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If you have been a victim of a drowsy driving accident, you understand the severity of these situations. It is important to recognize that driving while sleepy can lead to impairment like driving under the influence. At Fielding Law, we are here to support you in seeking justice if you are affected by the consequences of drowsy driving. 

What is Drowsy Driving?   

  • Sleep deprivation

    Drivers with insufficient or poor-quality sleep can lead to dangerous behavior such as nodding off behind the wheel, putting others at risk of an accident. 

  • Sleep disorders  

    Sleep disorders like Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, and Narcolepsy can significantly impair drivers with these conditions. Seeking treatment is crucial to ensuring road safety to avoid hazards. 

  • Medication effects  

    Driving while taking medication can be dangerous due to side effects such as drowsiness. Being unaware of these effects puts not only the impaired driver at risk but also everyone else on the road. 

  • Overworked  

    Fatigued drivers caused by long hours at work or school are a risk on the road. Fatigue can impair judgment and reaction times which can lead to an accident. 

Understanding the Risks   

Driving sleepy may not feel like a big deal until the driver falls under microsleep. This is common among tired drivers. It occurs when you fall asleep for several seconds. It happens so fast that the driver may not even realize they are sleeping behind the wheel. A study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reported 328,000 drowsy driving car accidents annually resulted in 6,400 fatalities. The risk of driving drowsy is significant and should be taken seriously.  

Common Signs of Drowsy Driving   

  • Excessive yawning and blinking

    Continuous yawning and frequent blinking signal potential drowsiness while driving. 

  • Trouble paying attention to road

    Difficulty with staying alert and focused on the road is one of the many risks of driving fatigued. 

  • Drifting into other lanes

    Unintentionally swerving into neighboring lanes is a telltale sign of being drowsy behind the wheel. 

See Something Say Something 

If you notice any of the common signs of drowsy driving while on the road, notify law enforcement of the danger. If you are the passenger of a drowsy driver, have them pull over and get some rest.  

How to Prove Driver Drowsiness  

Unlike alcohol or drug impairment, which can be detected through tests like breathalyzers or blood tests, drowsiness is less tangible and often subjective. It does not leave physical traces in the body, making it harder to prove but not impossible. The following pieces of evidence can help your pursuit of justice:  

  • Witness statements

    Whether a passenger of the driver or other vehicles witnessed the scene, gathering witness statements is crucial for any case. Gather statements and information of anyone who noticed signs of inattentiveness, including names and contact information. 

  • Police statements

    Firsthand police officer accounts are valuable in recognizing signs of impairment, including drowsiness. Officers are trained to detect these signs through behavioral cues and standardized field sobriety tests. They may observe sluggish responses, delayed reactions, or notice empty energy drink containers in the vehicle. 

  • Admission of fatigue 

    The best-case scenario would be the driver voluntarily admitting to feeling fatigued or sleepy at the time of an incident. Such admissions can serve as compelling evidence of drowsiness. Drivers may understate their level of fatigue due to fear of legal consequences so avoid relying only on their word.  

  • Retaining dashcam footage

    Patterns like drifting between lanes or sudden braking can indicate impairment due to fatigue. Car technology such as dashcam footage can provide real-time insights into driver behavior leading up to an incident establishing direct evidence of drowsiness.  

  • Contact Fielding Law

    Gathering all this evidence can be a tricky task but it is crucial for your case to do it promptly. At Fielding Law we will take the weight off your shoulders so you can focus on your recovery. Our team is equipped to gather the evidence we need to bring you justice. 

Fielding Law is Here for You

Driving drowsy creates a serious risk to everyone on the road. At Fielding Law, we understand the gravity of these situations and stand ready to support you in seeking justice if you are a victim of drowsy driving. With our expertise and dedication, we will get the justice you deserve, call us at 833.88.SHARK.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.