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Tina Westveer

E-bike Insurance in Arizona

E-Bike Insurance in Arizona: Understanding Premium Changes Post-Accident

By E-Bikes and E-Scooters

In the evolving landscape of electric bicycle (E-Bike) usage, riders must not only be acquainted with traffic regulations but also understand the implications for insurance coverage. Here is a closer look at how insurance premiums can be affected after an E-Bike accident, especially focusing on specific regulations in certain jurisdictions.

E-Bike Insurance in Arizona After an Accident

Premium Increase Limitations: In certain jurisdictions, regulations explicitly state that no insurer shall increase the motor vehicle insurance premium of an insured if the accident was not caused or significantly contributed to by the actions of the insured (Arizona Revised Statutes § 20-263). This protection aims to shield E-Bike riders from unjust premium hikes for accidents beyond their control.

Regulatory Oversight and Penalties: To enforce these regulations, a regulatory body or director oversees compliance. If an insurer violates the restriction on raising premiums for accidents not caused by the insured, the director has the authority to take corrective action. This may include ordering the insurer to refund the increased amount to the insured.

Additionally, a civil penalty, capped at a specified amount (e.g., three hundred dollars), may be imposed on the insurer. The regulatory director holds the power to conduct investigations into such violations, with the costs of the investigation borne by the insurer as part of the penalty.

Empowering the Consumer: These regulations empower E-Bike riders by providing a measure of protection against unjust premium increases after accidents. The notification requirement ensures transparency, obligating insurers to inform the insured of the reason for any premium hike linked to an accident.

Stay Informed, Stay Empowered: As a responsible E-Bike rider, staying informed about local insurance regulations and protections is key. This knowledge not only safeguards your rights but contributes to the ongoing dialogue around fair treatment and accountability in the realm of electric bicycle insurance. Ride safe!

Fielding Law Your E-Bike Accident Advocates

Navigating the intricacies of insurance regulations, especially concerning E-Bike accidents, demands a nuanced understanding of the legal landscape. Riders need to be aware of their rights and protections to ensure fair treatment from insurers. If you find yourself in need of expert legal guidance or have questions about insurance claims related to E-Bike incidents, do not hesitate to reach out to the experienced team at Fielding Law. Our dedicated attorneys are ready to provide the assistance and clarity you need to navigate insurance matters effectively. Call Fielding Law today for expert counsel tailored to your specific situation and ride with confidence knowing you have legal support at your side.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

lesiones personales

¿Qué es una Lesión Personal?

By Español

La vida es impredecible y, a veces, los eventos inesperados pueden provocar lesiones personales. Si se encuentra enfrentado las consecuencias de estas situaciones, la orientación de un abogado de lesiones personales que es compasivo y capaz es crucial. En Fielding Law, entendemos los desafíos que siguen a las lesiones personales y estamos listos para brindarle defensa compasiva y la experiencia legal que necesita.

Tipos de Lesiones Personales

Las lesiones personales se presentan en varias formas, cada una de las cuales presenta desafíos únicos. Desde accidentes automovilísticos y resbalones y caídas hasta mordeduras de perros y negligencia médica, el espectro es amplio. Independientemente del tipo, una lesión personal puede afectar la salud física, el bienestar emocional y la estabilidad financiera.

Que Hacer Despues de Una Lesion Personal

  1. Busque atención médica: Su salud es la máxima prioridad. Busque ayuda médica de inmediato.
  2. Documente la escena: Si es posible, reúna información, tome fotos y anote los detalles sobre el accidente.
  3. Intercambio de información: Obtenga los datos de contacto de las personas involucradas y de los testigos.
  4. Presentar una denuncia policial: En ciertas situaciones, es esencial denunciar el incidente a la policía.
  5. Conserve la evidencia: Mantenga registros de facturas médicas, presupuestos de reparación y cualquier documento relevante.
  6. Evite la comunicación: Absténgase de discutir el incidente con las compañías de seguros sin asesoría legal.

Por Que Deberia Contratar a Fielding Law

Cuando se trata de casos de lesiones personales, elegir la representación legal adecuada es crucial. Fielding Law sobresale por varias razones. Nuestro equipo aporta un enfoque compasivo a cada caso, entendiendo el costo emocional de las lesiones personales. Más allá de la empatía, ofrecemos conocimientos legales perfeccionados a través de una amplia experiencia en el manejo de diversos reclamos por lesiones personales.

Lo que nos separa de la competencia son nuestros resultados. Tenemos un historial comprobado de asegurar resultados favorables para nuestros clientes, y abordamos cada caso con dedicación y minuciosidad. En Fielding Law, usted no será un caso más; Recibirás atención personalizada para atender tus necesidades específicas.

En un momento en el que el apoyo es lo más importante, nuestro equipo es su aliado atento, ya que le brinda la dirección y la defensa necesaria para una resolución exitosa. Cuando contrata a Fielding Law, no solo obtiene profesionales legales; Está ganando defensores compasivos listos para navegar el camino hacia la recuperación y la justicia.

Una lesión personal puede ser una experiencia desalentadora, pero no tienes que enfrentarla sola. En Fielding Law, no somos solo profesionales legales; somos defensores atentos listos para guiarlo a través del camino hacia la recuperación. Llame a Fielding Law al 833.88.SHARK (833-887-4275) para una consulta gratuita y permítanos ser su aliado compasivo en la búsqueda de justicia.

Burn Injury Awareness

National Burn Injury Awareness Week

By Burn Injury

As we observe National Burn Injury Awareness Week, our thoughts and support extend to those who have endured the physical and emotional challenges of burn injuries. At Fielding Law (Call us at 833.88.SHARK), we seize this moment to not only raise awareness but also provide a compassionate guide, addressing pivotal questions individuals may have after experiencing a burn injury. This comprehensive exploration encompasses tips for post-burn care, insights into pursuing a personal injury claim, understanding liability, and navigating the complex landscape of dealing with insurance companies.

Understanding Burn Injuries

Beyond the evident scars, burn injuries encompass a spectrum of challenges that survivors face. National Burn Injury Awareness Week offers an opportunity to delve into the multifaceted nature of these injuries:

  1. Physical Toll: The journey to recovery often involves extensive medical treatments, surgeries, and ongoing rehabilitation.
  2. Emotional Impact: Burn survivors frequently grapple with the emotional aftermath, including trauma and psychological distress.
  3. Long-Term Consequences: Beyond immediate recovery, burns may result in lasting disabilities that impact daily life and employability.

Tips After a Burn Injury

Experiencing a burn injury is undeniably distressing, and understanding the appropriate measures to take afterward is of utmost importance. Here at Fielding Law, we offer comprehensive guidance on post-burn incident actions to safeguard both your well-being and legal rights.

  1. Prioritize Immediate Medical Attention: Seek prompt medical care for your burn injuries to prioritize your health. This not only ensures your well-being but also establishes a crucial medical record, a vital component for your case.
  2. Document the Accident Scene: If feasible, meticulously document the accident scene. Collect information from witnesses, capture photographs, and make detailed notes about the incident’s circumstances. This evidence becomes instrumental in establishing liability at a later stage.
  3. Preserve Key Evidence: Retain any items or materials associated with the incident, including defective products, damaged clothing, or other relevant objects. These items serve as crucial evidence when determining liability.
  4. Consult with Fielding Law – Your Legal Advocates: To protect your rights and explore legal options, it’s crucial to consult with a burn injury attorney. At Fielding Law, our dedicated team is prepared to assist you. Call 833.88.SHARK to schedule a consultation, where our experienced attorneys will provide personalized guidance, ensuring you understand the best course of action for seeking compensation and justice.

By adhering to these steps, you equip yourself with the necessary tools to navigate the aftermath of a burn injury. Fielding Law stands ready to support you every step of the way, offering expert legal counsel to guide you on the path to recovery.

Can You Pursue a Personal Injury Claim for a Burn?

Yes, you can pursue a personal injury claim if the burn resulted from someone else’s negligence. Seeking legal counsel is advisable to determine the viability of your case.

How Do I Prove Liability?

Proving liability is a crucial aspect of a personal injury claim. Key steps include:

  1. Gather Comprehensive Evidence: Document the scene, collect witness statements, and secure any relevant surveillance footage.
  2. Establish Negligence: Demonstrate that the responsible party breached a duty of care, directly leading to the burn injury.

Should I Speak to the Insurance Company?

Navigating discussions with insurance companies requires caution and informed decisions:

  1. Consult an Attorney: Seeking legal advice is crucial to protect your rights and ensure fair representation.
  2. Avoid Recorded Statements: Refrain from providing recorded statements without legal counsel to prevent potential pitfalls in the future.

Why Hire Fielding Law

In the intricate landscape of burn injury cases, having compassionate and capable legal representation is pivotal. At Fielding Law, we not only bring legal expertise to the table but also a compassionate approach rooted in understanding. We stand as advocates for burn survivors, offering not just legal support but a genuine partnership throughout the recovery and legal processes. Call Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK (833-887-4275) for a free consultation, and let us be your allies in healing and seeking justice.

National Burn Injury Awareness Week serves as a poignant reminder of the strength and resilience demonstrated by burn survivors. At Fielding Law, we stand alongside them, offering comprehensive support, actionable tips, and legal guidance. Call us to embark on your journey of healing and justice.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

UM and UIM Policies

UM and UIM Policies 101

By Car Accident

In the ever-changing landscape of road safety, being equipped with the right knowledge about Uninsured Motorist (UM) and Underinsured Motorist (UIM) policies is crucial. Fielding Law, as your trusted car accident attorneys, is here to guide you through the fundamentals of these policies, empowering you to make informed decisions that protect you in the aftermath of an accident.

Uninsured Motorist (UM) Coverage

  1. Protection Against Uninsured Drivers: UM coverage serves as a robust safety net when you encounter drivers without insurance. From minor collisions to severe accidents, UM steps in to help with medical expenses and damages, ensuring you are not left alone to bear the financial burden.
  2. Hit-and-Run Incidents: In the unfortunate event of a hit-and-run, where the at-fault driver flees the scene, UM coverage becomes invaluable. It provides coverage for your losses, offering financial assistance when the responsible driver remains unidentified.
  3. Extended Coverage for Vulnerable Road Users: UM policies often extend their protective reach to encompass vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. This broader coverage ensures comprehensive protection in various scenarios, reflecting our commitment to the well-being of all road users.

Underinsured Motorist (UIM) Coverage

  1. Supplementing Insufficient Coverage: UIM coverage acts as a crucial financial safety net when the at-fault driver’s insurance falls short. It bridges the financial gap, offering relief during challenging times.
  2. Comprehensive Medical Coverage: UIM coverage extends beyond bodily injury to property damage. Whether to your vehicle or other property, it provides financial assistance for restoration.
  3. Protection for Property Damage: UIM coverage includes protection for property damage from the accident, offering financial support for comprehensive coverage.

Why Choose Fielding Law: Your Partners in Car Accident Advocacy

At Fielding Law, our focus is on personal injury advocacy, and we are here to educate and empower you. By understanding the nuances of UM and UIM policies, you can take proactive steps to protect yourself on the road. Our legal team, committed to your well-being, is ready to provide expert insights and guidance during challenging times. When you choose Fielding Law, you are not just gaining personal injury attorneys; you are securing partners dedicated to your protection. Call 833.88.SHARK today for compassionate legal support and expert advice on navigating UM and UIM policies.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

E-bike Insurance in California

Decoding E-Bike Insurance in California: Your Comprehensive Guide

By E-Bikes and E-Scooters

Embarking on the open roads of California, whether on four wheels or the growing trend of E-Bikes, requires a keen understanding of insurance regulations. In the Golden State, where every sun-kissed stretch of highway tells a story, being well-versed in the legalities ensures a safe and secure journey. As you navigate the dynamic landscape of insurance considerations, Fielding Law stands as your trusted ally, providing expertise and support tailored to California’s unique regulations.

Key Factors in Determining Insurance Rates

California law, deeply rooted in fairness and transparency, dictates that insurance companies must focus on three primary factors when establishing rates and premiums. These factors act as the compass guiding insurers through the intricate terrain of risk assessment for each driver, whether on a traditional vehicle or an innovative E-Bike.

  1. Driving Safety Record: Your safety record takes center stage, encapsulating any incidents that might have left a mark on your driving history – accidents caused or speeding citations received.
  2. Annual Mileage: The number of miles you cover annually becomes a defining metric. Whether you are a frequent traveler or a weekend explorer, this factor gauges your exposure to road-related risks.
  3. Years of Driving Experience: The cumulative experience you bring to the driver’s seat directly influences insurance rates. Seasoned drivers enjoy the benefits of their years on the road reflected in favorable premiums.

Driving Record: The Crucial Element

Within the realm of the driving safety record, the spotlight falls on your actual driving record – a pivotal element consisting of moving traffic citations and accidents where you are deemed “principally at fault.”

  • Moving Traffic Citations: Any citations received within the past three years, ranging from speeding tickets to illegal U-turns, shape the narrative of your driving behavior.
  • Accidents “Principally at Fault”: Being deemed principally at fault in accidents within the past three years significantly impacts your insurance standing.

Understanding the Legal Framework

For an in-depth exploration of California’s insurance laws and regulations, including the factors outlined, refer to the official California Legislative Information website: California Insurance Code.

As you traverse the diverse landscapes of California, whether on a traditional vehicle or the increasingly popular E-Bike, Fielding Law remains your steadfast companion. Navigating the intricacies of insurance is made more manageable with the support of Fielding Law, ensuring that your journey is not only legally compliant but also secure and enjoyable. For any legal assistance, especially if you have been involved in an E-Bike accident, reach out to Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK. Your safety is our priority, and our expertise is your shield on California’s roads.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Commercial Truck Black Box

Commercial Truck Black Boxes – What You Need to Know

By Truck Accident

In the labyrinth of motor vehicle technologies, commercial truck black boxes add a layer of complexity. Understanding which vehicles possess these data recorders can be perplexing, given the absence of federal laws mandating their installation. In this comprehensive exploration, Fielding Law unravels the mysteries surrounding black boxes (event data recorders) in commercial trucks and their significance in crash investigations and injury claims.

Which Vehicles Have Black Boxes?

Knowing which motor vehicles have black boxes and which do not can be quite confusing. Unlike passenger cars, there are no federal laws requiring commercial trucks to have event data recorders (EDRs) inside them. However, the majority of commercial trucks, driven by the need for meticulous monitoring, do come equipped with these silent observers. On the other hand, not all passenger cars are equipped with black boxes.

Why Do Commercial Trucks Need Black Boxes?

Black boxes serve as advanced computerized systems, offering insights into driver safety, vehicle status, and crash data. While Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) share similarities with black boxes, the latter is crucial for trucking companies to monitor driver hours on the road. Although not federally mandated, every commercial truck is required to have an ELD.

How Black Boxes Aid in Crash Investigations

In the aftermath of a crash, black boxes emerge as invaluable resources, capturing vital information that can unravel the intricacies of the incident. From the speed of the truck to the airbag deployment, this data includes:

  • Speed of the truck
  • Seatbelt status of the truck driver
  • Cruise control status
  • Brake application
  • Wheel turning
  • The angle of the truck rolling over
  • Airbag deployment
  • Clutch application
  • Truck’s mechanical status
  • Precise coordinates of the accident

This trove of information becomes instrumental in determining the cause of the crash, assessing fault, and identifying any mechanical issues contributing to the accident.

Can Black Boxes Reduce the Number of Crashes?

While black boxes themselves do not prevent accidents, the insights derived from event data recorders pave the way for improved vehicle designs and enhanced safety measures. Additionally, the data can be utilized to shape policies within trucking companies, fostering better habits and safer driving practices among truck drivers.

Fast Recovery of Black Box Data: A Critical Timeline

The effectiveness of a black box lies in its data recovery speed. In optimal conditions, crucial information can be retrieved within 2 to 3 hours after a crash. However, if the device is damaged, the recovery process involves sending it to a specialized lab, where engineers meticulously analyze chipsets and printed circuit boards. Despite potential challenges, recovering data from a damaged or destroyed black box is not impossible, though it may take weeks or months.

Accessing Black Box Data: Insurance, Lawsuits, and Ownership Rights

Insurance companies, truck companies, and their carriers can access black box data. However, victims and their insurance carriers may need to file a lawsuit to gain access. Trucking companies may resist providing data, particularly if the truck driver is found at fault. In an injury claim, if successfully obtained, the black box data becomes a crucial tool for building evidence against the truck driver, potentially revealing speeding, reckless driving, or improper braking.

In the intricate landscape of commercial truck accidents, understanding the role of black boxes is pivotal. At Fielding Law, our commitment to unraveling complexities and providing compassionate legal support ensures that you have a trusted ally by your side. Call 833.88.SHARK to benefit from our expertise and compassionate support. Trust Fielding Law to be the advocate you need for a fair and just resolution.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Super Lawyer Clark H Fielding

Trusted Super Lawyer: Clark H. Fielding

By Personal Injury

In the dynamic landscape of legal professionals, Super Lawyer Clark H. Fielding has consistently shone bright, earning the coveted title of Super Lawyer® since 2022. With a robust presence in Irvine, California, and Tempe, Arizona, Clark is recognized for his exemplary legal representation, focusing on Personal Injury – General: Plaintiff issues.

Super Lawyers Selection Process

Super Lawyers 2024 awardClark’s recognition as a Super Lawyer stems from a rigorous evaluation process, considering 12 indicators that reflect peer recognition and professional achievement in legal practice. This accolade is a testament to Clark’s standing not only in Irvine and Tempe but also in the broader legal community.

Clark’s Dual-State Legal Presence

Clark Fielding’s legal footprint spans both California and Arizona, holding licenses in both states. This unique dual-state presence positions him as a valuable legal resource for clients in Irvine and Tempe, showcasing his versatility and commitment to serving diverse communities.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Choosing Fielding Law means aligning with a legal team led by a Super Lawyer with a dual-state presence. Clark Fielding and his team offer personalized attention and steadfast support to clients facing Personal Injury challenges in both California and Arizona.

Clark Fielding’s distinction as a Super Lawyer since 2022 is not just a personal achievement; it is a symbol of the high standards upheld by Fielding Law. With offices in Irvine, California, and Tempe, Arizona, Clark consistently delivers exceptional legal services, solidifying his commitment to the success of clients in diverse communities.

Super Lawyer Rising Star Ryan Cooper

Ryan Cooper: Super Lawyers Rising Star

By Personal Injury

Ryan W. Cooper, Senior Attorney at Fielding Law, has attained the prestigious title of Super Lawyers Rising Star. This highlights Ryan’s remarkable legal skills, dedication, and substantial contributions to Fielding Law‘s success.

Being a Rising Star demands more than legal prowess. The award shows commitment, a proven success record, and dedication to top-notch representation. Ryan’s achievement speaks to these qualities, reflecting Fielding Law‘s high standards in client service.

What does being a Super Lawyer Rising Star mean?

Earning the title of “Rising Star,” exemplified by Ryan Cooper, involves a rigorous selection process similar to Super Lawyers. Rising Stars are attorneys under 40 or with less than ten years of practice.

Only a limited 2.5% of lawyers secure a coveted spot on the Super Lawyers Rising Stars list annually in each state. Notably, a different 2.5% of attorneys can be chosen each year, emphasizing the exclusivity and recognition of emerging talent. Ryan’s inclusion underscores his outstanding legal skills and dedication at Fielding Law.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

  • Exceptional Legal Skills: Our team, including Rising Stars like Ryan Cooper, possesses exceptional legal skills that consistently lead to successful outcomes for our clients.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Being recognized as a Super Lawyers Rising Star is a reflection of our commitment to excellence in every aspect of legal practice.
  • Client-Focused Advocacy: At Fielding Law, our attorneys prioritize the needs and well-being of our clients, ensuring a client-centered approach to legal representation.

Proven Excellence and Compassionate Advocacy

In congratulating Ryan Cooper on his well-deserved recognition as a Super Lawyers Rising Star, we celebrate not just an individual accomplishment, but a testament to the excellence upheld at Fielding Law. Ryan’s commitment to success mirrors our collective dedication to providing top-tier legal representation. Trust Fielding Law for all your legal needs – where excellence meets advocacy.

Are you seeking legal representation that blends compassion with expertise? Turn to Fielding Law for dedicated advocates committed to your success. Call us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation, and let our team stand by your side.

Holiday Hack 2023

Successful Holiday Hack 2023 Golf Tournament

By In the Community

Fielding Law and Senior Attorney, Ryan Cooper sponsored the Holiday Hack 2023 golf tournament held at Tijeras Creek Golf Club in Rancho Santa Margarita, California on December 22, 2023. Beyond birdies and bogeys, it was a swing for a noble cause – supporting the Fisher House Foundation.

The tournament united golf enthusiasts and philanthropists, creating an atmosphere of excitement as players, sponsors, and supporters gathered for a day of sportsmanship and giving back.

Fisher House Foundation: A Heartfelt Impact

Participants, driven by generosity, not only enjoyed a day on the greens but contributed to the cause, covering green fees, on-course games, lunch, and a post-tournament dinner. This financial backing translated into meaningful contributions to the Fisher House Foundation.

Fisher House Foundation stands out by never charging families for lodging, saving military and veterans’ families an estimated $400+ million in out-of-pocket costs for lodging and transportation. This financial relief echoes the foundation’s compassionate commitment to those who have served.

In supporting Fisher House Foundation, participants, sponsors, and organizers demonstrated that their collective efforts translate into tangible support for a cause that truly matters. The heartfelt impact resonates far beyond the greens, touching the lives of those supported by the Fisher House Foundation.

Holiday Hack 2023

Passion for the Community

Fielding Law’s involvement goes beyond sponsorship; it exemplifies a commitment to empathy and care for the community. Just as they stand by their clients in legal matters, their active role in philanthropy demonstrates a broader understanding of supporting and uplifting others.

As the echoes of swings and laughter fade, the success of the Holiday Hack 2023 serves as a testament to Fielding Law and Ryan Cooper’s empathetic side, showing that their caring approach extends far beyond the courtroom. Their participation not only makes a difference in the lives of military and veterans’ families but also sets a commendable standard for corporate social responsibility.

Injured rollerblader

Rollerblader’s Triumph: Secured $2M Verdict for Injured Rollerblader

By Personal Injury, Public Entity, Skate & Skateboarding Accident

Los Angeles Superior Court Case No.: 22STCV06392

In a notable victory against the City of Los Angeles, Fielding Law secured a $2 million verdict for an injured rollerblader, Lahra Welch. The hazardous condition, exacerbated by shadows and lack of warnings, led to a six-day trial resulting in a favorable jury verdict.

The Case Details:

In Lahra Welch’s battle against the City of Los Angeles, we faced a unique challenge. Rollerblading down her neighborhood, Lahra tripped over hidden asphalt, causing serious injuries. The six-day trial, overseen by Honorable Michael Levanas, highlighted the complexities of proving fault and the extent of damages. Represented by the Law Office of Maximilian Lee and Fielding Law, APC, Lahra resiliently contested a 17% contributory negligence claim. After two days of deliberation, the jury delivered a hefty $2,000,000 gross verdict. Despite a contributory negligence percentage, Lahra secured a $1,660,000 net verdict, emphasizing non-economic damages. Fielding Law‘s dedication to navigating challenges ensured Lahra received just compensation.


  • Plaintiff’s Attorney:
    • Law Office of Maximilian Lee by Maximilian Lee, Santa Ana, California
    • Fielding Law, APC Attorneys: Clark Fielding and Ryan Cooper, Irvine, California
  • Defendant’s Attorneys:
    • Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney by Karen Woodward, Michael Zuckerman, and Lilya Dishchyan, Los Angeles.


  • Plaintiff’s Medical Experts: Matthew Enna, M.D., Garrison Whitaker, M.D., Jennifer Hertz, M.D.
  • Defendant’s Medical Expert: Ross Nathan, M.D.
  • Plaintiff’s Technical Expert: Gary Gsell, municipal infrastructure.
  • Defendant’s Technical Experts: Mark Blanchette, Ph.D., Henricus “Harm” Jansen, accident reconstruction.

Facts and Background:

Lahra Welch, on February 15, 2021, suffered injuries while rollerblading due to raised asphalt in a residential street. Shadows and lack of warnings contributed to the accident. Plaintiff contended that the City of Los Angeles was aware of the danger, while the defense argued it was a minor bump and the city lacked knowledge.

Injuries and Damages:

  • Physical Injuries: Broken left ulna and distal radius, post-surgery osteoarthritis, complex regional pain syndrome.
  • Emotional Damages: Distress, disfigurement, mental harm, inconvenience, anxiety.

Demands and Offers:

  • Plaintiff’s §998 Demand: $1,000,000
  • Defendant’s Offer during Trial: Verbally offered $100,000 on the first day of trial.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

Navigating a case against a public entity, such as the City of Los Angeles in Lahra Welch’s situation, requires a skilled legal team. Public entity claims involve seeking compensation for injuries caused by the negligence of government entities. It is crucial to note that these claims have different procedures and timelines than typical personal injury cases. In California and Arizona, where Fielding Law operates, public entity claims often have shorter statutes of limitations. Without an attorney well-versed in these nuances, victims may face challenges in pursuing their rightful compensation. Fielding Law, with expertise in public entity claims, successfully advocated for Lahra Welch, highlighting the importance of having seasoned attorneys on your side when dealing with such cases.

At Fielding Law, we navigate complexities with care and capability. Our client-focused approach ensures transparent communication and expert guidance. Trust us to champion your rights. Call 833.88.SHARK for a free legal consultation.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.