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Tina Westveer

Tips for a Safe RV Trip  

By RV Accident

With warmer weather just around the corner, it is almost time to prepare your RV for your next getaway. At Fielding Law, we understand the excitement of hitting the open road, but we also recognize the potential risks that come with it, including the fact that in the United States alone, there are approximately 70,000 to 80,000 recreational vehicle collisions yearly. Despite RVs only accounting for 1% of all vehicles on the road, they contribute to 2.6% of accidents, highlighting the importance of taking extra precautions when navigating a larger vehicle (CCIS). That is why we prepared the best tips for a safe RV trip.  

Know Before You Go

RVs can be a fun and conventional way to travel, but they can also be more dangerous than your personal vehicle.  

Be Aware of ‘No Zones’

Recreational vehicles have blind spots, including front, rear, and sides, that you may not be accustomed to. Before entering a lane, it is important to be extra attentive to smaller vehicles on the road. 

Check Your Insurance

Before you set off on your road trip, make sure your insurance plan covers your RV and that it is up to date. Do not hit the road unless you have insurance coverage for your vehicle.   

Vehicle Check

Ensure proper inflation of your tires, your windshield wipers are in good shape, and that all loose items are stored properly before hitting the road.

Buckle Up

According to California law, a seatbelt or lap belt must be worn if one is available in the vehicle. For safety during travel, rear passengers are advised to remain seated with seatbelts fastened while the vehicle is in motion. 

Evenly Distribute Weight

This will help maintain balance when using roads like highways that require higher speeds and prevent a tire blowout on the road. In the case of a blowout, be prepared with spare tires or a roadside assistance plan.  

Watch Your Speed

RVs are larger vehicles, so they may take longer to stop. Ensure enough space between you and other drivers to avoid an accident. Remember that RVs have different rules on the road. In California, the max speed limit is 55 MPH, while in Arizona, the max speed limit for an RV is between 65 – 75 MPH. Going too fast can put you at risk of a rollover.  

 Steps After an RV Accident

In the unfortunate event of a recreational vehicle accident, you should follow these steps to ensure the recovery and justice you deserve.

  1. Pull Over: Get off the road as soon as it is safe to avoid being an obstacle for other drivers.  
  2. Seek Medical Attention: Not all injuries will be apparent immediately after the accident. It is important to see a medical professional for any hidden wounds. 
  3. Call 911: Even if the accident is minor, it is important to call law enforcement to the scene. They can create a police report that will help strengthen your case.   
  4. Document Everything: Take pictures and footage of the accident and all the vehicles involved. Exchange information with all involved parties.  
  5. Call Fielding Law: With our expertise, we can guide you on the path to recovery and compensation.  

Fielding Law is Here for You

Use our tips for a safe RV trip next time you hit the road. Should an accident occur along the way, Fielding Law is ready to always provide expert legal support and guidance. Reach out to our trusted team at 833.88.SHARK to ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities, both on and off the road. 

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Gig Apps Insurance

Driving for Gig Apps? Don’t Forget to Update Your Insurance

By Car Accident, Personal Injury

In the era of gig economy giants like Uber, Uber Eats, DoorDash, Instacart, and others, many individuals have embraced the flexibility and earning potential of part-time driving. Whether you are ferrying passengers, delivering meals, or running errands, it is crucial to recognize the insurance implications that come with these gigs.

Understanding the Insurance Obligations

One of the most critical aspects that drivers for these platforms must understand is the need to inform their insurance providers and make necessary changes to their policies. Failure to do so can lead to significant complications in the event of an accident or incident on the road.

Why Notification is Essential

Simply having auto insurance may not be sufficient when you are using your vehicle for commercial purposes. Insurance companies distinguish between personal and commercial use, and failure to disclose your gig driving activities could result in your policy being voided when you need it the most.

California’s Proposition 213: Implications for Gig Workers

If gig workers fail to notify their insurance company and make the necessary changes to their policy when driving for gig apps, they may find themselves in a precarious situation in the event of an incident. Despite having auto insurance, their coverage may not apply if they have not disclosed their gig driving activities. This oversight can make them subject to Proposition 213 in California, which limits recovery for uninsured drivers involved in accidents, even if they are not at fault.

Gig Apps Insurance Coverage Gaps and Risks

Without the appropriate insurance coverage, drivers may find themselves facing substantial financial liabilities in case of accidents. Personal auto insurance policies typically exclude coverage for commercial activities, leaving drivers exposed to significant risks.

Steps to Take Prior to an Accident

To ensure you have gig apps insurance coverage:

  1. Notify Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurer about your gig driving activities. They can guide you on the necessary changes to your policy.
  2. Update Your Policy: Work with your insurer to update your policy to reflect your commercial driving activities. This may involve adjustments to coverage levels and premiums.
  3. Explore Commercial Insurance: Depending on your gig work frequency and the platform’s requirements, consider purchasing commercial auto insurance for comprehensive coverage.

Driving for gig economy platforms can be rewarding, but it also comes with unique insurance considerations. Make sure you are on the right side of coverage by updating your insurance policy to reflect your gig driving activities. With proper insurance in place, you can drive with confidence and peace of mind, knowing you are protected in case of unforeseen events on the road.

Why Fielding Law Can Help

If you have been in an accident while driving for a gig company, Fielding Law is here to assist you. We specialize in navigating the complexities of insurance matters associated with gig driving, offering expert guidance on insurance requirements, coverage options, and legal implications. Do not take the risk of being underinsured—reach out to Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK today to ensure you have the protection you need while driving for gig apps.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Prop 213

Decoding Prop 213: Your Injury Claim Guide

By Car Accident, Personal Injury

Understanding Prop 213

Proposition 213, also known as the “Personal Responsibility Act,” is a California law that affects individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents, particularly those without insurance or driving under the influence. It limits the recovery of damages for uninsured drivers, impacting their ability to seek full compensation for injuries.

How Prop 213 Can Affect Your Claim:

  1. Insurance Status Matters: If you are an uninsured driver or driving under the influence, Prop 213 restricts your ability to recover non-economic damages like pain and suffering.
  2. Exceptions and Exemptions: Certain situations, such as accidents caused by someone else’s DUI or if you were driving a vehicle not owned by you, may exempt you from Prop 213 restrictions.
  3. Navigating Legal Challenges: Dealing with Prop 213 complexities requires legal expertise to ensure your rights are protected and you receive fair compensation.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

Fielding Law specializes in personal injury cases, including those affected by Prop 213. Our caring and capable team understands the nuances of California laws, offering empathetic support and strategic legal representation. We prioritize your best interests, guiding you through the legal process and fighting for the compensation you deserve.

Expert Guidance for Your Claim

Navigating the legal landscape of Prop 213 can be daunting, but with Fielding Law by your side, you can rest assured that your case is in capable hands. Contact us today at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and let us help you understand your rights and options under Prop 213.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

FAQs About Prop 213 Accidents

What types of accidents does Proposition 213 apply to?
Proposition 213 primarily applies to motor vehicle accidents, including car, truck, motorcycle, and pedestrian accidents.
Are there any exceptions to Proposition 213?
Yes, there are exceptions to Proposition 213, such as cases involving accidents caused by a drunk driver or situations where the uninsured motorist is not at fault for the accident.
Does Proposition 213 apply if I am partially at fault for the accident?
Yes, even if you are partially at fault for the accident, Proposition 213 may still limit your ability to recover non-economic damages like pain and suffering if you were driving without insurance.
How does Proposition 213 impact uninsured drivers?
Proposition 213 impacts uninsured drivers by limiting their recovery of non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, even if they were not at fault for the accident.
Why should I hire a personal injury attorney for Proposition 213 cases?
Hiring a personal injury attorney is crucial for Proposition 213 cases as they can help you understand your rights under the law, gather evidence to support your claim, and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf.
OCTLA's The Gavel Article

Ethical AI Integration: Insights from Ryan Cooper’s OCTLA’s The Gavel Article

By Personal Injury

Ryan Cooper, Senior Attorney at Fielding Law, delves into the ethical dimensions of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into legal practice in his thought-provoking published article in OCTLA’s The Gavel Magazine Spring edition 2024. Cooper’s insights highlight the transformative potential of AI while emphasizing the crucial need for responsible and ethical utilization within the legal profession.

OCTLA The Gavel Spring 2024The Promise of AI in Legal Practice

Cooper begins by highlighting the promising aspects of AI in legal practice. AI technologies offer unparalleled opportunities to streamline workflows, enhance efficiency, and deliver more precise legal services. From automating routine tasks to conducting in-depth legal research and analysis, AI has the capacity to revolutionize how legal professionals operate, ultimately benefiting clients through improved outcomes and cost-effectiveness.

Ethical Considerations in AI Integration

However, Cooper does not shy away from addressing the ethical considerations inherent in AI integration. He underscores the importance of transparency, accountability, and data privacy safeguards in the deployment of AI tools. Legal practitioners must grapple with issues such as algorithmic bias, data security, and the responsible use of AI-generated insights to ensure fair and just outcomes for clients.

Strategic Use of AI at Fielding Law

At Fielding Law, we are strategic and deliberate in our approach to AI integration. Our commitment to ethical AI practices is grounded in a deep understanding of privacy laws, client rights, and the imperative to protect sensitive information. By harnessing AI responsibly, we aim to enhance our legal services while upholding the highest ethical standards and maintaining client trust and confidence.

Empowering Legal Professionals

Cooper’s article serves as a roadmap for legal professionals navigating the complexities of AI integration. It empowers practitioners to leverage AI’s transformative capabilities while navigating the ethical challenges and considerations that accompany technological advancements. Through informed decision-making and adherence to ethical guidelines, legal professionals can harness the full potential of AI to benefit clients and advance justice.

Ethical AI for a Brighter Legal Future

Ryan Cooper’s article in OCTLA The Gavel Spring 2024 gives insights in the importance of ethical AI integration in shaping a brighter future for the legal profession. By embracing responsible AI practices, legal professionals can unlock new possibilities, drive innovation, and uphold the ethical principles that define our profession. At Fielding Law, we are committed to leveraging AI ethically and responsibly to deliver exceptional legal services and advocate for our clients’ best interests.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Mold Exposure

Mold Exposure: A Health Hazard That Demands Legal Action

By Personal Injury

Mold exposure is a silent threat that can have serious health consequences. From respiratory issues to skin irritations and allergic reactions, the impact of mold on our well-being can be significant. As a law firm dedicated to helping individuals navigate personal injury cases, Fielding Law understands the complexities of mold exposure illnesses and the legal steps needed to seek justice. When it comes to mold-related injuries, connecting victims with the right legal resources is crucial for ensuring their rights are protected and they receive the compensation they deserve.

Understanding Mold Exposure Illnesses

Mold exposure can lead to a range of health issues that can severely impact an individual’s well-being. Respiratory problems are among the most common ailments associated with mold exposure, with symptoms ranging from mild irritation to severe asthma attacks. Allergic reactions, including sneezing, watery eyes, and skin rashes, are also prevalent among those exposed to mold spores. Additionally, mold can cause skin irritation, leading to discomfort and persistent itching. These illnesses not only affect physical health but can also take a toll on mental and emotional well-being, disrupting daily activities and reducing the overall quality of life for those affected.

Recognizing the Signs

Recognizing the signs of mold exposure is crucial for maintaining a healthy living or working environment.

Musty or earthy odor: particularly in areas that are damp or poorly ventilated.

Visible mold growth: which can appear as dark spots or patches on walls, ceilings, or floors, is another clear sign of a mold problem.

Increase in allergy symptoms: such as sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, or nasal congestion, especially when spending time in areas where mold is present.

Being vigilant about these signs can help individuals take prompt action to address mold issues and protect their health.

Legal Implications

  • Property owners and landlords have a legal duty to maintain safe and habitable premises.
  • Negligence in addressing mold problems can lead to legal claims for damages.
  • Failure to repair leaks, inadequate ventilation, and ignoring complaints are common scenarios of negligence.
  • Understanding these legal implications is essential for holding responsible parties accountable.
  • Seeking compensation for medical expenses, property damage, lost income, and pain and suffering is possible through legal action.

Seeking Legal Assistance

If you suspect that you have suffered harm due to mold exposure, seeking legal assistance is crucial to protect your rights and pursue justice. A knowledgeable attorney specializing in mold exposure cases can assess your situation, gather evidence, and determine the best course of legal action. Legal remedies may include seeking compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Property damage
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering caused by mold-related illnesses

Consulting with an attorney early on can help you understand your legal options and navigate the complexities of mold exposure claims effectively.

How We Connect You

Fielding Law’s approach to connecting mold exposure victims with experienced attorneys is streamlined and effective. After reaching out to us for a consultation, clients can engage in a detailed discussion about their mold exposure case with a legal expert. We will then evaluate the case specifics and matches the client with a trusted attorney from our network who possesses the necessary expertise and resources to handle mold exposure claims efficiently. This seamless connection ensures that clients receive top-tier legal representation tailored to their individual circumstances.

Building Connections for a Healthier Tomorrow

Choosing Fielding Law as your legal ally means more than just obtaining representation; it means gaining a team committed to your well-being and future. Don’t let mold exposure illnesses go unaddressed or untreated. Contact us now at 833.88.SHARK for a complimentary consultation and take the initial step toward reclaiming your health and asserting your rights.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

IVF Legal Challenges

Navigating IVF Legal Challenges

By Personal Injury

Embarking on the journey of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is often a beacon of hope for individuals and couples seeking to start or expand their families. However, amidst the anticipation and optimism, there lies a complex legal landscape that injury lawyers delve into. Our focus is on shedding light on the intricate challenges surrounding IVF, particularly concerning sperm mix-ups and lost embryos, which can have profound emotional and legal ramifications for those involved.

Exploring IVF Challenges

In the realm of fertility law, few areas are as emotionally charged and legally intricate as the issues arising from IVF procedures. We dive deep into two primary challenges faced by individuals and couples undergoing IVF:

Sperm Mix-Ups:

Sperm mix-ups during IVF procedures can lead to unexpected biological paternity, causing emotional distress and complex legal disputes. If affected by sperm mix-ups you may face issues such as determining parental rights, establishing legal paternity, and seeking compensation for emotional distress and damages.

Lost Embryos:

The loss or misplacement of embryos during IVF treatments can result in significant emotional trauma, as well as questions regarding liability and negligence. If you are dealing with lost embryos you may seek legal recourse to hold responsible parties accountable, address emotional distress, and seek compensation for damages.

Medical Malpractice:

If the sperm mix-up or lost embryo resulted from medical negligence or errors during the IVF process, individuals may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim against the healthcare providers or fertility clinic involved.

Breach of Contract:

Patients undergoing IVF treatments typically enter into contracts with fertility clinics outlining the terms and conditions of the procedures. If the clinic breaches the contract, such as failing to follow specified protocols or mishandling genetic material, individuals may pursue legal action for breach of contract.

Emotional Distress:

The emotional distress caused by sperm mix-ups or lost embryos can be significant. Individuals may seek compensation for emotional suffering, mental anguish, and psychological trauma resulting from these distressing experiences.

Negligence and Personal Injury:

If the actions or inactions of fertility clinic staff or healthcare providers contributed to the sperm mix-up or lost embryo, individuals may pursue negligence claims. This can include failures in proper labeling, storage, or handling of genetic material.

Privacy Violations:

In cases where sperm mix-ups or lost embryos lead to breaches of privacy or confidentiality, individuals may explore legal avenues related to privacy violations and seek damages for the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information.

Wrongful Birth or Wrongful Life:

In certain circumstances, parents may pursue wrongful birth or wrongful life claims if the IVF-related errors result in the birth of a child with genetic defects or other significant challenges that could have been prevented.

Consumer Protection Laws:

Depending on the jurisdiction and specific circumstances, consumer protection laws may come into play if fertility clinics engage in deceptive practices, false advertising, or other unethical behavior related to IVF procedures.

It is important for individuals affected by IVF challenges to consult with experienced fertility law attorneys who can assess their unique situation, identify potential legal claims, and guide them through the legal process to seek appropriate remedies and justice.

The Right Connections

At Fielding Law, we recognize that IVF legal challenges require a comprehensive and collaborative approach. We work closely with our esteemed colleagues in fertility law to connect individuals and couples affected by IVF complications. Our network of experienced attorneys ensures that each client receives tailored legal solutions and empathetic support throughout their IVF legal journey. If you are facing IVF legal challenges, do not hesitate to reach out to Fielding Law or 833.88.SHARK for a consultation.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.


Why Does Yielding Matter in Personal Injury Claims?

By Car Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Pedestrian Accident, Truck Accident

At Fielding Law, we’ve handled numerous personal injury cases stemming from accidents caused by improper yielding on the road. These incidents often blur the lines of liability, highlighting the critical need for drivers to be mindful of yielding rules. We will delve into why yielding is paramount, its impact on personal injury cases, and how our firm can assist if you are involved in such an accident.

Understanding Yielding

Yielding is not just a traffic courtesy; it is a legal obligation designed to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow. Whether it is yielding at intersections, while making turns, or merging lanes, drivers must adhere to yielding rules dictated by traffic laws. Neglecting this responsibility can lead to accidents with severe consequences, including injuries and property damage.

Navigating Grey Areas of Liability

Accidents arising from improper yielding often result in grey areas of liability. Determining fault in these cases requires a meticulous investigation into the circumstances surrounding the accident. Factors such as driver negligence, lack of awareness regarding right-of-way rules, and unclear road signage can contribute to the complexity of these situations.

Seeking Legal Assistance

If you have been injured in an accident where yielding played a role, seeking legal assistance is crucial. Fielding Law’s experienced personal injury attorneys can navigate the complexities of adverse liability situations. We will assess the evidence, gather witness statements, and construct a robust case to protect your rights and pursue fair compensation on your behalf.

Educating Drivers

Promoting awareness about yielding rules is key to preventing accidents and reducing grey areas of liability. As a responsible driver, it is imperative to stay updated on traffic laws and practice safe driving habits. By doing so, you not only safeguard yourself but also contribute to a safer road environment for everyone.

Prioritize Safety and Legal Support

Yielding may seem like a minor aspect of driving, but its impact on personal injury cases is significant. Whether you are a driver or a pedestrian, understanding yielding rules and practicing safe driving habits is paramount. If you have been injured in an accident, Fielding Law is here to help. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK today for expert legal guidance, and let us fight for your rights and the compensation you deserve.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

distracted driving awareness

Distracted Driving Awareness: Navigating the Roads Safely

By Car Accident

As we delve into Distracted Driving Awareness Month, the alarming statistics surrounding distracted driving take center stage, underscoring the critical need for heightened awareness and safe driving practices. The figures, sourced from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), paint a stark picture of the impact of distracted driving on road safety. Fielding Law, with our unwavering commitment to advocating for accident victims, recognizes the urgency of addressing this issue. Our dedicated team stands ready to assist those affected by distracted driving accidents, providing compassionate support and expert legal guidance. At Fielding Law, safety is paramount, and we believe in holding accountable those responsible for causing harm due to distracted driving. Reach out to us at 833.88.SHARK for a steadfast ally in navigating the aftermath of a distracted driving incident. Your safety matters, and so does your right to seek justice.

National Distracted Driving Statistics

  • According to NHTSA, 32,657 people died in distraction-affected crashes from 2012 to 2021.
  • In 2021, 3,522 people were killed and an estimated 362,415 injured in crashes involving distracted drivers, marking a concerning increase compared to 2020.
  • Distracted-driving crashes accounted for 8% of all fatal crashes, 14% of injury crashes, and 13% of all police-reported motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2021.
  • Five percent of all drivers in fatal crashes in 2021 were reported as distracted, with higher percentages in specific age groups.
  • Drivers aged 15-20, 21-24, and 25-34 had notable proportions of distracted driving incidents, highlighting the urgency to address this issue across all age groups.
  • During a typical daylight moment in 2021, an estimated 373,066 drivers were holding cell phones while driving.
  • Tragically, 644 nonoccupants (pedestrians, pedalcyclists, and others) lost their lives in distraction-affected traffic crashes in 2021.

California Laws on Distracted Driving

  1. Handheld Devices: Using handheld electronic devices while driving is strictly prohibited.
  2. Texting and Driving: California law prohibits texting, emailing, or using apps on your phone while driving.
  3. Novice Drivers: Drivers under 18 are prohibited from all cellphone use, even hands-free.

Arizona Laws on Distracted Driving

  1. Texting Ban: Arizona prohibits texting while driving for all drivers.
  2. School Zones: Cellphone use is banned for bus drivers in school zones.
  3. School Bus Drivers: All cellphone use is prohibited for school bus drivers when minors are present.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

In the vast expanse of California and Arizona roads, where diverse communities share the journey, the onus is on each driver to contribute to a safer environment. Fielding Law stands as a beacon, offering not just legal expertise but a genuine commitment to the well-being of individuals affected by distracted driving accidents.

The team at Fielding Law understands the profound impact these incidents can have on lives and is here to guide you through the legal complexities with empathy and competence. Remember, it is not just a legal case; it is a pursuit of justice and accountability.

For those who have experienced the aftermath of a distracted driving accident, our helpline 833.88.SHARK is more than just a number; it is a lifeline to dedicated support. As we step into the future, let us foster a culture of responsible and attentive driving, ensuring that every journey is marked by safety and consideration. Fielding Law remains steadfast in its commitment to making this vision a reality. Stay aware, stay safe, and let us build a road culture where every life matters.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Car color crash risk

Ranking the Most Dangerous Car Colors on the Road

By Car Accident

After reviewing hundreds of thousands of crashes over more than two decades, researchers have determined that a car’s color might influence the likelihood of getting into a car accident. Here is a ranking of car colors based on their crash risk, starting with the color considered to be the most dangerous.

Black Cars: The Riskiest Choice

Of all the colors, black is considered the riskiest choice. Research suggests that black vehicles are involved in accidents much more frequently than other colors. During the day, black vehicles are associated with about a 12 percent increase in crash risk. At night, this risk spikes to about 47 percent.

Why are black cars more dangerous? They can be difficult to see, particularly at night, blending in easily with the surroundings.

Grey Cars: A Popular but Riskier Option

Grey cars, while popular, pose a higher risk of accidents. Research shows that the risk of an accident increases by about 11 percent when driving a grey car. Their monochrome appearance can make them tough to spot, especially in adverse weather conditions.

Silver Cars: The Divided Risk

Studies on silver cars yield mixed results. Some researchers suggest a 10 percent increase in crash risk, while others indicate they might be one of the safer choices. Factors like shade, driving environment, and weather conditions can influence these findings.

Blue Cars: Middle-of-the-Pack Risk

Blue cars fall in the middle in terms of crash risk, with a 7 percent increase compared to the safest colors. The shade of blue can play a role, with lighter shades being more visible than darker ones.

Red Cars: Debunking the Myth

Contrary to popular belief, red cars are not significantly riskier. They have a 7 percent increase in crash risk, similar to blue cars. Choosing red over darker colors may not impact safety significantly.

Green, Gold, Orange, White, and Yellow Cars: Safer Choices

Colors like green, gold, orange, white, and yellow are generally safer choices, with lower crash risk percentages compared to high-risk colors like black and grey. These colors are more visible and stand out on the road, reducing the chances of accidents.

Choose Wisely, Drive Safely

Your car’s color can indeed influence your crash risk. While some colors like black and grey pose higher risks, others like yellow and white are associated with lower crash probabilities. Ultimately, choosing a highly visible color can enhance safety on the road.

If you have been involved in an accident and need legal guidance, Fielding Law is here to help. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and let our experienced attorneys assist you in navigating the legal process. Stay safe and drive responsibly!

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

representación legal económica

¿Y si no Puedo Pagar un Abogado?

By Español, Personal Injury

Los accidentes pueden ocurrir inesperadamente, la posibilidad de enfrentar lesiones personales sin los fondos para pagar un abogado puede ser desalentador. Sin embargo, en Fielding Law, creemos que todos merecen una representación legal justa, accesible y económica durante los tiempos difíciles. Aquí hay un vistazo a cómo podemos ayudar, asegurando que las restricciones financieras no obstaculicen su camino hacia la justicia. 

¿Por qué elegir a Fielding Law?

En Fielding Law, entendemos la tensión financiera que a menudo acompaña a una lesión personal. Nuestro compromiso con el bienestar del cliente va más allá del ámbito legal; priorizamos hacer que la representación legal de calidad sea accesible para todos. Cuando usted nos elige, obtiene un socio compasivo dedicado a aliviar las cargas asociadas con las demandas por lesiones personales.  

Representación Legal Económica

La estructura de las tarifas de contingencia en Fielding Law sirve como un faro de esperanza para aquellos preocupados por los honorarios iniciales de abogados. Con este acuerdo, nuestras tarifas dependen del éxito de su caso. Si no aseguramos una compensación para usted, usted no paga. Este modelo le permite perseguir la justicia sin preocuparse por las cargas financieras inmediatas. 

Gastos potenciales más allá de las tarifas de abogados

  • Honorarios de presentación de la corte 
  • Envío y servicio de cargos de proceso 
  • Costos para la obtención de registros médicos 
  • Gastos para los testigos expertos 
  • Cargos misceláneos 

Al comprender las preocupaciones financieras asociadas con la presentación de un reclamo por lesiones personales, Fielding Law hace un esfuerzo adicional para aliviar la carga. Si bien los honorarios de los abogados dependen del resultado, hay gastos adicionales relacionados con el proceso de reclamos. Estos pueden incluir tarifas de presentación judicial, cargos de envío y servicio de proceso, costos para obtener registros médicos, gastos de testigos expertos y varios cargos misceláneos. 

Apoyándote en Cada Paso del Camino

En tiempos de incertidumbre, cuente con Fielding Law para ser su socio confiable, brindándole un apoyo inquebrantable y soluciones rentables. Su viaje hacia la justicia comienza con un simple paso – comuníquese con Fielding Law al 833.88.SHARK para una consulta gratuita. Permítanos navegar por las complejidades de su reclamo de lesiones personales, asegurándonos de que sus derechos estén salvaguardados y de que la compensación se gane legítimamente. 

Nota: La información proporcionada es para fines educativos y no constituye asesoramiento legal. Siempre consulte con un abogado calificado para inquietudes legales.