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Catastrophic Injury

couple together at a lakes edge. Loss of Consortium

Understanding Loss of Consortium in Personal Injury Cases

By Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death

What Is Loss of Consortium?

Loss of consortium allows family members to seek compensation for the emotional and relational damages caused by a loved one’s serious injury or death. This claim recognizes the significant impact that such an event can have on relationships, especially between spouses, children, or other close family members.

Types of Losses Covered

Loss of consortium claims typically cover several areas:

  • Emotional Support: The companionship and emotional support the injured or deceased person provided.
  • Physical Affection: The loss of physical intimacy and affection within the relationship.
  • Financial Support: In some cases, the financial support provided by the injured person.

Who Can File a Loss of Consortium Claim?

Eligibility to file a loss of consortium claim depends on the relationship with the injured or deceased party:

  • Spouses: A spouse may file if their partner is seriously injured or killed.
  • Children: In wrongful death cases, children may seek compensation for losing a parent’s companionship.
  • Other Dependents: Other close family members may also be eligible in some cases.

How to Prove a Loss of Consortium Claim

To prove a loss of consortium claim, you must demonstrate how the injury or death impacted your relationship:

  • Testimonies: Provide personal testimonies about the changes in the relationship and the emotional impact.
  • Evidence of Changes: Document changes in family dynamics, emotional well-being, and daily life.
  • Medical and Expert Reports: Expert testimony may help illustrate the injury’s impact on family relationships.

Steps to Take If You Are Considering a Loss of Consortium Claim

If you believe you have a loss of consortium claim, follow these steps:

1. Consult with an Attorney

An attorney at Fielding Law can help you understand your rights and guide you through the legal process. Our team will evaluate your claim’s strength and help you seek the compensation you deserve.

2. Gather Evidence

Collect evidence showing the impact of the injury or death on your relationship. This may include personal testimonies, medical records, and other supporting documents.

3. File a Claim

Work with your attorney to file a loss of consortium claim as part of a larger personal injury or wrongful death case. Ensure that all relevant information is included and that the claim is filed on time.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we are committed to helping families navigate loss of consortium claims. Our experienced team will fight for your rights and work to secure the compensation you deserve. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Labor Day Safety

Labor Day Safety Tips from Your Personal Injury Attorney

By Boating Accident, Burn Injury, Car Accident, Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Public Entity

As a personal injury attorney, I understand the importance of safety during holiday celebrations like Labor Day. Whether you are planning a road trip, cookout, fireworks display, or a day at the beach, here are some expert tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend:

Road Trips

Before hitting the road, make sure your vehicle is in top condition. Check your tires for proper inflation and tread, ensure your brakes are functioning well, and test all lights and signals. Follow all traffic laws, wear your seatbelt, and avoid distractions like texting or using your phone. Plan your route in advance and take breaks to avoid fatigue.


Grilling is a favorite Labor Day activity, but it comes with risks. Keep a safe distance from the grill, especially with children around. Use proper grilling equipment and never leave the grill unattended. Follow food safety guidelines: keep raw meat separate from other foods, cook meats to the right temperature, and refrigerate leftovers promptly. Have a fire extinguisher nearby in case of emergencies.


While fireworks are a spectacular way to celebrate, they can be dangerous. Attend professional fireworks displays whenever possible. If you choose to use fireworks at home, follow all safety instructions. Light fireworks one at a time, never relight a dud, and keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby. Supervise children closely and ensure they use sparklers safely.

Beach Safety

A day at the beach can be refreshing and fun, but it is essential to stay safe. Swim only in designated areas and follow lifeguard instructions. Be mindful of rip currents and learn how to escape them if caught. Stay hydrated, use sunscreen, and take breaks in the shade to avoid heat exhaustion. Keep a close watch on children and ensure they swim with a buddy.

In Case of Accidents

Despite taking precautions, accidents can happen. If you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, seek medical help immediately. Document the incident with photos and gather contact information from any witnesses. After receiving medical care, contact a personal injury attorney to understand your rights and options.

Why Hire Fielding Law

At Fielding Law, we are committed to protecting your rights and ensuring your safety. Our experienced team is here to provide legal support during Labor Day and beyond. 833.88.SHARK is available 24/7 for immediate assistance. Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day celebration!

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

MRI machine

Understanding Spinal Cord Injuries in Car Accidents

By Car Accident, Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) are classified into two main types: complete and incomplete.

Complete Spinal Cord Injury: In a complete SCI, there is a total loss of sensation and motor function below the level of injury. This means that the affected area has no ability to move or feel.

Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: In an incomplete SCI, there is some preservation of sensory or motor function below the level of injury. The extent of this preservation can vary widely, meaning that some individuals may retain more function than others.

Common Causes of SCIs in Car Accidents

Car accidents are a leading cause of spinal cord injuries. The impact during a collision can result in severe trauma to the spinal cord. Common causes of SCIs in car accidents include:

  • High-Speed Collisions: These can cause significant damage due to the force involved.
  • Rollovers: These accidents often result in the occupant being thrown around inside the vehicle, increasing the risk of spinal cord injury.
  • Rear-End Collisions: The sudden jolt can cause whiplash and subsequent spinal cord damage.
  • Side-Impact Collisions: These can lead to significant trauma to the spinal column and spinal cord.

Preventative Measures

Preventing spinal cord injuries begins with safe driving practices. Here are some key tips:

Wear Seat Belts: Always wear a seatbelt, and ensure all passengers do the same. Seat belts significantly reduce the risk of severe injury in an accident.

Adjust Headrests: Properly adjust headrests to support your head and neck, reducing the risk of whiplash.

Avoid Distractions: Do not use your phone or other distractions while driving. Focus on the road at all times.

Follow Speed Limits: Adhering to speed limits reduces the severity of accidents and the risk of spinal injuries.

Maintain Your Vehicle: Regular maintenance ensures your vehicle is in good working condition, preventing mechanical failures that could lead to accidents.

Steps After the Accident

If you are involved in a car accident, taking the right steps can help prevent further injury and ensure you receive the necessary medical attention.

  1. Ensuring Safety and Calling for Emergency Help: Immediately check for injuries and call emergency services. Make sure everyone is safe and away from further harm.
  2. Avoiding Movement to Prevent Further Injury: If someone has a suspected spinal injury, do not move them. Movement can worsen the injury. Wait for emergency responders who are trained to handle such situations.
  3. Providing Critical Information to First Responders: When help arrives, provide them with all the necessary information about the accident and any symptoms you or others are experiencing.
  4. Documenting the Scene and Gathering Evidence: Take photos and notes about the accident scene, including the positions of the vehicles, any visible injuries, and other relevant details. This documentation can be vital for insurance claims and legal actions.
  5. Consult with Fielding Law: After addressing immediate medical needs, consult with Fielding Law to understand your legal rights and options. Our experienced attorneys can help you navigate the complexities of personal injury claims and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

About Fielding Law

Spinal cord injuries from car accidents can have life-altering consequences. Understanding the types of injuries, common causes, and preventative measures can help you stay safe on the road. However, if an accident does occur, knowing the appropriate steps to take can prevent further injury and ensure you receive the necessary help and legal support.

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident, contact Fielding Law for a free consultation. Call 833.88.SHARK today. Our compassionate and skilled team is here to support you every step of the way.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

EMTs putting person in an ambulance

Understanding Catastrophic Injuries

By Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury

Catastrophic injuries are severe and life-changing. At Fielding Law, we understand the profound impact these injuries have on individuals and their families. Our goal is to provide compassionate support and expert guidance through this challenging time.

What Are Catastrophic Injuries?

Catastrophic injuries are those that cause permanent damage or significant impairment. These injuries can drastically alter a person’s life and may include:

Spinal Cord Injuries: Severe damage to the spinal cord leading to partial or complete loss of mobility.

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): Serious injuries to the brain that can affect cognitive functions, emotions, and daily activities.

Severe Burns: Extensive burns that require long-term medical treatment and can result in lasting physical and emotional scars.

Amputations: Loss of limbs that affects physical abilities and may require prosthetics and extensive rehabilitation.

Severity and Long-Term Implications

The severity of catastrophic injuries means they often have long-lasting effects on both physical and emotional well-being:

Physical Limitations: Individuals may face challenges with mobility, daily tasks, and overall independence.

Emotional Impact: Coping with a catastrophic injury can lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

Ongoing Medical Needs: Continuous medical treatment, therapy, and rehabilitation may be necessary to manage the injury.

Financial Strain: The cost of medical care, adaptive equipment, and possible modifications to living spaces can place a significant financial burden on individuals and families.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we are dedicated to supporting individuals affected by catastrophic injuries. We offer empathetic and skilled legal representation to help you secure the compensation you need for medical care, rehabilitation, and more. Our team understands the complexities of catastrophic injury cases and will work tirelessly to advocate for your rights.

If you or a loved one has sustained a catastrophic injury, reach out to us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation. We are here to provide the support and guidance you need to navigate this difficult journey and focus on your recovery.

Understanding catastrophic injuries and their impact is crucial for managing the challenges ahead. At Fielding Law, we are committed to helping you through every step of the process with care and expertise.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Pregnant woman in a car

Injured in an Accident While Pregnant: What You Need to Know

By Car Accident, Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury

Being involved in an accident is stressful under any circumstances, but if you are pregnant, the situation becomes even more complicated and concerning. Ensuring both your safety and the well-being of your unborn child is paramount. Here is what you need to know if you find yourself injured in an accident while pregnant, including essential steps to take, potential injuries, and how to navigate the legal process.

Immediate Steps to Take After an Accident

  1. Seek Medical Attention: The first priority is to get medical help for both yourself and your unborn child. Even if you do not feel injured, it is crucial to be evaluated by a healthcare professional. Some injuries or complications may not be immediately apparent but can affect your pregnancy.
  2. Notify Your Doctor: Inform your obstetrician about the accident as soon as possible. They may want to perform additional tests or monitoring to ensure that your baby is healthy and to check for any potential complications.
  3. Document the Accident: Gather information about the accident, including taking photos of the scene and any visible injuries. Obtain contact information from witnesses and the other party involved in the accident. This documentation can be valuable for both medical and legal purposes.
  4. File a Police Report: Ensure that a police report is filed for the accident. This report can be essential for insurance claims and legal actions.
  5. Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer: Consult with a personal injury attorney to understand your rights and options. A lawyer experienced in handling cases involving pregnant women can help you navigate the complexities of both your legal and medical situation.

Potential Injuries and Complications

Accidents during pregnancy can lead to a variety of injuries and complications, including:

  • Abdominal Trauma: Impact to the abdomen can cause injury to the uterus or placenta, potentially leading to complications such as placental abruption or premature labor.
  • Back Pain: Pregnancy already puts additional strain on your back. An accident can exacerbate this pain or cause new injuries.
  • Preterm Labor: Stress and trauma from an accident can increase the risk of preterm labor. Monitoring by your healthcare provider is crucial.
  • Fetal Injuries: While rare, accidents can sometimes cause direct injuries to the fetus. Your doctor will monitor for any signs of distress or abnormalities.

Legal Considerations and Rights

If you are injured in an accident while pregnant, understanding your legal rights and options is crucial:

  • Personal Injury Claim: You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the accident. An attorney can help you file a personal injury claim against the responsible party.
  • Insurance Claims: Work with your attorney to navigate insurance claims, ensuring that all your medical expenses and damages are covered.
  • Medical Documentation: Keep detailed records of all medical treatments and consultations related to the accident. This documentation is essential for supporting your claim and ensuring that you receive proper compensation.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Dealing with an accident while pregnant requires both legal and medical expertise. At Fielding Law, we understand the unique challenges you face and are committed to providing empathetic and capable legal assistance. We fight with integrity and tenacity to ensure that you and your baby receive the support and compensation you deserve.

Ensuring Safety and Support After a Car Accident While Pregnant

If you are injured in a car accident while pregnant, your health and the well-being of your baby are of utmost importance. Follow these essential steps to ensure both medical care and legal support. If you need expert guidance and compassionate assistance, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK. We are here to help you navigate this challenging time with the care and expertise you need.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Waterslide at a waterpark

Tragic California Water Park Accidents: Legal Help

By Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury, Slip or Trip and Fall, Wrongful Death

Water parks are places of fun and excitement, but they can also be sites of serious accidents. When a day of joy turns into a tragedy, the impact on families can be devastating. Understanding your legal rights after a California water park accident is crucial.

Common Causes of California Water Park Accidents

Accidents at water parks can occur for various reasons, including:

  • Unsafe Conditions: Poorly maintained rides and attractions.
  • Lack of Supervision: Insufficient lifeguard presence or untrained staff.
  • Negligence: Inadequate safety measures or failure to follow protocols.

These factors can lead to severe injuries, such as head trauma, drowning, or broken bones. In the worst cases, they can result in fatalities.

Legal Rights and Responsibilities

If a loved one has been injured or killed at a California water park, you have legal options. Pursuing a claim can help cover medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Key steps include:

  1. Documenting the Incident: Gather witness statements, photographs, and medical records.
  2. Reporting the Accident: Notify park management and obtain official reports.
  3. Consulting an Attorney: Seek legal advice to understand your rights and build a strong case.

Common Causes of Water Park Injuries

Common causes of water park injuries and deaths at California water parks can stem from various factors despite rigorous inspections and safety measures. Here are the primary reasons accidents occur:

  • Water Slide Accidents: Problems such as overcrowding, ride control errors, or obstacles within the slide.
  • Ride Failures and Malfunctions: When safety systems and mechanisms fail unexpectedly.
  • Slips-and-Falls: Due to slippery surfaces or inadequate safety measures.
  • Drowning: In pools, wave pools, or water attractions.
  • Bacterial infections: From contaminated water or facilities.
  • Food Poisoning: Resulting from unsafe food handling practices.
  • Vehicle Collisions: Both in parking areas and on park-operated transport.
  • Death Due to Negligence: Resulting from various forms of park-related negligence.

Common Injuries

  • Severe bruising
  • Broken bones
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Internal organ damage
  • Head trauma
  • Back and neck pain
  • Paralysis
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Amputation
  • Disfigurement

Liability in Water Park Accidents

If you or a loved one is injured in a California water park accident, you have the right to pursue legal action. Establishing liability in these cases involves proving negligence under California’s premises liability law, which holds park owners accountable for maintaining safe conditions. Liability can extend to:

  • Manufacturers or sellers for ride design defects.
  • Technicians or engineers for inadequate maintenance.
  • Operators or attendants for negligence in ride operation.
  • Drivers of park vehicles involved in collisions.
  • Other visitors whose actions contribute to accidents.

Common Errors in Water Park Safety

  • Inadequate facility inspections.
  • Poor roller coaster, water slide, or ride maintenance.
  • Improper operation of dangerous attractions.
  • Insufficient staff training.
  • Outdated safety systems.
  • Non-compliance with California safety regulations.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Navigating the legal aftermath of a water park accident can be overwhelming. Fielding Law offers compassionate and expert legal assistance. Our team is dedicated to helping you secure the compensation you deserve. With our extensive experience, we handle the legal complexities so you can focus on healing. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation today.

Fielding Law provides comprehensive support, including:

  • Case Evaluation: Assessing the details of your case to determine the best course of action.
  • Investigation: Gathering evidence and working with experts to build a strong claim.
  • Negotiation: Communicating with insurance companies and responsible parties to seek fair compensation.
  • Representation: Advocating for your rights in court if necessary.

Our goal is to ease your burden and help you navigate this challenging time with confidence.

Seeking Justice and Compensation

The aftermath of a California water park accident is challenging, but seeking justice is essential. Compensation can cover various losses, including:

  • Medical Bills: Immediate and ongoing treatment costs.
  • Lost Income: Wages lost due to the injury or death of a loved one.
  • Pain and Suffering: Emotional and physical distress caused by the incident.

Moving Forward

Dealing with a tragedy at a water park is never easy. However, understanding your rights and taking legal action can provide some relief. Fielding Law is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Call 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation to discuss your options

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

woman looking at an x-ray

What to Do After a Spinal Cord Injury

By Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury

Immediate Steps to Take

A spinal cord injury can be life-altering. If you suffer one after an accident, immediate action is crucial. Here is what you should do:

1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Call 911 or have someone else do it. Do not try to move, as any movement can worsen the injury.

2. Get a Thorough Medical Examination

Even if you feel fine, some injuries are not immediately apparent. A complete medical check-up can identify hidden damage.

3. Follow Medical Advice

Adhere to all medical advice and treatment plans. This can include surgery, medication, physical therapy, and other interventions.

4. Document Everything

Keep detailed records of your medical treatments, symptoms, and any changes in your health. Take photographs of visible injuries and write down your experiences.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Navigating the aftermath of a spinal cord injury can be overwhelming. At Fielding Law, we understand your challenges and are here to help. Our experienced attorneys can:

Investigate Your Accident
We thoroughly investigate to identify all liable parties and gather evidence.

Handle Insurance Claims
We manage all communications and negotiations with insurance companies.

Maximize Your Compensation
We fight to ensure you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation. Let us take on the legal burden so you can focus on your recovery.

Understanding Your Legal Rights

After ensuring your immediate health needs are addressed, understanding your legal rights is essential. Here is why:

Liability Determination
Determining who is at fault in the accident is crucial. This can involve the other driver, vehicle manufacturers, or even road maintenance entities.

Filing a Claim
A personal injury claim can cover medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost income, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Statute of Limitations
Be aware of the statute of limitations for filing a claim. Missing this deadline can forfeit your right to compensation.

How Fielding Law Can Help

Fielding Law has extensive experience handling spinal cord injury cases. Our dedicated team will:

Provide Personalized Attention
We understand every case is unique and provide tailored legal strategies.

Advocate Aggressively
We are committed to fighting for your rights and achieving the best possible outcome.

Offer Compassionate Support
We offer empathetic, caring support throughout the legal process.

Call 833.88.SHARK to speak with our skilled attorneys today. Your recovery and well-being are our top priorities.

Advocates for Your Rights

A spinal cord injury from an accident can be devastating, but you do not have to face it alone. Taking immediate steps to protect your health and understanding your legal rights are crucial. Fielding Law is here to provide the expert legal support you need.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Summer Camp Injuries

Navigating Summer Camp Injuries

By Boating Accident, Brain Injury (TBI), Catastrophic Injury, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Premises Liability, Public Entity, Slip or Trip and Fall, Wrongful Death

Summer camp is a time for children to enjoy fun activities and create lasting memories. However, when an injury occurs, it can raise questions about legal rights and potential legal action. Here is what you need to know about summer camp injuries and your legal options.

Understanding Summer Camp Injuries

  1. Types of Injuries: Summer camp injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe incidents such as fractures, sprains, or head injuries. It is essential to assess the severity and impact of the injury on your child’s health and well-being.
  2. Common Causes: Injuries at summer camps can occur due to various factors, including sports activities, outdoor adventures, playground accidents, swimming or water-related incidents, and falls.
  3. Camp Liability: Camps have a duty to provide a safe environment and adequate supervision for campers. If negligence or inadequate safety measures contributed to your child’s injury, you may have grounds for legal action.

Do You Have a Case?

Determining if you have a legal case after a summer camp injury involves several factors:

  • Type and Severity of Injury: Evaluate the type and severity of the injury and how it has affected your child’s health and daily activities.
  • Negligence: Consider if the injury resulted from negligence on the part of the camp staff or management, such as failure to maintain safe facilities, inadequate supervision, or lack of proper training.
  • Liability Agreements: Review any liability agreements you signed during camp enrollment. While these agreements may limit liability, they do not necessarily prevent you from pursuing damages in cases of negligence or misconduct.

Liability Agreements and Legal Options

If you signed a liability agreement, it is crucial to understand its implications:

  • Scope of Liability: Determine if the agreement addresses the specific circumstances of your child’s injury and the camp’s responsibilities.
  • Enforceability: Consult with legal experts, such as Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK, to assess the enforceability of the liability agreement. Some agreements may be deemed unenforceable if they violate state laws or public policy.
  • Negligence vs. Intentional Harm: Differentiate between negligence and intentional harm. Liability agreements typically do not protect camps from liability for acts of gross negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Here is why consulting with Fielding Law can make a difference:

Legal Expertise: Our experienced attorneys specialize in personal injury cases, including summer camp injuries. We can assess the details of your case, determine liability, and pursue fair compensation on your behalf.

Compassionate Support: We understand the emotional toll of a child’s injury. Our team provides compassionate support, guidance, and personalized attention throughout the legal process.

Negotiation and Advocacy: We will negotiate with insurance companies and advocate for your rights to ensure you receive the best possible outcome, including compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and long-term effects of the injury.

If your child was injured at summer camp and you are unsure about your legal options, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a confidential consultation. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of summer camp injury cases and seek justice for your child.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

4th of July Safety

Stay Safe this 4th of July: Essential Tips

By Boating Accident, Burn Injury, Car Accident, Catastrophic Injury, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Premises Liability, Wrongful Death

With Independence Day approaching, it is crucial to prioritize safety during the festivities. Fielding Law understands the importance of a safe celebration, which is why we have compiled essential tips for 4th of July Safety to ensure your holiday remains joyful and accident-free.

Prioritizing 4th of July Safety

Firework Safety: Leave fireworks to professionals and attend public displays. Follow safety guidelines and keep a water bucket nearby.

Grill Safety: Keep grills 10 feet away from structures and never leave unattended. Use long-handled tools and proper ventilation.

Alcohol Awareness: Consume alcohol responsibly and have a sober driver. Avoid driving under the influence.

Water Safety: Supervise children near water and ensure everyone wears flotation devices. Follow boating rules and never swim alone.

Food Handling: Cook meats thoroughly and store them properly to avoid food poisoning.

Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen, wear hats, and seek shade during peak sun hours to prevent sunburn.

Pet Safety: Keep pets indoors during fireworks to prevent stress. Provide water and a comfortable environment.

Key Steps to Ensure 4th of July Safety

If you are injured due to negligence, taking certain steps can help protect your rights and strengthen your potential legal claim. Here is what you should do:

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health and safety come first. Get medical help immediately, even if your injuries seem minor. This creates a record of your injuries and ensures you get the necessary treatment.
  2. Document the Scene: If possible, gather evidence at the scene. Take photos of the accident site, your injuries, and any property damage. Obtain contact information from witnesses.
  3. Report the Incident: Report the incident to the appropriate authorities or property owner, such as the police, landlord, or manager. Request a copy of any incident reports.
  4. Keep Records: Keep all medical records, bills, receipts for expenses related to the injury, and any correspondence with insurance companies or other parties involved.
  5. Do Not Admit Fault: Avoid discussing fault or making statements that could be interpreted as accepting blame. Stick to the facts when recounting the incident.
  6. Consult an Attorney: Consider consulting a personal injury attorney like Fielding Law who can evaluate your case, advise you on your legal options, and help you navigate the legal process.
  7. Know Your Rights: Educate yourself about your rights and the laws relevant to your case. Understanding what you are entitled to can empower you in seeking fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

Remember, each case is unique, so it is essential to seek personalized legal advice to protect your rights and receive the compensation you deserve.

Compassionate Legal Support

Prioritizing safety ensures a memorable and accident-free celebration. Fielding Law supports you with compassionate legal assistance for personal injury cases. Trust us to safeguard your rights and secure deserved compensation. If injured in an accident give us a call to discuss your options 833.88.SHARK. Have a safe and Happy 4th of July!

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Firework safety

Firework Safety: Essential Tips for a Blast-Free Holiday

By Burn Injury, Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death

The 4th of July is a time for celebration, but it is crucial to remember the importance of firework safety to ensure a memorable and injury-free holiday. Here are some essential tips and guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Handle with Care: Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for lighting and using fireworks. Choose a clear, open area away from buildings, trees, and dry grass.
  2. Keep Water Handy: Have a bucket of water, a fire extinguisher, or a garden hose nearby to quickly extinguish fireworks or in case of emergencies.
  3. Wear Safety Gear: Protect yourself by wearing safety goggles to shield your eyes and gloves to safeguard your hands when handling fireworks.
  4. Adult Supervision: Fireworks are not toys and should only be handled by responsible adults. Children should never handle fireworks, and adults should supervise all firework activities.
  5. What to Do If Injured: In the unfortunate event of a firework-related injury, seek immediate medical attention. Contact emergency services, and follow medical advice to ensure proper treatment and care.
  6. Prevention Strategies: Avoid accidents by refraining from mixing alcohol with fireworks, never attempting to make or use homemade explosives, and never relighting a “dud” firework.
  7. Why Hire Fielding Law: At Fielding Law, we understand the serious consequences of firework accidents. Our experienced team is here to help if you or a loved one has been injured due to negligence or unsafe practices. We provide compassionate yet assertive legal representation, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.

Stay Safe this Fireworks Season

Remember, safety should always come first when handling fireworks. By following these tips and guidelines, you can enjoy a memorable holiday while minimizing the risk of firework-related accidents.

If you have been injured in a firework accident, contact Fielding Law today for expert legal assistance. Do not delay, your rights matter! Call Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation 24/7.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.