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Tina Westveer

resbalones tropiezos y caídas

¿Cómo son diferentes los resbalones, tropiezos y las caídas?

By Español

Navegar por el panorama legal de las reclamaciones por lesiones personales implica una comprensión matizada de las distinciones entre resbalones, tropiezos y caídas. En Fielding Law, reconocemos los desafíos que puede enfrentar después de tales incidentes y nos esforzamos por brindar claridad sobre las diferencias para ayudarlo mejor. 

Lesiones por resbalones:  

  • Causadas por superficies mojadas o resbaladizas. 
  •  Los escenarios comunes incluyen derrames, pisos mojados o pasillos helados.  
  • Las víctimas pierden el equilibrio debido a una tracción insuficiente.  

Los accidentes por resbalones generalmente ocurren cuando las personas pierden el equilibrio en superficies mojadas, resbaladizas o que carecen de la tracción adecuada. Los escenarios comunes involucran derrames, pisos mojados o pasillos helados. Las víctimas a menudo se encuentran inesperadamente resbalando o perdiendo el equilibrio debido a una fricción inadecuada entre sus zapatos y la superficie. 

Lesiones por tropiezos 

  • Involucran obstáculos o superficies irregulares.  
  • Las causas comunes incluyen pisos irregulares, cables o escombros.  
  • Las víctimas tropiezan con objetos, lo que provoca una caída.

 Los accidentes de tropiezo involucran a personas que tropiezan con obstáculos o se encuentran con superficies irregulares. Las causas pueden incluir pisos irregulares, cables, escombros o pasillos mal mantenidos. Los tropiezos pueden provocar caídas debido a obstáculos repentinos en el camino para caminar, lo que puede provocar lesiones.  

Lesiones por caídas:  

  • Puede ser resultado de resbalones, viajes u otros peligros.  
  • Es posible que se produzcan caídas desde las alturas, lo que provoca lesiones graves.  
  • Las superficies desiguales, la falta de barandillas o las medidas de seguridad inadecuadas contribuyen. 

Las caídas, en un sentido más amplio, abarcan incidentes resultantes de resbalones, tropiezos u otros peligros. Estos accidentes pueden implicar caídas desde alturas, lo que provoca lesiones más graves. Los factores que contribuyen incluyen superficies irregulares, falta de barandillas o medidas de seguridad inadecuadas. Las caídas pueden abarcar una variedad de escenarios, lo que las convierte en incidentes integrales dentro del ámbito de las lesiones personales. 

¿Por qué contratar a Fielding Law? 

En Fielding Law, nuestro equipo compasivo y capaz reconoce el costo físico, emocional y financiero de los incidentes de resbalones, tropiezos y caídas. Ofrecemos orientación empática y apoyo legal integral para navegar por las complejidades de su caso. Nuestro compromiso es ser su defensor, asegurándonos de que reciba la compensación y la justicia que se merece. 

Ya sea que haya experimentado un resbalón, un tropiezo o una caída, Fielding Law está aquí para ayudarlo. Contáctenos al 833.88.SHARK para una consulta gratuita y permítanos brindarle soporte personalizado adaptado a su situación única. 

Nota: La información proporcionada es para fines educativos y no constituye asesoramiento legal. Siempre consulte con un abogado calificado para inquietudes legales.

Accidents at Dusk and Dawn

Dusk & Dawn Accidents: Liability Insights

By Bicycle Accident, Boating Accident, Car Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Personal Watercraft (PWC) Accident

Navigating liability in accidents at dusk and dawn involving cars, motorcycles, boats, and pedestrians requires careful consideration. Understanding these complexities is crucial for victims seeking justice and compensation in personal injury cases, particularly those involving lower light levels. Here, we explore how to determine liability in such cases, offering expert legal insights from Fielding Law, specializing in personal injury law.

Car Accidents at Dusk and Dawn
  • Visibility challenges increase at dusk and dawn, contributing to car accidents.
  • Determining liability involves assessing factors like driver negligence, road conditions, and adherence to traffic laws.
  • Fielding Law’s experienced attorneys can help analyze evidence and advocate for fair compensation.
Motorcycle Accidents at Dusk and Dawn
  • Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable during low light conditions.
  • Liability may depend on visibility, road hazards, and other drivers’ actions.
  • Our legal team specializes in motorcycle accident cases, offering tailored support for riders.
Boat Accidents at Dusk and Dawn
  • Lower light levels on waterways can lead to boating accidents.
  • Liability factors include navigation errors, impaired visibility, and negligence.
  • Fielding Law‘s maritime law expertise ensures comprehensive legal representation.
Pedestrian Accidents at Dusk and Dawn
  • Pedestrians face increased risks during dusk and dawn due to reduced visibility.
  • Liability assessment considers driver awareness, speed, and pedestrian rights.
  • Our compassionate approach supports injured pedestrians in seeking rightful compensation.

Your Advocates for Seeking Justice

Fielding Law prioritizes client well-being, offering personalized legal support in complex accident cases. Our team’s expertise and dedication ensure thorough liability assessments, strategic legal guidance, and advocacy for maximum compensation. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and let us navigate the legal complexities while you focus on recovery.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Injured at Coachella

Injured at Coachella Music Festival

By Car Accident, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Public Entity, Slip or Trip and Fall, Wrongful Death

Indio, California is at the center of the excitement in Southern California during festival season. Coachella is the biggest event of the year, attracting people from all over the world to the small town. Through all the adrenaline, it is important to be aware of the dangers at Coachella to ensure a safe weekend.  

Common Risks at Coachella

Car Accidents

Previous data has shown that Palm Springs, a nearby town to Indio, attracts around 125,000 attendees to its renowned festival. With the seasonal influx, it is not surprising that there is a spike in car accidents. When you head out to the desert, stay alert and adopt defensive driving practices to protect yourself and others.  

Pedestrian Accidents

Drivers eager to reach home quickly may resort to off-road shortcuts to beat the traffic. Stick to designated walkways and sidewalks, if accessible, to minimize any chance of injury. Stay attentive to avoid tragic consequences such as the incident in 2016 where a teenager leaving the festival lost her life after she was hit by a car while crossing the street. 


Lack of security or failure to regulate alcohol consumption, may make you eligible for a premise liability claim. If the venue fails to protect their guests, they will face liability. 

Slip and Fall Accidents

Uneven surfaces, debris, and obstacles in pathways are some hazards that can harm concertgoers. Music plays all night at festivals like Coachella, organizers must ensure enough light as it gets dark to prevent accidents.  

Crush Hazards

Concert crowd surges have a tragic history, often caused by negligence from multiple parties involved. Inadequate crowd management and security can result in severe injuries and, tragically, loss of life. Give yourself enough space between other festival goers to prevent falling victim to a crowd surge. The events at Astroworld showed how serious crowd surges can quickly become. 

Injured? Take These Steps:

1.  Seek Medical Attention Immediately

If injured during a set, immediately head to a medical tent, even for minor injuries. 

2.  Report the Incident

Speak with venue management to document your injury. This will help build a stronger case if you decide to pursue a claim.  

3.  Gather Evidence

Collect as much information as you can about your injuries, such as finding witnesses or nearby camera operators. If it is safe to do so, take photos or videos of your injuries and the scene of the incident. 

4.  Talk to Our Team at Fielding Law

When negligence of other parties is the cause of your injury, you deserve justice. Consult with one of our dependable attorneys at Fielding Law to help you navigate an injury claim. 

Fielding Law Is Here for You

Our team is available around the clock, offering free consultations to assist you with your injury claim. Reach out to Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK, you can entrust us with the responsibility of navigating your legal concerns. This way, you can concentrate on staying safe and informed about the dangers at Coachella.  

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury

¿Conoce el Estatuto de Limitaciones para su Reclamo por Lesiones Personales?

By Español, Personal Injury

Después de una lesión, entender el plazo para tomar acciones legales es crucial. El estatuto de limitaciones varía para diferentes demandas por lesiones personales, y ser consciente de estos plazos es esencial para proteger sus derechos. En Fielding Law, empatizamos con los desafíos que enfrenta, y nuestro equipo dedicado está aquí para guiarlo a través de las complejidades de la ley de lesiones personales. 

¿Qué es un Estatuto de Limitaciones?

En Fielding Law, entendemos la importancia de los estatutos de limitaciones en casos de lesiones personales, que van desde accidentes automovilísticos hasta resbalones y caídas, incidentes de entidades públicas, mordeduras de perro, accidentes peatonales, accidentes de autobús, y accidentes de tren.  

Explorando el Estatuto de Limitaciones:

1.  Accidentes Automovilísticos: 
  • California: 2 años  
  • Arizona: 2 años  
2.  Resbalones y Caídas:  
  • California: 2 años  
  • Arizona: 2 años 
3.  Reclamaciones de Entidades Públicas:  
  • California: 6 meses (Aiso de Reclamo), 2 años (Presentación de Demanda)  
  • Arizona: 180 días (Aviso de Reclamo), 1 año (Presentación de Demanda) 
4.  Mordida de Perro  
  • California: 2 años  
  • Arizona: Un año 

5.  Accidente de Peatón:  

  • California: 2 años  
  • Arizona: 2 años  
6.  Accidente de autobús: 
  • California: 6 meses (Aviso de reclamo), 2 años (Presentación de demanda)  
  •  Arizona: 180 días (Aviso de reclamo), 1 año (Presentación de demanda)   
7.  Accidente de tren:  
  •  California: 6 meses (Aviso de reclamo), 2 años (Presentación de demanda)  
  • Arizona: 180 días (Aviso de reclamo), 1 año (Presentación de demanda) 

¿Por qué deberias contratar a Fielding Law?

Navegar por el panorama legal puede ser desalentador, especialmente cuando se trata de limitaciones de tiempo. En Fielding Law, ofrecemos apoyo compasivo y una gran experiencia legal. Nuestro equipo dedicado se compromete a garantizar que cumpla con los plazos cruciales y reciba la compensación que se merece. No deje pasar el tiempo: contáctenos al 833.88.SHARK para una consulta legal gratuita las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana. Su bienestar es nuestra prioridad y estamos aquí para ayudarlo en cada paso del camino 

Nota: La información proporcionada es para fines educativos y no constituye asesoramiento legal. Siempre consulte con un abogado calificado para inquietudes legales.

catastrophic injury from an allergic reaction

Food Allergy Claims 101

By Catastrophic Injury, Personal Injury

Living with food allergies is no easy ordeal. It requires unwavering trust in restaurant staff to ensure a safe dining experience.  At Fielding Law, we understand the complexities of food allergies. We prioritize comprehensive legal support if you suffer a catastrophic injury from an allergic reaction at no fault of your own. 

Understand the Risk

Food allergies are not a rare occurrence. They affect about 6% of American adults and children (CDC). This means 1 in 20 individuals must be extremely cautious with their meal choices to avoid potentially life-threatening allergic reactions. Shockingly, despite restaurant staff being aware of guests’ food allergies, more than half of all allergic reactions occur within restaurant premises (NIH). Food allergies are serious, leading to anaphylactic shock, a severe reaction with dire consequences.

Types of Claims

The first step to finding justice is determining the appropriate claim for your case: 


Negligence may arise in cases involving severe allergic reactions to food if a restaurant or food establishment fails to comply with a guest’s allergy notice.  

In the case of Kanokporn Tangsuan, improper food handling practices and disregard for customer allergies led to her wrongful death. When negligence leads to catastrophic allergic reactions, the responsible parties may be held accountable for failing to uphold the duty of care owed to guests with allergies. 


Tampering with food items, whether intentional or accidental, can lead to severe allergic reactions. Such actions pose life-threatening risks for guests. The situation that occurred to Saira Weitz’s son showcases how dangerous cross-contamination can be to a guest with allergies.   

Failure to Warn

Failure to provide adequate warnings about potential allergens in food products can have serious consequences. The wrongful death of Orla Baxendale showcases the danger behind mislabeling. She unwittingly consumed allergens she was unaware of, which ultimately led to a catastrophic allergic reaction.  

How do I Know if I Have a Case?

Individuals affected by any of the above claims may pursue legal action to seek compensation for suffered due to allergic reactions. If you are unsure whether you are eligible for compensation, call 833.88.SHARK for a free legal consultation, which is available 24/7. At Fielding Law, we are here to navigate all the complexities behind a catastrophic injury from an allergic reaction and are equipped to bring you justice.  

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Legal Advice for Sports Game Injuries

When to Seek Legal Advice After Being Injured at a Game

By Assault, Personal Injury, Slip or Trip and Fall

Experiencing an injury during a game can be overwhelming, leaving you uncertain about your next steps. Whether it’s a minor incident or a significant injury, knowing when to seek legal advice can make a difference in protecting your rights. Here are situations where consulting Fielding Law is essential:

Key Situations Requiring Legal Advice

Serious Injuries

Injuries like broken bones, head trauma, or spinal cord injuries can lead to extensive medical bills and long-term care needs. Seeking legal advice ensures you understand your rights and options for compensation.

Unclear Liability

When it is unclear who is responsible for the injury, legal guidance can help determine liability. This often occurs in cases involving multiple parties or unclear circumstances.

Negligence Claims

If the injury resulted from negligence, whether by another player, the venue, or event organizers, legal advice is crucial to pursue compensation for damages.

Insurance Complications

Dealing with insurance companies can be complex, especially if they deny coverage or offer inadequate compensation. A lawyer can advocate for you and handle negotiations with insurers.

Long-Term Impact

Some injuries may not show their full impact immediately. Consulting a lawyer helps assess potential long-term consequences and ensures you seek fair compensation.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

Fielding Law specializes in personal injury cases, including sports-related injuries. Our caring and capable team understands the challenges you face after an injury. We provide personalized legal advice, handle negotiations with insurance companies, and fight for your rights to fair compensation. Don’t navigate the legal complexities alone—contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and let us help you through this challenging time.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Concert Liability

Concert Liability Explained: Know Your Rights

By Assault, Personal Injury, Slip or Trip and Fall

Concerts are vibrant gatherings where music and excitement collide, creating unforgettable experiences for attendees. However, amidst the euphoria and energy of live performances, accidents can happen unexpectedly, leaving individuals grappling with injuries and questions about legal recourse. Whether it’s a slip and fall, crowd-related incident, or other mishaps, understanding concert liability is crucial to navigating these situations effectively and ensuring that your rights are protected.

Understanding Concert Liability: Your Rights and Responsibilities

Venue Safety Standards

Concert venues are responsible for maintaining a safe environment for attendees. This includes proper security measures, crowd control, and addressing potential hazards like slippery floors or overcrowding.

Organizer Responsibility

Event organizers have a duty to ensure the overall safety of the concert, from stage setups to emergency preparedness. Failure to meet these responsibilities can lead to liability in case of injuries.

Ticket Terms and Conditions

Reviewing ticket terms is essential, as they may outline the assumption of risk and venue liability clauses. Understanding these terms can help determine legal avenues in case of injury.

Steps to Take After an Injury

Seek Medical Help

Prioritize your health by seeking immediate medical attention for any concert-related injuries.

Report the Incident

Inform venue staff or security about the injury and request an incident report to be filed.

Preserve Evidence

Take photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and any contributing factors such as slippery floors or inadequate lighting. Collect witness information if possible.

Review Legal Options

Consult with an attorney, such as Fielding Law, specializing in personal injury cases. We can assess your situation, explain your legal rights, and advocate for fair compensation.

Expert Guidance for Concert Injuries

Fielding Law has a track record of supporting individuals injured at concerts, offering compassionate guidance and legal expertise. Our team works tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Let us be your advocates in seeking justice and moving forward with confidence. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a consultation.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

By Personal Injury

In life’s unexpected turns, whether you need a lawyer can be daunting. It reflects the uncertainty many face when navigating legal matters. We will delve into scenarios where seeking legal counsel from Fielding Law can be invaluable. This provides you with clarity, support, and peace of mind.

Uncertain Fault and Disputes

If fault in an accident is unclear or disputed, consulting with a lawyer is not just advisable but crucial. Legal experts can protect your rights, gather crucial evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you effectively in legal proceedings if necessary.

Insurance Challenges and Coverage

Dealing with insurance matters can be complex, especially if you do not have insurance or if the other party does not. A lawyer can explore options, such as uninsured motorist coverage, or help you pursue a claim against the at-fault party, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Immigration Status and Legal Rights

Regardless of your citizenship or immigration status, you have legal rights after an accident. A lawyer can ensure those rights are upheld and assist you in seeking fair compensation for injuries and damages.

Premises Liability and Injury Claims

If you are injured on someone else’s property, such as falling down stairs at an apartment complex, you may have a premises liability claim. A lawyer can assess the situation, determine liability, and advise you on the legal steps to take. They can also negotiate with the property owner or management on your behalf to seek fair compensation for your injuries.

Coping with Medical Bills

Coping with hospital bills after an accident can be overwhelming. A lawyer can help you explore options for covering medical expenses, negotiating with medical providers, or seeking compensation from the responsible party.

DUI Accidents and Legal Implications

Being hit by a drunk driver can lead to serious legal implications. A lawyer specializing in personal injury cases can guide you through the legal process, advocate for your rights, and pursue compensation for your injuries and losses.

Need a Lawyer? Choose Fielding Law

Fielding Law specializes in personal injury cases and provide compassionate and effective legal representation. Our team understands the challenges you may face and is committed to advocating for your rights. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK to schedule your free consultation and let us help you navigate through these challenging times with confidence.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.


Ryan Cooper Shares Expertise on Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law

By Firm News and Celebrations, In the Community, Personal Injury

Ryan Cooper, Senior Attorney at Fielding Law, participated in Chapman University’s Admitted Students Preview Day as part of an esteemed alumni panel. This event was attended by over 250 prospective law students and their families. It aimed to provide insights into the Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law experience and guide students in making informed decisions about their legal education journey.

Insights from Accomplished Alumni

The alumni panel, featuring accomplished professionals from various legal sectors, including Ryan Cooper as a distinguished panelist, delved into several crucial aspects:

Choosing Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law

Panelists shared personal stories of why they chose Dale E. Fowler School of Law. They highlighted the institution’s unique offerings, supportive community, and opportunities for growth. 

Experience at Chapman 

Discussions revolved around the diverse experiences at Chapman, from participating in legal competitions and organizations to navigating the balance between academics and extracurricular activities. 

Career Paths 

Each panelist detailed their career paths after Chapman and highlighted the university’s pivotal role. Cooper emphasized the significance of Chapman’s guidance in his journey to becoming a Senior Attorney at Fielding Law. 

The panel sparked lively discussions and offered insights into various legal fields. Cooper, a personal injury lawyer, provided a unique perspective, highlighting Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law’s diverse career preparation. His involvement reflected the school’s dedication to a comprehensive legal education and diverse career opportunities.

Chapman University's Admitted Students Preview Day
Chapman University's Admitted Students Preview Day

Inspiring Future Legal Leaders

Reflecting on the event, Cooper remarked, “It was inspiring to connect with aspiring legal professionals and share how Chapman Law School laid the foundation for my career.”

Ryan Cooper at Chapman University’s Admitted Students Preview Day highlighted Fielding Law‘s commitment to legal education. We pride ourselves on supporting the next generation of legal minds and fostering excellence.

Article Photo Credit: and Chapman University.

Uncertain Fault Scenarios

Unclear Fault Scenarios: Answered

By Personal Injury

Accidents can happen unexpectedly, leaving you with questions about your rights and legal options. Here are some common scenarios where fault is unclear, and you may wonder if you need a lawyer:

1. Do I need a lawyer if fault is unclear?

It is advisable to consult with a lawyer, especially if fault is unclear or disputed. A lawyer can protect your rights, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent you in legal proceedings if needed.

2. What should I do after a fender bender?

After a fender bender, ensure everyone is safe, exchange insurance information with the other party, document the scene, and notify your insurance company. Consult a lawyer, especially if injuries or disputes arise.

3. What if I do not have insurance?

Lack of insurance can complicate matters, but you still have legal rights. A lawyer can explore options for compensation, such as uninsured motorist coverage or pursuing a claim against the at-fault party.

4. What if the other driver does not have insurance?

If the other driver is uninsured, you may still have options for compensation. A lawyer can help navigate these situations, including exploring uninsured motorist coverage or pursuing legal action against the uninsured driver.

5. What if I’m not a U.S. citizen?

Regardless of your immigration status, you have legal rights after an accident. A lawyer can ensure your rights are protected and help you seek compensation for injuries and damages.

6. What if I fall down the stairs at my apartment complex?

Injuries on someone else’s property may involve premises liability claims. A lawyer can assess the circumstances, determine liability, and pursue compensation from the property owner or management.

7. How do I negotiate with insurance companies?

Insurance negotiations can be complex. A lawyer can handle communications with insurance companies, ensure you are not taken advantage of, and negotiate for fair compensation based on your damages.

8. What if I have bad bruising or other injuries?

Serious injuries like bad bruising may require medical attention and ongoing treatment. A lawyer can help assess the full extent of your injuries, gather medical records, and pursue compensation for medical expenses and other damages.

9. Can I still file a claim if my accident was a year ago?

The statute of limitations varies by state and type of accident. It is best to consult with a lawyer promptly to determine if you can still file a claim and pursue legal action.

10. What if I broke my arm or leg in the accident?

Serious injuries like broken bones can have long-term consequences. A lawyer can help ensure you receive proper medical care, assess the impact of the injury on your life, and pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

 11. What if I can not afford my hospital bills?

If you are struggling with medical bills, a lawyer can explore options for getting bills covered through insurance, negotiating with medical providers, or pursuing compensation from the at-fault party.

12. What if I’m hit by a drunk driver?

Being hit by a drunk driver can have serious legal implications. A lawyer can help you navigate the legal process, pursue justice, and seek compensation for your injuries and damages.

13. What if I do not want to sue the other party?

You have the right to decide whether or not to pursue legal action. However, it is important to consider your long-term needs and the potential financial impact of not seeking compensation. Consulting with a lawyer can help you understand your options and make an informed decision.

14. What if it is my family member that is at fault?

Accidents involving family members can be emotionally challenging. In such cases, insurance coverage and legal options may still apply. A lawyer can provide objective guidance, navigate potential conflicts of interest, and ensure your rights are protected while handling the legal aspects professionally and sensitively.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

Navigating the legal complexities of uncertain fault scenarios requires experience and expertise. Fielding Law specializes in personal injury cases, providing compassionate and effective legal representation. We understand the challenges you face and are committed to advocating for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve. Contact 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and let us help you through these challenging times.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

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