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Tina Westveer

Summer Auto Accidents

Protect Yourself From Summer Auto Accidents

By Car Accident

Summer is a time for vacations, but it is also a season that poses unique challenges for drivers. The combination of increased traffic and high temperatures can lead to a higher risk of accidents. At Fielding Law, we want you to stay safe these next few months with essential information to prevent summer auto accidents.  

Risks of Driving in Excessive Heat 

The intense summer heat can affect your vehicle’s performance, increasing the risk of breakdowns and accidents. Understanding these risks and taking proactive measures can help prevent accidents and ensure a safer driving experience.  

Car Maintenance Checklist  

Tire Care

Tires are especially vulnerable in the summer because of the hot pavement. It is crucial to have your mechanic check the tire pressure, as the heat causes it to fluctuate. Make sure they also inspect the tread and look for signs of wear and tear. Properly inflated and well-maintained tires provide better traction and can prevent blowouts, reducing the risk of summer auto accidents. Regular tire rotations are also important for maintaining optimal safety and performance.

Cooling System  

Your car’s cooling system plays a vital role in preventing your engine from overheating. Let your mechanic know to check the coolant levels and inspect hoses and belts for any signs of damage. A well-functioning cooling system ensures that your engine runs smoothly, even in the hottest weather. 

Battery Check  

Have your mechanic check on your vehicle’s battery life. With the summer heat, it can strain your vehicle’s battery resulting in unexpected breakdowns. Ask your mechanic if they recommend a new battery for your car to handle the summer heat.  

Engine Oil Maintenance

Ensure your car’s oil and filter are changed according to the recommended schedule, typically between 3,000 and 10,000 miles. Consult your auto technician to determine the best maintenance schedule for your vehicle. 

Brakes Inspection  

Your car’s braking system is your first line of defense in avoiding collisions. Let your mechanic know to inspect your brakes for any signs of wear, such as squeaking or reduced responsiveness. Replacing worn brake pads and ensuring your brake system is in top condition can help keep you safe on the road.  

What to Do if You Are Injured?

If you are injured in a car accident this summer, it is important to seek medical attention immediately, even if you feel fine. Some injuries may not be apparent right away. Document the accident scene, gather contact information from witnesses, and report the incident to your insurance company. Consulting with Fielding Law can help you understand your rights and options for compensation.  

How Fielding Law Can Help? 

At Fielding Law, we are dedicated to helping those who have been injured in auto accidents. Our experienced attorneys understand the complexities of personal injury cases and are committed to securing the compensation you deserve. We offer personalized legal support, guiding you through the process with compassion and expertise. If you have been injured in a summer auto accident, contact us today for a free consultation at 833.88.SHARK.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Looking inside a car from drivers side door

Hidden Dangers of Everyday Items in Your Car

By Personal Injury

We often overlook the potential hazards of everyday items. While they may seem harmless, certain objects can cause accidents or make injuries worse. Here are a few unexpected culprits and how to stay safe.

Hair Accessories

Hair accessories such as claw clips, barrettes, chopsticks, and other larger hard accessories are popular due to their convenience and style. However, they can pose a risk, particularly during a car accident. For instance, a claw clip can potentially cut into your scalp or neck, leading to neck and back injuries, or even more severe injuries. To prevent this from happening:

  • Wait to Style: It is best to wait and put in your hair accessories after you arrive at your final destination.
  • Use Soft Alternatives: Consider using softer hair ties or clips that are less likely to cause injury if you need to rest your head against something or if you’re involved in an accident.

Sunglasses in Low Light Conditions

Sunglasses protect our eyes from the sun, but wearing them in low light conditions can impair your vision, increasing the risk of accidents. This is especially true when driving at dusk, during cloudy weather, or indoors. To prevent this:

  • Remove Sunglasses: When it is not sunny, take off your sunglasses to ensure you have the best possible vision.
  • Use Transition Lenses: Consider using lenses that adjust to different lighting conditions. These can provide clear vision in varying environments without needing to change your eyewear.

Flip Flops or Slippers

Flip flops and slippers are comfortable but can be dangerous in a car due to their lack of support and grip. They can easily slip off or cause your foot to slip off the pedals or get caught on/under the pedals while driving, leading to accidents. To minimize the risk:

  • Choose Supportive Footwear: Opt for shoes with proper support and grip, especially if you plan to drive long distances or engage in physical activity.
  • Be Cautious: If you must wear flip flops or slippers while driving, be extra cautious with your foot placement and ensure they do not interfere with pedal operation.

Loose Jewelry

Loose jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, and rings, can easily catch on objects and cause injuries. This is especially risky in busy environments or when performing physical tasks. To avoid accidents:

  • Avoid Loose Jewelry: Choose fitted accessories that are less likely to catch on things. Avoid wearing long necklaces or dangling bracelets when engaging in physical activities.
  • Be Mindful of Movement: Remove jewelry when working with machinery, participating in sports, or engaging in activities where they might get caught.

Cords and Chargers

Cords and chargers are common items in cars that can create distractions and even pose tripping hazards if not properly managed. To stay safe:

  • Organize Cords: Keep cords neatly organized and out of reach to prevent distractions while driving.
  • Secure Cords: Use cord organizers or ties to bundle them together and keep them off the floor to avoid tripping hazards.

Advocates for Your Rights

Being aware of the hidden dangers of everyday items in your car can help prevent accidents and injuries. However, even with precautions, accidents can still happen. If you have been injured in a car accident, you need experienced legal support. Fielding Law is here to help. Call 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation. Our caring and capable team is ready to assist you in getting the compensation you deserve.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Compensación de trabajadores

Compensación de Trabajadores vs Casos de Lesiones Personales

By Español

En el ámbito de las reclamaciones legales, es primordial comprender las distinciones entre las reclamaciones por lesiones de compensación para trabajadores y los casos de lesiones personales. Cada tipo de reclamo opera bajo reglas y procedimientos únicos, lo que afecta la forma en que se busca y obtiene la compensación. Permítanos investigar estas diferencias para ver cómo Fielding Law puede ayudarlo de manera efectiva. 

Naturaleza de la Lesión 

  • Compensación de Trabajadores: Cubre principalmente las lesiones sufridas en el lugar de trabajo, incluidas las enfermedades ocupacionales. 
  • Lesiones Personales: Abarca las lesiones resultantes de la negligencia o mala conducta de otra parte, como accidentes automovilísticos o incidentes de resbalones y caídas. 

Culpa y Compensación 

  • Compensación de Trabajadores: Opera en un sistema sin culpa, donde los empleados reciben beneficios independientemente de quién causó la lesión. Sin embargo, generalmente no pueden demandar a su empleador. 
  • Lesiones Personales: Opera en un sistema basado en la culpa, donde la víctima debe probar que la negligencia de la otra parte provocó la lesión. La compensación puede incluir facturas médicas, pérdida de ingresos, dolor y sufrimiento, y otros daños. 

Tipos de Compensación 

  • Compensación de Trabajadores: Por lo general, cubre gastos médicos, salarios perdidos, costos de rehabilitación y beneficios por discapacidad potencialmente permanente.  
  • Lesiones Personales: Permite una compensación por facturas médicas, pérdida de ingresos, angustia emocional, dolor y sufrimiento, y otros daños económicos y no económicos. 

Proceso Legal 

  • Compensación de Trabajadores: Implica presentar un reclamo ante la compañía de seguros del empleador, lo que puede conducir a una mediación o audiencias para resolver disputas.  
  • Lesiones Personales: Requiere establecer negligencia y responsabilidad a través de investigaciones, negociaciones con compañías de seguros y, potencialmente, litigios en los tribunales. 

¿Por qué Contratar a Fielding Law? 

Fielding Law se distingue por ofrecer apoyo legal integral tanto para reclamos de lesiones de compensación laboral como para casos de lesiones personales. Nuestro equipo encarna un enfoque atento, amable y empático, a la vez que es altamente capaz en la defensa y estrategia legal. Con Fielding Law, usted tiene un socio de confianza que navegará por las complejidades de su caso con habilidad y compasión. Contáctenos al 833.88.SHARK para una consulta gratuita y permítanos guiarlo hacia la resolución que se merece. 

Nota: La información proporcionada es para fines educativos y no constituye asesoramiento legal. Siempre consulte con un abogado calificado para inquietudes legales.

questions about wrongful death

Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Death

By Wrongful Death

Losing a loved one is a painful experience, and when it happens due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions, it can be even more challenging to navigate the legal aspects. At Fielding Law, we understand the complexities of wrongful death cases and strive to provide clarity and support to those seeking answers. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about wrongful death:

What Is Wrongful Death?

Wrongful death refers to a situation where a person dies due to the negligence or misconduct of another party. This can include accidents, medical malpractice, or intentional harm.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

In most cases, immediate family members such as spouses, children, and parents of the deceased can file a wrongful death claim. Some states also allow extended family members or dependents to file.

What Damages Can Be Recovered?

Damages in a wrongful death claim can include medical expenses, funeral and burial costs, lost income and financial support, and compensation for the emotional pain and suffering of survivors.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Filing a Claim?

The statute of limitations varies by state but generally ranges from one to three years from the date of death. It is crucial to act promptly to avoid missing the deadline.

Do I Need an Attorney for a Wrongful Death Claim?

While it is possible to file a wrongful death claim without an attorney, having legal representation can significantly improve your chances of success. An experienced attorney can navigate the complexities of the legal process and advocate for your rights.

How Long Does a Wrongful Death Case Take?

The duration of a wrongful death case can vary widely depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, negotiations with insurance companies, and court proceedings. It is essential to have realistic expectations and patience throughout the process.

Why Hire Fielding Law

At Fielding Law, we understand that you may have questions about wrongful death. Our compassionate team is here to offer guidance, support, and legal expertise to assist you during this challenging time. We prioritize communication, transparency, and personalized attention to ensure that you achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK to schedule a free consultation and discover how we can help you.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Child Sexual Abuse

Attorneys for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse

By Sexual Assault & Abuse

In a groundbreaking move for victims of child sexual abuse, Arizona has taken significant steps to reform the statute of limitations for survivors. This reform is creating new opportunities for healing, justice, and accountability. On May 27, 2019, Governor Doug Ducey signed into law Arizona’s victims’ rights bill, HB2466, resulting in the passing of ARS § 12-514. This new law offers renewed hope and a path to justice for survivors.

Arizona’s New Law: Addressing the Need for Change

A critical aspect of this new law was opening a one-time window suspending the statute of limitations for all claims. This allowed many survivors who were abused decades ago to file previously time-barred suits alleging child sexual abuse.

The Arizona victims’ rights bill includes the following key provisions:

  • Extended Age Limit: The age limit to bring a claim against a perpetrator has been extended by 12 years, from the current age of 20 to the new age of 30.
  • Temporary Filing Window: A temporary window was opened for survivors older than 30 to file civil claims against their perpetrators and the institutions that knew or had actual notice of misconduct that created an unreasonable risk of sexual abuse, regardless of when the abuse occurred.
  • Closing of Temporary Window: This temporary window closed on December 31, 2020, for survivors 30 years of age and older.

The Difference It Makes for Survivors

Governor Ducey stated, “We cannot overstate the pain and trauma suffered by victims of child sexual abuse. We know victims need time to process and understand what happened. They deserve the time to come forward.”

Recovering from sexual assault or abuse often takes years before the victim can come forward. Even after the physical damage has healed, a survivor’s mental scars may persist for a lifetime. Before this bill was passed, the statute of limitations was generally two years from the child’s 18th birthday. This limited the time to file a lawsuit against a sexual predator or the organization that employed or enabled that predator. This left many victims without recourse as they grew older. Now, survivors have more time to seek justice.

Holding Institutions Accountable

A troubling fact concerns how some institutions, businesses, and organizations have knowingly allowed abusers to continue working within their ranks, especially with children. If such an entity fails to take common-sense preventative measures, it may be found negligent. This negligence can make the institution or employer legally responsible for the harm to the child, in addition to the perpetrator.

Without enablers, abusers often would not have access to their victims. They wouldn’t have the credibility and trust gained through their employment. This trust frequently makes such abuse possible. The law permits employers to be held accountable if they fail to conduct basic background checks on employees who work with children or allow dangerous employees to remain in their positions.

Why It Is Important to Reach Out

If you were a victim of sexual abuse as a minor, it is vitally important that you reach out to us right away. There are many reasons to act promptly:

  • Witnesses tend to forget facts over time
  • Records can be destroyed
  • Entities may go out of business

If you wonder if Arizona’s new law will revive your claim, contact us for a free consultation. Your information will remain completely confidential.

Compassionate Legal Support

At Fielding Law, we are dedicated to fighting for justice and ensuring that survivors have the support and representation they need. Reach out to us today at 833.88.SHARK to learn more about your rights and options. We are here to guide you every step of the way, providing the compassionate and capable assistance you deserve.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Proposition 213

What Is Proposition 213 in California?

By Car Accident

Proposition 213, also known as the Personal Responsibility Act, is a California law. It limits damages for individuals involved in car accidents if they were driving without insurance or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Understanding this proposition is vital for anyone navigating personal injury claims in California.

What Does Proposition 213 Mean for Me?

If you are subject to Proposition 213 in California, it means:

Limited Recovery: If you were driving without insurance or under the influence at the time of the accident, your recovery for non-economic damages, like pain and suffering, may be limited.

Exceptions Apply: There are exceptions to Proposition 213 that allow for full recovery of damages under certain circumstances.

Exceptions to Proposition 213 in California

Exceptions to Proposition 213 include:

Passenger Claims: If you were a passenger in a vehicle driven by someone without insurance or under the influence, Proposition 213 restrictions do not apply to you.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage: If you have uninsured motorist coverage, you may be able to recover damages regardless of the proposition restrictions.

Other Party’s Fault: If the accident was primarily the fault of another party, restrictions may not apply.

Everything You Need to Know

To navigate Proposition 213 and its exceptions effectively, it is essential to consult with Fielding Law. Our experienced attorneys guide you through the complexities of California’s personal injury laws, ensure your rights are protected.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Legal Expertise: Our attorneys specialize in personal injury law and have in-depth knowledge of Proposition 213.

Compassionate Advocacy: We understand the challenges you face after an accident. Our team provides caring and empathetic support throughout the legal process.

Results-Oriented Approach: We are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve.

Whether you are subject to Proposition 213 or need legal assistance with a personal injury claim, Fielding Law is here to help. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and personalized legal guidance.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

child left in a hot car

Child Hot Car Injury Claims Explained

By Personal Injury, Wrongful Death

Leaving a child in a hot car is a tragic and unfortunately common occurrence, especially during the summer months. These incidents can lead to severe injuries or wrongful death, raising the question: Do I have a claim? Here is what you need to know about pursuing a legal claim in these heartbreaking situations.

When You Have a Claim

  • Negligent Supervision: If a caregiver, like a daycare worker or babysitter, leaves a child in the car due to negligence, you may have a claim. Caregivers are responsible for protecting the children in their care.
  • Product Defects: If the car’s safety features fail, causing the child to be left in a hot car, you could claim against the manufacturer. Malfunctioning child safety locks or temperature controls are examples.
  • Third-Party Liability: Leaving the child in the car by someone other than the parent or legal guardian could lead to a potential claim. This includes actions by a school bus driver or family member.
  • Employer Negligence: If the caregiver’s employer fails to ensure child safety during job duties, such as a daycare provider or teacher, they may be liable.

When You Do Not Have a Claim

  1. Accidental Forgetfulness: If a parent or guardian accidentally forgets a child in the car, it can be challenging to pursue a claim. These cases are often viewed as tragic accidents rather than grounds for legal action.
  2. No Negligence Involved: If all safety measures were in place and the incident was truly unavoidable, there may be no grounds for a claim.
  3. No Causation: If the child’s injuries were not directly caused by being left in the car, but by another unrelated factor, it may weaken the case for a claim.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Navigating the legal complexities of a child left in a hot car injury or wrongful death claim can be overwhelming. Here is why you should consider Fielding Law:

Expertise: Our attorneys specialize in personal injury and wrongful death cases. We understand the laws and can help you build a strong case.

Compassionate Support: We know that dealing with such a traumatic event is emotionally taxing. Our team provides empathetic and supportive guidance throughout the legal process.

Personalized Attention: Every case is unique. We offer personalized legal strategies tailored to your specific situation.

Results-Driven: We are dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for our clients, ensuring justice and fair compensation.

Take Action to Protect Your Rights

Understanding your legal options is crucial if your child has been injured or worse due to being left in a hot car. While some situations may not lead to a claim, many involve negligence or failures that legal professionals can address. For compassionate and capable legal support, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK. We are here to guide you through this difficult time and safeguard your rights.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Summer Camp Injuries

Navigating Summer Camp Injuries

By Boating Accident, Brain Injury (TBI), Catastrophic Injury, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident, Premises Liability, Public Entity, Slip or Trip and Fall, Wrongful Death

Summer camp is a time for children to enjoy fun activities and create lasting memories. However, when an injury occurs, it can raise questions about legal rights and potential legal action. Here is what you need to know about summer camp injuries and your legal options.

Understanding Summer Camp Injuries

  1. Types of Injuries: Summer camp injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe incidents such as fractures, sprains, or head injuries. It is essential to assess the severity and impact of the injury on your child’s health and well-being.
  2. Common Causes: Injuries at summer camps can occur due to various factors, including sports activities, outdoor adventures, playground accidents, swimming or water-related incidents, and falls.
  3. Camp Liability: Camps have a duty to provide a safe environment and adequate supervision for campers. If negligence or inadequate safety measures contributed to your child’s injury, you may have grounds for legal action.

Do You Have a Case?

Determining if you have a legal case after a summer camp injury involves several factors:

  • Type and Severity of Injury: Evaluate the type and severity of the injury and how it has affected your child’s health and daily activities.
  • Negligence: Consider if the injury resulted from negligence on the part of the camp staff or management, such as failure to maintain safe facilities, inadequate supervision, or lack of proper training.
  • Liability Agreements: Review any liability agreements you signed during camp enrollment. While these agreements may limit liability, they do not necessarily prevent you from pursuing damages in cases of negligence or misconduct.

Liability Agreements and Legal Options

If you signed a liability agreement, it is crucial to understand its implications:

  • Scope of Liability: Determine if the agreement addresses the specific circumstances of your child’s injury and the camp’s responsibilities.
  • Enforceability: Consult with legal experts, such as Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK, to assess the enforceability of the liability agreement. Some agreements may be deemed unenforceable if they violate state laws or public policy.
  • Negligence vs. Intentional Harm: Differentiate between negligence and intentional harm. Liability agreements typically do not protect camps from liability for acts of gross negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct.

Why Hire Fielding Law

Here is why consulting with Fielding Law can make a difference:

Legal Expertise: Our experienced attorneys specialize in personal injury cases, including summer camp injuries. We can assess the details of your case, determine liability, and pursue fair compensation on your behalf.

Compassionate Support: We understand the emotional toll of a child’s injury. Our team provides compassionate support, guidance, and personalized attention throughout the legal process.

Negotiation and Advocacy: We will negotiate with insurance companies and advocate for your rights to ensure you receive the best possible outcome, including compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and long-term effects of the injury.

If your child was injured at summer camp and you are unsure about your legal options, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a confidential consultation. We are here to help you navigate the complexities of summer camp injury cases and seek justice for your child.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Car Accident Guide

What to Do After a Car Accident: A Comprehensive Guide

By Car Accident, Personal Injury

Car accidents are sudden and unexpected events that can leave you feeling shaken, confused, and vulnerable. In such moments, knowing the right steps to take can make all the difference in protecting your rights, ensuring your safety, and setting the stage for a successful recovery. Here is a detailed guide on what to do after a car accident:

Call 911

The safety of all individuals involved should be your top priority. Immediately dial 911 to report the accident. Provide accurate information about the location, the number of vehicles involved, and the condition of those injured. Follow the dispatcher’s instructions carefully.

Collect Information from the Other Driver(s)

Exchange information with all parties involved in the accident. This includes obtaining their full name, date of birth, address, driver’s license number and state, vehicle license number and state, driver’s insurance company name and policy number, vehicle owner’s name and address, and vehicle owner’s insurance company name and policy number. Ensure that the information is accurate and legible.

Take Pictures and Videos

Use your smartphone or camera to document the accident scene thoroughly. Capture images of all involved vehicles, the damage sustained, the position of the vehicles, road conditions, traffic signs, and any visible injuries. Take pictures from multiple angles to provide a comprehensive view of the scene. Record videos if possible, as they can be invaluable in reconstructing the events.

Obtain Witness Information and Statements

If there are witnesses to the accident, gather their contact information, including their full name, phone number, email address, and home address. Ask them for a statement describing what they saw, and ensure they sign and date it. Witness statements can provide crucial support for your case.

Canvas the Area for Surveillance Cameras

In today’s digital age, surveillance cameras are prevalent in public spaces. Investigate the surrounding area for potential camera coverage. This may include gas stations, shops, restaurants, businesses, and residential areas equipped with security cameras like Ring. If footage of the accident exists, request a copy for your records.

Seek Medical Attention IMMEDIATELY

Even if you believe your injuries are minor or not immediately apparent, seek medical attention without delay. Adrenaline and shock can mask pain, and some injuries may take time to manifest fully. A prompt medical evaluation not only ensures your health but also creates a documented record of injuries related to the accident.

Do Not Post About the Accident Online

In the age of social media, it is essential to exercise caution. Avoid discussing the accident or your injuries on social media platforms. Insurance companies and opposing parties may use your posts against you. Privacy settings are not foolproof, so it is best to refrain from sharing any details online.

Get Fielding Law’s Free Accident Guide

Download, print, and keep it in your glove box.


Why Hire Fielding Law?

Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be daunting, but you do not have to face it alone. Fielding Law is here to provide the support and legal expertise you need. Our experienced team can assist you in:

  • Understanding your rights and options.
  • Dealing with insurance companies and legal proceedings.
  • Gathering evidence and building a strong case.
  • Advocating for your rights and pursuing fair compensation.

Do not wait until it is too late. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation. We are committed to helping you through this challenging time and ensuring your rights are protected.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Abogado de accidentes de vacaciones en Arizona

¿Accidente de Vacaciones en Arizona?

By Español

Después de un accidente de vacaciones en Arizona, es posible que se pregunte si contratar a un abogado local de accidentes de vacaciones en Arizona o a un abogado de su estado de origen. Estas son algunas consideraciones: 

Conocimiento Local: Un abogado local de accidentes de vacaciones en Arizona puede tener una comprensión más profunda de las leyes estatales, las regulaciones locales y los procedimientos judiciales específicos de Arizona, lo que puede ser ventajoso para su caso. 

Accesibilidad: Tener un abogado local significa un acceso más fácil a reuniones, comparecencias ante el tribunal y consultas, lo que puede agilizar el proceso legal. 

Especialización: Busque un abogado especializado en casos de lesiones personales, especialmente aquellos relacionados con accidentes de vacaciones. Esta experiencia puede beneficiar significativamente su reclamo. 

Reputación: Investigue la reputación y el historial de los abogados locales para asegurarse de que tengan un historial de resultados exitosos en casos de accidentes de vacaciones. 

Consejos para un Reclamo de Accidente de Vacaciones Exitoso 

  1. Buscar Atención Médica Inmediata: Busque atención médica de inmediato después de un accidente de vacaciones, incluso si las lesiones parecen menores. Los registros médicos que documentan sus lesiones son cruciales para su reclamo. Siga diligentemente el plan de tratamiento de su médico, tanto durante sus vacaciones como después de regresar a casa. 
  2. Preservación de la Evidencia: Reúna y conserve la mayor cantidad posible de evidencia relacionada con el accidente. Esto incluye: 
    • Fotografías y Videos: Tome fotos y videos de la escena del accidente, las lesiones, los daños a la propiedad, las condiciones de la carretera y cualquier factor que contribuya. 
    • Declaraciones de Testigos Presenciales: Obtenga información de contacto y declaraciones de testigos que vieron ocurrir el accidente. 
    • Informes Policiales: Si la policía responde a la escena, solicite una copia del informe policial para documentarlo. 
  3. Documentar los Gastos: Mantenga registros detallados de todos los gastos incurridos debido al accidente. Esto incluye facturas médicas, costos de recetas, gastos de transporte para visitas médicas y cualquier otro costo de bolsillo directamente relacionado con sus lesiones. 
  4. Mantener la Comunicación: Manténgase en comunicación regular con sus proveedores de atención médica, compañía de seguros y representación legal. Proporcionar actualizaciones oportunas sobre su condición médica, el progreso del tratamiento y cualquier cambio en sus circunstancias. 
  5. Evitar las Redes Sociales: Abstente de publicar sobre el accidente o tus lesiones en las plataformas de redes sociales. Las compañías de seguros y las partes contrarias pueden usar sus publicaciones en las redes sociales en su contra, así que tenga cuidado con lo que comparte en línea. 
  6. Póngase en Contacto con un Abogado: Consulte con un abogado con experiencia en lesiones personales que se especialice en lesiones, como Fielding Law, lo antes posible. Un abogado experto puede evaluar su caso, asesorarlo sobre sus derechos legales y navegar por las complejidades del proceso de reclamos en su nombre. 
  7. Comprender los Límites de Tiempo: Tenga en cuenta el estatuto de limitaciones para presentar un reclamo por lesiones personales en Arizona. No cumplir con la fecha límite puede poner en peligro su capacidad para buscar una compensación por sus lesiones, así que actúe con prontitud para proteger sus derechos. 

Al seguir estos consejos y trabajar con un equipo legal dedicado, puede fortalecer su reclamo por accidente de vacaciones y buscar una compensación justa por sus daños y pérdidas. 

Accidentes Comunes Que Manejamos 

  • Accidentes de Vehículos: El aumento de los viajes de verano puede provocar accidentes automovilísticos en carreteras muy transitadas. 
  • Accidentes por Resbalones y Caídas: Comunes en lugares como casinos o piscinas, donde los peligros pueden causar resbalones y caídas. 
  • Agresión Física: Las tensiones y el consumo de alcohol durante las vacaciones pueden conducir a incidentes de agresión. 
  • Ahogamiento y Accidentes Acuáticos: Las piscinas, lagos y parques acuáticos presentan riesgos de ahogamiento y otras lesiones relacionadas con el agua. 

¿Quién Puede Ser Considerado Responsable en Su Reclamo Por Accidente de Vacaciones?

Determinar la responsabilidad es crucial para su reclamo. Las posibles partes responsables incluyen conductores, compañías de camiones, casinos, compañías de turismo, hoteles, restaurantes, establecimientos minoristas, parques acuáticos y compañías de seguridad. Buscar orientación legal de Fielding Law puede ayudar a identificar y perseguir a las partes responsables de sus lesiones. Póngase en contacto con Fielding Law hoy para discutir sus opciones en 833.88.SHARK 

Nota: La información proporcionada es para fines educativos y no constituye asesoramiento legal. Siempre consulte con un abogado calificado para inquietudes legales.