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Tina Westveer

Smart Features That Enhance Your Personal Injury Case

By Car Accident

At Fielding Law, we understand that being involved in an accident can be overwhelming. That is why we ere here to help you navigate through the complexities, utilizing the latest smart features in modern vehicles to strengthen your personal injury case. Let us explore how these features can make a difference:

Smart Safety Systems

If your car is newer, it likely comes equipped with advanced safety features designed to protect you:

  • Lane Keep: Your vehicle may include a lane keep system that warns you if you’re drifting out of your lane and can even steer you back.
  • Adaptive Cruise Control: This feature helps maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you by automatically adjusting your speed.
  • Emergency Braking: Many modern vehicles are equipped with emergency braking systems that can automatically apply the brakes to prevent accidents.
  • Pedestrian Avoidance System: Some vehicles come with a pedestrian avoidance system that helps detect and avoid collisions with pedestrians.
  • Infotainment Systems: It stores call logs, GPS tracklogs, and event data such as sudden braking incidents.

These smart safety features can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries on the road.

Vehicle Brands With Smart Features

Newer Toyota Smart Features

Toyota cars are often equipped with additional features aimed at enhancing your safety and providing essential data:

  • Data Recorder: This tracks your driving behavior, offering valuable insights into the circumstances surrounding an accident.
  • Driver Assist System: Many Toyota vehicles come equipped with a driver assist system, offering additional support and safety features to help prevent accidents.
  • Cameras: Some newer Toyota models are fitted with cameras that capture footage around your vehicle.
General Motors Forward Camera Module

In certain General Motors vehicles, the forward camera module captures images pre-, during, and post-accident. This aids in reconstructing the sequence of events accurately, providing essential evidence to support your personal injury case.

Tesla’s Advanced Data Sources

Tesla vehicles boast cutting-edge data collection capabilities, utilizing various sources to gather valuable information:

  • Black Box and SD Card: These components store critical data about driving behavior, autopilot activity, and even door status. As well as offering a comprehensive overview of events leading up to an accident.
  • Exterior Cameras: Equipped with multiple exterior cameras, capturing real-time footage of your surroundings. This footage can be invaluable in reconstructing accidents and establishing fault.
  • Interior Camera: This camera monitors driver behavior, ensuring attentiveness and compliance with safety protocols.

We can build a compelling case on your behalf, advocating for your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Tenacious, Caring, Award-Winning Attorneys

As your legal team, we will leverage this information to build you a strong case. By understanding these smart features and acting swiftly to collect relevant data, we can effectively advocate for your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve.

If you have been injured in an accident, do not hesitate to reach out to Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free legal consultation. We will work tirelessly to ensure that your voice is heard and that justice is served. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Palm Branch Injuries

Palm Branch Injuries: Who Holds Responsibility?

By Personal Injury, Public Entity

In bustling urban areas, palm trees often grace public spaces, adding to the beauty of our surroundings. However, these picturesque trees can pose a danger when their branches fall unexpectedly. The serene ambiance can quickly turn into a scene of panic and injury if proper maintenance is neglected.If you have experienced an injury on public property, you may be wondering about your legal rights and options regarding palm branch injuries. Discover who holds responsibility for palm branch injuries and how to seek legal guidance.

Understanding Your Situation

When a palm branch falls and causes injury, several factors come into play to determine if you have a case:

Negligence: Did the entity responsible for maintaining the palm trees fail to inspect them regularly? Negligence in tree maintenance can lead to hazardous conditions.

Property Ownership: Who owns the property where the incident occurred? If it is a public entity, they have a duty to ensure the safety of the premises.

Injury Severity: The extent of your injuries and associated damages will influence the strength of your case.

Do You Have a Case for Palm Branch Injuries?

To determine if you have a viable legal case, consider the following:

  • Was the falling branch due to negligent maintenance or a foreseeable hazard?
  • Did the incident occur on public property, such as a park or sidewalk?
  • Have you suffered injuries, medical expenses, or other losses as a result of the incident?

Statute of Limitations

In California, the statute of limitations for filing a claim against a public entity due to injuries from falling palm branches is typically six months from the incident date. Similarly, in Arizona, the statute of limitations is generally one year. It is crucial to act swiftly and seek legal advice promptly to ensure that you meet the necessary deadlines for filing your claim.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we specialize in personal injury cases, including those involving injuries from falling palm branches on public property. Here is why you should consider hiring us:

Expertise: Our team has extensive experience navigating premises liability cases and understands the complexities involved.

Compassionate Approach: We treat every client with care and empathy, ensuring you feel supported throughout the legal process.

Legal Advocacy: We are committed to advocating for your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.

Clear Communication: We believe in transparent communication, keeping you informed about your case’s progress and options.

If you have been injured by a falling palm branch, do not hesitate to reach out to Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation. Let us help you understand your legal options, including the statute of limitations, and pursue justice for your injuries. Your safety and well-being are our top priorities, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

smart device evidence

How Wearable Tech Boosts Your Personal Injury Claim

By Bicycle Accident, Car Accident, Catastrophic Injury, E-Bikes and E-Scooters, Motorcycle Accident, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Public Entity, Slip or Trip and Fall, Truck Accident

Smart, wearable devices are more than just trendy gadgets; they can play a crucial role in supporting your personal injury claim by automatically storing vital information. This includes smart device evidence, tracking details such as location, sleep patterns, physical activities, and more. The collected data serves as tangible evidence, reinforcing essential facts pertinent to your injury claim.

Information Crucial to Personal Injury Accident Claims

In the aftermath of a personal injury accident, a wearable, smart device can be a valuable asset. The information it captures varies based on the case’s circumstances and disputes. For instance, it can corroborate your presence at the accident scene, offering insights into your vehicle’s speed during the incident. Additionally, these devices monitor sleep patterns, physical activity, and heart rate, providing valuable health-related data. This information proves instrumental in illustrating the impact of the accident on your life, from altered sleep patterns due to mental distress to changes in physical activity levels.

Leveraging Smart Device Evidence

Wearable devices go beyond human observation, presenting a data-driven narrative that can significantly benefit your case. From establishing fault to detailing the severity of damages, these devices offer a unique perspective that can refute opposing claims and substantiate your version of events.

Navigating Admissibility Challenges for Electronically Stored Information

While the electronic data from your smart, wearable device can be invaluable, navigating its admissibility at trial poses challenges. Courts adhere to rules governing evidence presentation, and opinions on admitting electronically stored information vary. Some argue for its inherent reliability, allowing admission based on owner testimony, while others may require expert witnesses or certifications. Addressing admissibility hurdles preemptively is crucial, necessitating motions for clarification and strategic planning with your attorney.

Potential Queries and Obstacles in Smart Device Evidence

Despite the benefits, challenges persist in using data from smart devices as evidence. Establishing ownership and credibility becomes paramount, considering potential data manipulation. Variances among device types, such as GPS accuracy, signal interference, and sensor errors, further complicate matters. Fielding Law, with its expertise, can guide you through these intricacies, ensuring effective utilization of electronically stored information in your case.

Trust Fielding Law to Navigate the Legal Obstacles

In the realm of personal injury law, Fielding Law understands the importance of embracing technological advancements to strengthen your claims. Utilize the power of wearable tech with Fielding Law, where compassion meets cutting-edge legal strategies. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for personalized support and innovative legal representation.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Burn Injuries Causes Treatment

Burn Injuries: Causes, Treatment, and Legal Options

By Burn Injury

Burn injuries are among the most painful and devastating types of injuries a person can experience. Whether caused by fire, chemicals, electricity, or hot liquids, burns can result in severe physical and emotional trauma. In this blog post, we will explore the causes of burn injuries, available treatment options, and the legal options available to victims.

Causes of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries can occur due to various factors, including:

Fire and flames: Exposure to fire or flames can cause thermal burns, leading to tissue damage and pain.

Scalding: Contact with hot liquids or steam can result in scald burns, often seen in kitchen accidents or hot water incidents.

Chemical burns: Exposure to corrosive substances like acids or alkalis can cause chemical burns, affecting the skin and underlying tissues.

Electrical burns: Contact with electrical sources can lead to electrical burns, damaging nerves, muscles, and organs.

Radiation burns: Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays or radioactive materials can cause radiation burns, impacting skin health.

Treatment for Burn Injuries

Immediate medical attention is crucial for burn injuries. Treatment may include:

  1. First aid: Cooling the burn with water, covering it with a sterile bandage, and seeking medical help.
  2. Medical assessment: Doctors assess the severity of the burn and determine the appropriate treatment, which may include cleaning the wound, applying medication, or performing surgery.
  3. Pain management: Managing pain and discomfort through medications or topical treatments.
  4. Rehabilitation: Burn victims may require ongoing rehabilitation, such as physical therapy or counseling, to cope with physical and emotional challenges.

Legal Options for Burn Injuries

If someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions caused your burn injury, you may have legal options, including:

  1. Filing a personal injury lawsuit: Seeking compensation for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages.
  2. Proving liability: Establishing that another party (individual, company, or entity) was negligent or breached their duty of care, leading to your burn injury.
  3. Legal representation: Working with a skilled personal injury attorney like Fielding Law can help navigate the legal process, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and advocate for your rights in court.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

Fielding LawBurn injuries can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and financial impacts on victims and their families. Understanding the causes, seeking prompt medical treatment, and exploring legal options are crucial steps in the recovery process. If you have suffered a burn injury due to someone else’s negligence, do not hesitate to contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for compassionate legal guidance and support. Our experienced team is here to fight for your rights and help you seek the compensation you deserve.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Vacation Injury in california

Injured While on Vacation in California

By Bicycle Accident, Boating Accident, Car Accident, E-Bikes and E-Scooters, Motorcycle Accident, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Public Entity, Slip or Trip and Fall

Vacations are meant to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, but accidents can happen, leading to unexpected injuries and challenges. If you have been injured in California while on vacation but live elsewhere, it is essential to know what steps to take and the importance of working with local attorneys licensed in California. In this blog post, we will discuss the crucial steps to take after a vacation accident in California and why having a local attorney on your side is essential.

Steps After a Vacation Injury

Seek Immediate Medical Attention
The first step after any accident, including one on vacation in California, is to seek immediate medical attention. Your health and well-being are top priorities, so do not delay seeking treatment. Visit the nearest medical facility or hospital in California to receive a thorough evaluation and necessary care for your injuries.

Document the Incident
As soon as possible, document the details of the accident in California. Take photos of the scene, your injuries, and any contributing factors such as hazardous conditions. Collect contact information from witnesses who saw the incident occur. This documentation will be valuable for your legal case.

Report the Incident
If the accident occurred on someone else’s property in California, such as a hotel or resort, report the incident to the property management or authorities. Request a written report of the incident for your records, as this can help establish liability later on.

Preserve Evidence
Preserve any physical evidence related to the accident in California, such as damaged belongings or clothing. Keep records of medical treatment received, including doctor’s visits, prescriptions, and medical bills. These records will be crucial for your injury claim.

Consult with a Local Attorney Licensed in California
When seeking legal assistance for a vacation-related accident in California, it is important to work with a local attorney who is licensed in California. Local attorneys have knowledge of California-specific laws, statutes of limitations, and legal procedures. They can provide personalized legal guidance based on their understanding of local practices and help you navigate the complexities of your case.

Why Local Attorneys Licensed in California Matter

Working with a local attorney licensed in California offers several advantages:

  • They understand California laws and regulations governing your case.
  • They have experience with California courts and legal procedures.
  • They can communicate effectively with local authorities and insurance companies in California.
  • They provide personalized legal advice tailored to your specific case and jurisdiction.

Taking the right steps after a vacation accident in California and seeking assistance from a local attorney licensed in California can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Fielding Law is here to provide expert legal guidance and support during this challenging time. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for personalized assistance in personal injury cases related to vacation accidents in California.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Tips for Pool Safety This Summer

5 Tips for Pool Safety This Summer

By Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip or Trip and Fall, Wrongful Death

As the summer sun beckons families to their backyard pool parties, ensuring safety becomes paramount. Owning a pool is a joyous privilege, but it comes with responsibilities. At Fielding Law, we understand the importance of pool safety and the potential legal issues that can arise from pool accidents. Let us dive into crucial tips for pool owners to prevent accidents and discuss legal recourse if injuries occur at these gatherings. Safeguard your summer fun responsibly with these essential pool safety tips.

Tips for a Safe Summer Poolside

1. Install Proper Barriers
  • Erect fences or barriers around your pool area to prevent unauthorized access, especially for young children.
  • Ensure gates are self-closing and self-latching with a lockable mechanism to keep the pool secure when not in use.
2. Maintain Proper Supervision
  • Never leave children unattended in or near the pool, even for a moment.
  • Designate a responsible adult as a designated “water watcher” when children are swimming.
3. Learn CPR and First Aid
  • Be prepared for emergencies by learning CPR and basic first aid techniques.
  • Keep emergency contact numbers and a first aid kit near the pool area.
4. Keep Pool Clean and Well-Maintained
  • Regularly clean and maintain your pool to prevent slips, trips, and other accidents.
  • Check and maintain proper chemical levels and equipment functionality.
5. Provide Safety Equipment
  • Keep life-saving equipment such as life jackets, reaching poles, and a safety hook near the pool.
  • Ensure pool drains and suction fittings comply with safety standards to prevent entrapment.

Tenacious, Caring, Award-Winning Attorneys

While these tips can significantly reduce the risk of pool accidents, accidents can still occur. If you or a loved one is injured in a pool accident, it is essential to seek legal guidance. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for expert legal advice and representation. Our caring and capable team is here to advocate for your rights and help you navigate the legal complexities of pool accidents. Do not let a pool mishap ruin your summer fun—take proactive steps to ensure safety and know your legal options.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Slip Trip and Fall Injuries

Understanding the Impact of Slip, Trip, and Fall Injuries

By Slip or Trip and Fall

The unforeseen moment when a casual step turns into a sudden tumble can have far-reaching consequences. Slip, trip, and fall injuries, often dismissed as minor incidents, can lead to a myriad of injuries with lasting effects. Insurance companies may downplay the severity, but the reality is that falls can result in long-term disabilities and impairments.

Fielding Law understands the complexities surrounding these incidents and is dedicated to providing unwavering support to those who have experienced such accidents. Our commitment goes beyond legal representation; it extends to offering empathy and guidance during the challenging aftermath.

Common Trip and Fall Injuries:

  1. Broken bones and fractures
  2. Abrasions and lacerations on hands, knees, and elbows
  3. Facial injuries
  4. Broken and sprained wrists from attempting to break the fall
  5. Ankle and foot injuries from tripping
  6. Knee injuries
  7. Neck injuries (whiplash)
  8. Traumatic brain injury

Trip and fall accidents, distinct from slips, often occur when there is an obstruction or uneven surface that causes an individual to lose balance. Uneven pavements, potholes, loose carpeting, or unexpected obstacles can lead to these accidents. Moreover, poor lighting or obscured vision may contribute to the likelihood of tripping.

Unlike slips where the fall tends to be backward, trip and fall accidents commonly result in individuals falling forward. This forward motion can lead to a different set of injuries, including broken bones and fractures, abrasions and lacerations on hands, knees, and elbows, facial injuries, broken and sprained wrists from attempting to break the fall, ankle and foot injuries from tripping, knee injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.

Common Slip and Fall Injuries:

  1. Traumatic brain injury and skull fractures
  2. Shoulder injuries (dislocations, rotator cuff injuries, and fractures)
  3. Spinal cord injuries
  4. Neck injuries (whiplash and cervical fractures)
  5. Knee and ankle injuries
  6. Back injuries (fractured vertebrae, herniated discs, and nerve damage)
  7. Hip fractures and injuries

Slip and fall injuries, on the other hand, often transpire due to slippery surfaces. Wet floors, spills that have not been promptly addressed, or recently waxed or polished surfaces pose significant risks.

The mechanics of a slip and fall involve the individual losing traction on the surface, leading to a backward fall. The impact can result in injuries like traumatic brain injuries, fractures, and soft tissue damage. Understanding the environmental factors that contribute to slip and fall incidents is crucial for prevention and navigating potential legal proceedings.

Fielding Law Your Slip, Trip and Fall Injury Attorneys

In the aftermath of a slip, trip, or fall injury, Fielding Law stands ready to provide compassionate support and legal expertise. Our dedicated team is committed to navigating the complexities of personal injury claims, safeguarding your rights, and pursuing the compensation you rightfully deserve. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK, and let us assist you in crafting a personalized case plan tailored to your unique needs. Your journey to recovery starts with a call to Fielding Law, where caring meets capability.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Slips trips and falls

How are Slips, Trips, and Falls Different?

By Slip or Trip and Fall

Navigating the legal landscape of personal injury claims involves a nuanced understanding of the distinctions between slips, trips, and falls. At Fielding Law, we recognize the challenges you may face after such incidents and strive to provide clarity on the differences to better assist you.

Slip Injuries:

  • Caused by wet or slippery surfaces.
  • Common scenarios include spills, wet floors, or icy walkways.
  • Victims lose balance due to insufficient traction.

Slip accidents typically occur when individuals lose their balance on surfaces that are wet, slippery, or lack proper traction. Common scenarios involve spills, wet floors, or icy walkways. Victims often find themselves unexpectedly sliding or losing footing due to inadequate friction between their shoes and the surface.

Trip Injuries:

  • Involve obstacles or uneven surfaces.
  • Common causes include uneven flooring, cords, or debris.
  • Victims stumble over objects, leading to a fall.

Trip accidents involve individuals stumbling over obstacles or encountering uneven surfaces. Causes may include uneven flooring, cords, debris, or poorly maintained walkways. Trips can result in falls due to sudden obstacles in the walking path, leading to potential injuries.

Fall Injuries:

  • Can result from slips, trips, or other hazards.
  • Falls may occur from heights, leading to severe injuries.
  • Uneven surfaces, lack of railings, or inadequate safety measures contribute.

Falls, in a broader sense, encompass incidents resulting from slips, trips, or other hazards. These accidents may involve falls from heights, leading to more severe injuries. Contributing factors include uneven surfaces, lack of railings, or inadequate safety measures. Falls can encompass a variety of scenarios, making them comprehensive incidents within the realm of personal injury.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, our compassionate and capable team recognizes the physical, emotional, and financial toll of slip and fall incidents. We offer empathetic guidance and comprehensive legal support to navigate the complexities of your case. Our commitment is to be your advocate, ensuring you receive the compensation and justice you rightfully deserve.

Whether you have experienced a slip, trip, or fall, Fielding Law is here to help. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation, and let us provide personalized support tailored to your unique situation.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Prioritize your Safety with Apple Vision Pro

By Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury

The new Apple Vision Pro defines the future as they found a way to blend digital content with the real world. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential dangers of not using these innovations responsibly, especially when you need to be fully aware of your surroundings. At Fielding Law, we understand the thrill technology can bring as it presents new experiences. We want to prioritize your safety and ensure you can recognize the risks associated with the Apple Vision Pro.  

Know the Facts

Apple has provided crucial guidance regarding using their new tech to mitigate potential risks. It is essential to understand the context surrounding these recommendations, especially given the concerning statistics surrounding pedestrian safety, such as:   

Dangers When Using Your New Technology in Public

Reduced Situational Awareness   

You risk accidents such as trip and falls, collisions with objects, and even stepping into oncoming traffic. A device around your face will also compromise your ability to perceive hazards or other pedestrians.  

Misleading Features  

The Vision Pro’s most notable feature is its transparency mode. However, this does not allow users to see the real world as advertised. The headset is made of opaque glass, not a see-through screen. What the user is genuinely looking at is a live stream, which is not as accurate.  This puts you at risk of a delayed response if an obstacle comes your way while you wear the headset as you walk.  

 Object Distortion  

Wearing this headset has been described as seeing through binoculars. Your field of vision is very limited, putting you at risk of being hit from your side. The headset’s ability to mimic the real world through an external camera gives users overconfidence that they can do day-to-day tasks while wearing it. Your distance and visuals can be distorted, putting you at risk of injuries.  

Physical Harm  

Users have already reported struggles with eye strain after using the new tech for an extended period. Other users have reported that after only using the new Vision Pro for 15 minutes, they experienced neck strain combined with headaches. 

How Fielding Law Can Help

Recognize the potential risks associated with the Apple Vision Pro and prioritize your safety as you immerse yourself in augmented reality. At Fielding Law, we remind you to stay attentive and use your technology responsibly. If you are a victim of a distracted pedestrian accident, call 833.88.SHARK for a free legal consultation. 

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Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

UCI Baseball Sponsorship 2023

Grand Slam: UCI Baseball Sponsorship 2024

By In the Community

Fielding Law is thrilled to announce our renewed sponsorship of the UCI Baseball Sponsorship 2024 season. As a law firm deeply invested in community support, we are committed to fostering growth, teamwork, and excellence beyond the courtroom. The ongoing partnership with UCI baseball holds special significance, signifying our unwavering dedication to shared aspirations and community engagement.

Our Heartfelt Commitment to Community

Our commitment to the community goes beyond legal advocacy, extending to initiatives that nurture growth and excellence. Collaborating with UCI’s baseball team aligns with our belief in fostering dreams and encouraging excellence in every facet of life.

Excitement for UCI Baseball’s Ongoing Excellence

Under Fielding Law‘s continued sponsorship, UCI’s baseball team is poised to build on its legacy of excellence. Last year the team demonstrated outstanding teamwork, perseverance, and commitment, leading the Big West in various statistical categories. This collective success resonates with the continued shared values of Fielding Law and the UCI Anteaters.

A Symbol of Dedication

Thrilled to be part of their ongoing journey, our Shark Jaw logo will proudly adorn UCI baseball games, symbolizing our steadfast commitment to excellence. For unwavering legal support, trust Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK. Your triumphs are our shared victories, resonating both on and off the baseball diamond.