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Tina Westveer

Person riding on an e-scooter. E-Scooter accident legal rights

Understanding Your Legal Rights as an E-Scooter Rider

By E-Bikes and E-Scooters

As scooter riders become more common on the roads, the risks of accidents involving other vehicles and pedestrians also increase. If you are a scooter rider who has been involved in an accident, understanding your legal rights and responsibilities is crucial for protecting yourself and seeking compensation.

Legal Obligations for Scooter Riders

Scooter riders must follow specific laws and regulations to ensure their safety and that of others. Here are some of the key obligations:

1. Obeying Traffic Laws

Scooter riders are typically required to follow the same traffic laws as cyclists. This includes obeying traffic signals, yielding to pedestrians, and not riding on sidewalks where prohibited.

2. Operating with Care

Riders must operate their scooters with reasonable care, avoiding reckless behavior such as speeding or weaving through crowded areas. Failure to do so can lead to accidents and potential legal consequences.

3. Yielding to Pedestrians

In most jurisdictions, scooter riders are required to yield to pedestrians. If a rider fails to do so and an accident occurs, they may be held liable for any resulting injuries or damages.

4. Understanding Liability and Insurance

While scooters often do not require insurance, this does not absolve riders from liability. If you are found at fault for an accident, you could be responsible for covering the medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages suffered by the injured party.

Protecting Your Rights After an Accident

If you are involved in a scooter accident, taking the following steps can help protect your legal rights and strengthen your case:

1. Document the Scene

Take photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and any damage to your scooter. Gather contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident.

2. Seek Medical Attention

Even if your injuries seem minor, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. A medical report will provide documentation of your injuries and can be crucial evidence in your case.

3. Contact an Attorney

Consulting with an experienced attorney can help you understand your legal options and ensure that your rights are protected. They can assist you in pursuing compensation for your injuries and other damages.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we understand the challenges that scooter riders face after an accident. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate the legal process with empathy and expertise. If you have been injured in a scooter accident, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football

Fielding Law Supports San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football’s Historic First Season

By In the Community

At Fielding Law, we believe in the power of community, and there is no better way to give back than by supporting the next generation of leaders. This year, we are thrilled to sponsor the San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football team in their inaugural season. As they take to the field for the first time, we are honored to stand behind them, cheering them on every step of the way.

Supporting Young Athletes, Building Stronger Communities

Sponsoring local teams like the San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football is about more than just putting our name on a jersey. It is about investing in the future of our community. Sports play a crucial role in developing life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, and leadership. By supporting these young athletes, we are helping to nurture these values, which will serve them well both on and off the field.

Why We Sponsor Local Teams

At Fielding Law, we take pride in being a part of the communities we serve. Sponsoring local sports teams allows us to connect with our neighbors, give back to the community, and support the youth who represent our future. We believe that when local businesses and community members come together to support young athletes, we all win.

SCHS Flag Football Schedule 24-25Making History on the Field

The San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football is making history as they embark on their first season. We are excited to be a part of this journey and to watch these talented athletes grow and succeed. Their determination and spirit inspire us, and we are proud to support them as they break new ground and pave the way for future generations.

You can follow the team’s journey and stay updated on their progress by following them on Instagram: Be sure to check out their latest posts for highlights, game updates, and more!

A Season of Possibilities

As the San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football team takes on the challenges of their inaugural season, we are confident that they will rise to the occasion. At Fielding Law, we are committed to supporting them, not just as sponsors, but as fans and community members who believe in their potential. We look forward to cheering them on and celebrating their achievements throughout the season.

Fielding Law: Committed to Our Community

San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football

Our sponsorship of the San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football team is just one example of how Fielding Law is committed to positively impacting the communities we serve. Whether through sponsoring local sports teams, supporting charitable causes, or providing exceptional legal services, we are dedicated to improving the lives of those around us.

As the San Clemente High School Girls’ Flag Football team steps onto the field for the first time, we are proud to be part of their journey. Here is to a season filled with hard work, determination, and success. Go SCHS!

Earthquake damage. Car Accident from Earthquake Damage

Car Accident from Earthquake Damage: Do You Have a Case?

By Car Accident, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Public Entity

Earthquakes can cause significant damage to roads, creating hazards that can lead to car accidents. If you have been injured in a car accident due to a road damaged by an earthquake, you may be wondering if you have a case for compensation. Understanding your legal rights and the steps to take can help you determine the best course of action.

Liability in Earthquake-Related Car Accidents

Determining liability in a car accident caused by earthquake damage can be complex. While natural disasters like earthquakes are beyond anyone’s control, there may still be parties responsible for maintaining road safety.

Government Responsibility

Local governments are typically responsible for maintaining public roads. If the government knew or should have known about the damage caused by the earthquake and failed to repair it in a timely manner, they could be held liable for any accidents that occur as a result.

Emergency Response Time

Governments and municipalities are expected to respond quickly to natural disasters. If there was an unreasonable delay in addressing road damage after an earthquake, and this delay contributed to your accident, you may have grounds for a claim.

Private Property Owners

If the damaged road is on private property, the property owner may be liable for not addressing the hazards promptly. This could involve situations where private roads or driveways were damaged and caused an accident.

Steps to Take After the Accident

If you have been injured in a car accident caused by earthquake-damaged roads, it is important to take the following steps to protect your legal rights:

1. Document the Scene

Take photos of the damaged road, your vehicle, and any visible injuries. This evidence can be crucial in building your case.

2. Report the Accident

Report the accident to local authorities and inform them of the road conditions that contributed to the crash. An official report can be valuable in pursuing a claim.

3. Seek Medical Attention

Even if your injuries seem minor, seek medical attention immediately. A medical report will document your injuries and can serve as evidence if you decide to file a claim.

4. Contact Fielding Law

Consulting with Fielding Law can help you understand your legal options and guide you through the complexities of filing a claim. Our experienced team will assist you in navigating the process of pursuing compensation from a government entity or private property owner.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we are dedicated to helping those injured in accidents caused by hazardous road conditions, including earthquake damage. Our team will fight for your rights with empathy, expertise, and tenacity. If you have been injured in a car accident from earthquake damaged roads, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK to discuss your case and explore your legal options.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.


Navigating California’s HOV Lane Rules

By Car Accident, Personal Injury

Navigating California’s High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes can be confusing. At Fielding Law, while we focus on helping individuals injured due to negligence, understanding HOV lane regulations is crucial for all drivers to ensure safe and lawful travel.

What Are California’s HOV Lanes?

HOV lanes, also known as carpool lanes, are designed to reduce traffic congestion and promote carpooling. These lanes are marked with diamond symbols and are typically located on the far left side of highways. Here is a breakdown of the key rules and regulations:

  • Occupancy Requirements: HOV lanes usually require a minimum of two or more passengers in the vehicle. Some lanes also permit single-occupancy vehicles if they are hybrid or electric.
  • Hours of Operation: HOV lanes often have specific operating hours, generally during peak traffic times. It is essential to check these hours before entering the lane.
  • Exemptions and Permits: Vehicles with special permits, such as those for disabled drivers, may use HOV lanes regardless of the number of occupants. Ensure that any required permits are displayed correctly.
  • Violation Consequences: Unauthorized use of California’s HOV lanes can lead to fines. Adhering to the rules helps avoid penalties and ensures compliance with traffic laws.

How to Use California HOV Lanes Correctly

To use HOV lanes effectively and avoid violations, follow these guidelines:

  • Observe Lane Signs: Always pay attention to signs indicating the rules and operational hours for California’s HOV lanes.
  • Meet Occupancy Requirements: Verify that your vehicle meets the required number of passengers before entering the lane.
  • Stay Informed: Local regulations may vary, so be aware of specific rules in your area.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, our focus is on supporting individuals who have been injured due to negligence. If you are involved in an accident and need legal assistance, we are here to help. We provide compassionate and expert guidance to ensure your rights are protected and you receive the support you deserve.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, contact us for a free consultation at 833.88.SHARK. We are dedicated to advocating for your needs and helping you through the legal process with care and expertise.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Man feeding a giraffe at the zoo

Injured at the Phoenix Zoo?

By Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Premises Liability, Slip or Trip and Fall

A trip to the Phoenix Zoo is meant to be an enjoyable and educational outing. Unfortunately, accidents can occur, and an injury at the zoo can quickly turn a pleasant day into a stressful ordeal. Whether it is a slip and fall, a collision with another visitor, or an incident involving zoo facilities or equipment, knowing how to handle the situation is essential. We will guide you through the crucial steps to take if you are injured at the Phoenix Zoo, explain the potential legal implications, and outline how Fielding Law can assist you in seeking the support and compensation you deserve.

Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health is the top priority. If you sustain an injury, seek medical attention immediately. If the injury is severe, call 911 or ask a zoo employee to help you get medical care. For minor injuries, visit a nearby urgent care or your primary care physician.
  2. Report the Incident: Inform zoo staff about the incident as soon as possible. They need to document what happened, which can be crucial for both your health and any potential legal claims.
  3. Document the Scene: If you are able, take photos of the area where the injury occurred. Capture any hazards, conditions, or objects involved. Additionally, gather contact information from any witnesses who saw the accident.
  4. Keep Records: Maintain detailed records of your medical treatment, including bills, prescriptions, and any follow-up care you receive. This documentation will be important for both your recovery and any legal proceedings.

Understanding Liability and Legal Options

Accidents at public places like zoos can involve various forms of liability. Determining who is at fault may depend on several factors, including:

  • Zoo’s Responsibility: If the injury was caused by a hazard that the zoo should have addressed, such as a poorly maintained area or lack of proper signage, the zoo might be held responsible for your injury.
  • Third-Party Negligence: Sometimes, injuries can result from the actions of other visitors or vendors at the zoo. In such cases, identifying the responsible party becomes crucial.
  • Product Liability: If your injury was caused by defective equipment or unsafe products provided by the zoo, there may be a case for product liability.

Consulting with a Legal Professional

If you have been injured at the Phoenix Zoo, it is wise to consult with a legal professional who specializes in personal injury. They can help you understand your rights, navigate the legal process, and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Why Choose Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we understand that dealing with an injury can be overwhelming. Our experienced attorneys are dedicated to providing empathetic and capable legal assistance to help you through this challenging time. We fight with integrity and tenacity to ensure you receive the support and compensation you need.

If you or a loved one has been injured at the Phoenix Zoo, contact us today at 833.88.SHARK or visit our Contact Us page for a free consultation. Let us help you navigate this difficult situation and advocate for your rights.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

RV camped on the side of a road

How to Document an RV Accident

By RV Accident

Proper documentation and evidence collection are vital after an RV accident to support your claim and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. At Fielding Law, we emphasize the importance of thorough documentation to help you navigate the aftermath of an RV accident with confidence and clarity.

Steps to Effectively Document an RV Accident

  1. Ensure Safety First
    • Check for Injuries: Immediately check yourself, your passengers, and others involved for injuries. Call emergency services if anyone needs medical attention.
    • Move to Safety: If possible, move to a safe location to avoid further accidents, but do not leave the scene.
  2. Call the Authorities
    • Report the Accident: Contact local law enforcement to report the accident. A police report will be crucial for your insurance claim and legal case.
    • Obtain the Report: Request a copy of the police report, which will include important details about the accident and any citations issued.
  3. Gather Evidence at the Scene
    • Photographs: Take clear and comprehensive photos of the accident scene, including:
      • Vehicle Damage: All angles of the RV and other vehicles involved.
      • Injuries: Visible injuries sustained by yourself or others.
      • Road Conditions: Any relevant road signs, signals, or environmental conditions.
    • Witness Information: Collect names, contact information, and statements from witnesses who saw the accident occur.
  4. Document an RV Accident and Property Damage
    • Detailed Notes: Keep detailed notes about the extent of damage to your RV and any personal property inside.
    • Repair Estimates: Obtain estimates from repair shops to document the cost of fixing the damage.
  5. Record Medical Information
    • Seek Medical Attention: Even if you feel fine, it is essential to see a doctor for a thorough examination.
    • Medical Records: Keep copies of all medical records, including diagnoses, treatments, and follow-up visits.
  6. Preserve Evidence of Financial Loss
    • Expenses: Keep track of any expenses related to the accident, such as medical bills, vehicle repair costs, and lost wages.
    • Insurance Communication: Document all interactions with your insurance company, including emails, phone calls, and claims filed.
  7. Contact Fielding Law
    • Free Consultation: Reach out to Fielding Law for a free consultation at 833.88.SHARK to discuss your options and get expert advice on how to proceed with your claim. Our experienced team will guide you through the legal process and ensure you understand your rights and options.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we understand that proper documentation is crucial for building a strong case and securing fair compensation. Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to helping you through the process of gathering and organizing evidence, ensuring your rights are protected every step of the way.

If you have been involved in an RV accident and need assistance with your claim, contact us at 833.88.SHARK. We provide compassionate and knowledgeable support to guide you through the legal and insurance complexities following an accident.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

two women hugging

How to Support Sexual Assault Survivors

By Sexual Assault & Abuse

If someone close to you has experienced sexual assault or abuse, offering support and comfort can make a significant difference in their healing journey. At Fielding Law, we understand that providing the right kind of support is crucial for helping survivors navigate this difficult time. Here are some essential ways to offer support and comfort to those who have been affected:

How to Support a Loved One Who Has Experienced Sexual Assault

1. Listen Without Judgment
  • Be an Active Listener: When supporting sexual assault survivors, allow your loved one to share their feelings and experiences at their own pace. Avoid interrupting or offering unsolicited advice.
  • Validate Their Feelings: Acknowledge their emotions and let them know that their feelings are legitimate and understandable.
2. Offer Practical Help
  • Assistance with Daily Tasks: Survivors may struggle with daily responsibilities. Offer to help with tasks like grocery shopping, household chores, or transportation as part of supporting sexual assault survivors.
  • Help with Appointments: Offer to accompany them to medical appointments, therapy sessions, or legal consultations if they wish.
3. Respect Their Autonomy
  • Follow Their Lead: Let them decide how they want to handle their situation and what steps they wish to take. Supporting sexual assault survivors means supporting their choices without pushing them in any particular direction.
  • Avoid Pressuring Them: Refrain from pressuring them to disclose more information or take actions they are not ready for.
4. Educate Yourself
  • Understand Trauma: Learn about the effects of trauma and how it can impact behavior and emotions. This knowledge will help you provide more effective and empathetic support to sexual assault survivors.
  • Know the Resources: Familiarize yourself with local and national resources, such as counseling services and support groups, that can provide additional help.
5. Maintain Confidentiality
  • Respect Their Privacy: Keep their experiences and personal information confidential unless they choose to share it with others. Creating a safe environment for sexual assault survivors includes avoiding discussing their situation without their permission.
  • Create a Safe Space: Ensure that your interactions provide a safe and supportive environment for them to express themselves.
6. Encourage Professional Help
  • Support Therapy: Encourage your loved one to seek professional counseling or therapy if they are open to it. Offer to help find a qualified therapist or support group as part of supporting sexual assault survivors.
  • Provide Information: Share information about resources and services available to survivors, but respect their decision to seek help or not.
7. Be Patient and Compassionate
  • Understand Healing Takes Time: Recovery from sexual assault is a long process, and it is important to be patient and supportive throughout their journey. Continued support is crucial for sexual assault survivors.
  • Show Consistent Care: Continue offering support even after the immediate aftermath. Healing is ongoing, and your continued care can be comforting.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we recognize the importance of compassionate support for sexual assault survivors. If you or a loved one needs legal assistance or advice on navigating the aftermath of sexual assault, our team is here to provide expert guidance with empathy and understanding.

Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a confidential consultation. We are committed to helping survivors and their families through this challenging time with the utmost care and professionalism.

Supporting a loved one who has experienced sexual assault requires sensitivity, patience, and understanding. By following these guidelines, you can provide meaningful support and contribute to their healing process. At Fielding Law, we are dedicated to assisting survivors in their journey toward recovery and justice.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

doctor assisting helping a woman with neck pain

Whiplash: Understanding and Overcoming Stigma

By Car Accident, Personal Injury

Whiplash is a common injury from car accidents and other sudden impacts. Yet, despite its frequency, there is a significant stigma associated with it. This stigma can make victims feel misunderstood or reluctant to seek the help they need. At Fielding Law, we are dedicated to squashing this stigma and providing the support our clients deserve.

What is Whiplash?

Whiplash occurs when a sudden force causes the head to jerk back and forth. This movement can strain the neck muscles and ligaments, leading to pain and stiffness. Symptoms often include:

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

Why the Stigma?

Many people dismiss whiplash as a minor injury. They might believe it is exaggerated or not as serious as it seems. This misunderstanding often stems from:

  • Lack of visible injuries
  • Misconceptions about the severity of symptoms
  • Perception as “just a stiff neck”

Overcoming the Stigma

To overcome this stigma, it is essential to:

  • Seek Medical Attention: Early diagnosis and treatment can help manage symptoms and prevent long-term issues.
  • Document Symptoms: Keep detailed records of your symptoms and how they affect your daily life.
  • Educate Others: Share accurate information about whiplash to help others understand its seriousness.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we understand the complexities and challenges of whiplash injuries. Our compassionate team is here to help you navigate the legal process with care and expertise. We fight for your rights and work to ensure you receive the support and compensation you deserve. Our goal is to alleviate your stress so you can focus on your recovery.

If you have been affected by whiplash, do not let the stigma prevent you from seeking help. Reach out to us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation. Let us guide you through the process and advocate for your needs.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Fielding Law team

Fielding Law: Celebrating Five Years of Success!

By Personal Injury

Celebrating Five Years of Success

This year, we celebrate a significant milestone: Fielding Law’s 5-year anniversary. Reflecting on our journey, we recognize that our success is built on the dedication and tenacity of our incredible team, the trust of our clients, and the unwavering support from family and friends of the firm. We would not be where we are today without these pillars of strength and integrity.

Our Journey

When Fielding Law was founded, we set out with a clear mission: to provide exceptional legal services with compassion and determination. Over the past five years, we have faced many challenges, but our commitment to integrity and tenacity has always guided us. Our journey has been filled with proud moments that highlight our growth and achievements.

Proud Moments Over the Years

We take pride in the numerous victories and milestones we have achieved. Here are some highlights:

1. Successful Case Outcomes

Client Wins: We have successfully resolved countless cases, securing fair compensation for our clients. Each victory reinforces our commitment to justice and client advocacy.

2. Community Involvement

Giving Back: We have actively participated in community events and charitable activities. Supporting our community has always been a core value at Fielding Law.

3. Expanding Our Team

Growth: Over the years, we have significantly expanded our team of skilled attorneys and specialists. We began with a small group of dedicated legal professionals, and today, we are proud to have a diverse team that includes experts in personal injury law, client consultations, case resolution, and, marketing and creative. Our client service representatives ensure our clients receive the attention and care they deserve. This growth has allowed us to provide even more comprehensive and effective legal services to our clients.

Gratitude to Our Clients

We owe our clients a debt of gratitude. Their trust and confidence in our services motivate us to strive for excellence every day. We are honored to have been part of their journeys to justice and recovery.

Support from Family and Friends

Behind every success, there is a network of support. We extend our deepest thanks to the family and friends of Fielding Law. Their encouragement and belief in our mission have been invaluable.

Our Dedicated Team

Our team is the heart of Fielding Law. Their dedication to integrity and tenacity drives our success. Each member brings unique skills and a commitment to helping clients navigate their legal challenges. Our collective efforts have built a firm that stands strong and resilient.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate this milestone, five years of Fielding Law, we look forward to the future with optimism and determination. We remain committed to our core values of integrity and tenacity, and we will continue to strive for excellence in everything we do. Thank you for being part of our journey. Here is to many more years of success and service!

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

people sitting down to sign papers. Quick insurance settlement

4 Reasons Insurance Companies Push for a Quick Settlement

By Car Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Pedestrian Accident, Personal Injury, Slip or Trip and Fall

When you are dealing with a personal injury, the last thing you want is added stress. It is understandable to want a quick resolution, especially if you are facing medical bills and lost income. However, insurance companies often exploit this situation by offering quick settlements. While it may seem convenient, settling too soon can be a costly mistake. Here is why insurance companies want you to settle quickly and why you should think twice before accepting their first offer.

1. Minimizing Payouts

Insurance companies are businesses, and their primary goal is to minimize payouts. A quick settlement offer is often much lower than what you might be entitled to receive. They know that once you accept a settlement, you waive your right to pursue further compensation, even if your medical bills increase or new complications arise. By settling quickly, they save money at your expense.

2. Avoiding Full Liability

A fast settlement allows insurance companies to avoid the full discovery process. This means they do not have to fully investigate the extent of your injuries or their policyholder’s liability. By pushing for a quick resolution, they can sidestep potentially higher payouts that could result from a thorough examination of the accident and its impacts.

3. Exploiting Your Vulnerability

After an accident, you might feel vulnerable, stressed, and eager to move on. Insurance companies are aware of this and may use it to their advantage. They often present a quick insurance settlement as a “convenient” solution, hoping you will accept without considering the long-term implications. However, rushing into a settlement can leave you without the necessary funds to cover future medical treatments or loss of income.

4. Preventing Legal Action

By settling quickly, insurance companies aim to prevent you from consulting with a lawyer. They know that once you have legal representation, the likelihood of a higher settlement increases. An attorney can accurately assess the value of your claim, negotiate on your behalf, and ensure you receive fair compensation. Insurance companies prefer to settle before you have this advantage.

Why Hire Fielding Law

At Fielding Law, we understand insurance companies’ tactics to pressure you into a quick insurance settlement. Our caring and empathetic team is dedicated to protecting your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. With our extensive experience and capable legal expertise, we fight for your best interests, allowing you to focus on your recovery. Do not let insurance companies take advantage of your situation. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and let us guide you through this challenging time.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.