets and a sound signaling device.
  • Lack of Training: Since most riders are beginners, rental companies are responsible for providing a lesson on basic watercraft operation to avoid accidents due to a lack of experience.
  • Lack of Maintenance: If the rental company neglects proper maintenance protocols, they can be liable for injuries. Knowingly renting out a faulty watercraft without addressing or disclosing its defects would put the company at fault in the event of an accident.

Fielding Law is Here for You

Whether you are heading to the California coast or the infamous Lake Havasu in Arizona, make sure your trip remains injury-free and participate in summer activities responsibly. If you are injured using a rental jet ski, follow our guide on what to do after a jet ski accident. Our team at Fielding Law is available for you 24/7 to help you navigate your path to justice; call us at 833.88.SHARK.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Arizona vacation accident attorney

Vacation Accident in Arizona?

By Bicycle Accident, Boating Accident, Car Accident, Catastrophic Injury, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Premises Liability, Public Entity, Slip or Trip and Fall, Truck Accident, Wrongful Death

After a vacation accident in Arizona, you may wonder whether to hire a local Arizona vacation accident attorney or an attorney from your home state. Here are some considerations:

Local Knowledge: A local Arizona vacation accident attorney may have a deeper understanding of state laws, local regulations, and court procedures specific to Arizona, which can be advantageous for your case.

Accessibility: Having a local attorney means easier access to meetings, court appearances, and consultations, potentially streamlining the legal process.

Specialization: Look for an attorney specializing in personal injury cases, especially those related to vacation accidents. This expertise can significantly benefit your claim.

Reputation: Research the reputation and track record of local attorneys to ensure they have a history of successful outcomes in vacation accident cases.

Tips For A Successful Vacation Accident Claim

  1. Seeking Immediate Medical Attention: Promptly seek medical care after a vacation accident, even if injuries seem minor. Medical records documenting your injuries are crucial for your claim. Follow your doctor’s treatment plan diligently, both during your vacation and after returning home.
  2. Preserving Evidence: Collect and preserve as much evidence as possible related to the accident. This includes:
    • Photographs and Videos: Take photos and videos of the accident scene, injuries, property damage, road conditions, and any contributing factors.
    • Eyewitness Statements: Obtain contact information and statements from witnesses who saw the accident occur.
    • Police Reports: If law enforcement responds to the scene, request a copy of the police report for documentation.
  3. Documenting Expenses: Keep detailed records of all expenses incurred due to the accident. This includes medical bills, prescription costs, transportation expenses for medical visits, and any other out-of-pocket costs directly related to your injuries.
  4. Maintaining Communication: Stay in regular communication with your healthcare providers, insurance company, and legal representation. Provide timely updates on your medical condition, treatment progress, and any changes in your circumstances.
  5. Avoiding Social Media: Refrain from posting about the accident or your injuries on social media platforms. Insurance companies and opposing parties may use your social media posts against you, so exercise caution with what you share online.
  6. Contact an Attorney: Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney specializing in injuries, like Fielding Law, as soon as possible. A knowledgeable attorney can assess your case, advise you on your legal rights, and navigate the complexities of the claims process on your behalf.
  7. Understanding Time Limits: Be aware of the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim in Arizona. Missing the deadline can jeopardize your ability to seek compensation for your injuries, so act promptly to protect your rights.

By following these tips and working with a dedicated legal team, you can strengthen your vacation accident claim and pursue fair compensation for your damages and losses.

Common Accidents We Handle

  • Vehicle Accidents: Increased summer travel can lead to motor vehicle accidents on busy roads.
  • Slip and Fall Accidents: Common in places like casinos or pools, where hazards can cause slips and falls.
  • Physical Assault: Tensions and alcohol consumption during vacations can lead to assault incidents.
  • Drowning and Water Accidents: Pools, lakes, and water parks pose risks of drowning and other water-related injuries.

Who Can Be Held Liable in Your Vacation Accident Claim?

Determining liability is crucial for your claim. Potential liable parties include drivers, trucking companies, casinos, tour companies, hotels, restaurants, retail establishments, water parks, and security companies. Seeking legal guidance from Fielding Law can help identify and pursue the responsible parties for your injuries. Contact Fielding Law today to discuss your options at 833.88.SHARK

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Accidents at Dusk and Dawn

Dusk & Dawn Accidents: Liability Insights

By Bicycle Accident, Boating Accident, Car Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident

Navigating liability in accidents at dusk and dawn involving cars, motorcycles, boats, and pedestrians requires careful consideration. Understanding these complexities is crucial for victims seeking justice and compensation in personal injury cases, particularly those involving lower light levels. Here, we explore how to determine liability in such cases, offering expert legal insights from Fielding Law, specializing in personal injury law.

Car Accidents at Dusk and Dawn
  • Visibility challenges increase at dusk and dawn, contributing to car accidents.
  • Determining liability involves assessing factors like driver negligence, road conditions, and adherence to traffic laws.
  • Fielding Law’s experienced attorneys can help analyze evidence and advocate for fair compensation.
Motorcycle Accidents at Dusk and Dawn
  • Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable during low light conditions.
  • Liability may depend on visibility, road hazards, and other drivers’ actions.
  • Our legal team specializes in motorcycle accident cases, offering tailored support for riders.
Boat Accidents at Dusk and Dawn
  • Lower light levels on waterways can lead to boating accidents.
  • Liability factors include navigation errors, impaired visibility, and negligence.
  • Fielding Law‘s maritime law expertise ensures comprehensive legal representation.
Pedestrian Accidents at Dusk and Dawn
  • Pedestrians face increased risks during dusk and dawn due to reduced visibility.
  • Liability assessment considers driver awareness, speed, and pedestrian rights.
  • Our compassionate approach supports injured pedestrians in seeking rightful compensation.

Your Advocates for Seeking Justice

Fielding Law prioritizes client well-being, offering personalized legal support in complex accident cases. Our team’s expertise and dedication ensure thorough liability assessments, strategic legal guidance, and advocacy for maximum compensation. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and let us navigate the legal complexities while you focus on recovery.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Jet Ski or Sea-Doo accident

What to Do After a Jet Ski or Sea-Doo Accident

By Boating Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident

Jet skiing is an exhilarating water sport enjoyed by many, but accidents can happen. It is crucial to understand what your insurance policy covers in case of a personal watercraft (PWC) accident. Here is a breakdown of common coverage options:

Liability Coverage: This typically covers bodily injury and property damage to others if you are at fault in an accident.

Medical Payments Coverage: This can help pay for medical expenses for you and your passengers if injured in a Jet Ski or Sea-Doo accident, regardless of fault.

Uninsured/Underinsured Boater Coverage: Protects you if you are in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured operator.

Physical Damage Coverage: Covers repair or replacement costs for your Jet Ski or Sea-Doo if damaged in an accident.

Personal Property Coverage: May cover personal items lost or damaged during an accident.

After a Jet Ski or Sea-Doo Accident: Steps to Take

Experiencing a Jet Ski or Sea-Doo accident can be distressing, but knowing what to do afterward can help protect your rights and ensure a smoother recovery process. Here are essential steps to take after a Jet Ski or Sea-Doo accident:

  1. Ensure Safety: First and foremost, check yourself and others for injuries. Move to a safe location away from further danger if possible.
  2. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you do not initially feel injured, it is crucial to seek medical evaluation as some injuries may not be immediately apparent. Documenting injuries promptly is vital for insurance claims.
  3. Report the Accident: Report the accident to local authorities or the Coast Guard, especially if there are injuries, property damage, or environmental concerns.
  4. Gather Information: Collect contact information, insurance details, and statements from witnesses. Take photos or videos of the accident scene, including any damages to the Personal Watercraft (PWC) and surrounding areas.
  5. Consult with Legal Counsel: Consult with Fielding Law, we are experienced in Jet Ski or Sea-Doo accident cases.
  6. Preserve Evidence: Keep all documents related to the accident, including medical records, repair estimates, and correspondence with insurance companies or legal representatives.

Navigating Jet Ski or Sea-Doo Accidents with Fielding Law

Dealing with insurance companies after a personal watercraft (PWC) accident can be complex. Fielding Law can help you navigate this process by:

  • Reviewing your insurance policy to determine coverage options.
  • Assisting in filing insurance claims and negotiating settlements.
  • Providing legal representation if your claim is disputed or denied.

Do not navigate insurance claims alone. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for expert guidance and support after a Jet Ski or Sea-Doo accident. Our team is dedicated to helping you understand your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.