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Avvo's Client's Choice

Clark H. Fielding Earns Avvo’s Clients’ Choice Award Again!

By Personal Injury

At Fielding Law, our clients’ satisfaction is our top priority, and we are honored to receive glowing reviews from individuals we have had the privilege to serve. In addition to our clients’ testimonials, we are proud to announce that our Founding Principal, Clark H. Fielding, has earned Avvo’s Client’s Choice award for the ninth consecutive year. This prestigious award reflects our unwavering commitment to providing exceptional legal representation and achieving favorable outcomes for our clients.

Here are snippets from recent client testimonials that highlight the exceptional service and results we strive to deliver:

"The Best Personal Injury Firm In Southern California"

“Clark and his team provided world-class service to me and my case! Their entire team was so giving of their time and effort to make sure my case was resolved in the way I hoped it would be. Clark went the extra mile, time and time again. Him and his team communicated clearly and set expectations throughout the entire process.”

- Blake

"Five Stars!"

“Clark, reached out to me a couple times throughout my case even amongst all his other cases. When I spoke with him he listened, followed-up and double checked I was having all my needs met. He also introduced himself to me personally allowing me to feel like I was speaking to him face-to-face and not over the phone (like I was.) I felt like I was speaking to someone who cared vs. just another checked off name on a list. He showed real empathy for my pain, struggle and the hardship (physical, emotional and mental) the accident I was in caused me.”

- Ilana

"Best of the best law office and team ever."

“So professional and kind. My daughter had several injuries caused by the accident as she was a passenger in it. They achieved amazing success and won it in less than 5 months. I’m so happy we had Fielding Law Office handle this case. I was going in circles trying to reach someone one from the insurance company or even the car she was in. it was a very tough time having to deal with all that and at the same time taking care of my daughter, but it all ended and I managed to just focus on my daughter the minute I gave it to Fielding Law Office to take care of everything.”

- Farah

Tenacious, Caring, and Award-Winning

These testimonials exemplify Fielding Law’s commitment to providing compassionate support, exceptional legal expertise, and unwavering advocacy for our clients. Whether you have been injured in a car accident, slip and fall incident, or any other personal injury matter, trust Fielding Law to fight for the compensation and justice you deserve. Contact us today at 833.88.SHARK to schedule your free consultation and experience the Fielding Law difference firsthand.

St Patrick's Day Safety

St. Patrick’s Day Safety Guide: A Toast to Responsibility

By Car Accident

The luck of the Irish may keep you safe from impaired drivers this St. Patrick’s Day, however, be sure to take proper precautions anyway. As you prepare your favorite green attire for the holiday celebrations, remember to prioritize your safety on your night out. This joyful day can quickly turn tragic when impaired driving enters the picture. That is why Fielding Law has put together safety tips for you to use as you head out to celebrate.  

Understanding the Risks 

With all the festivities on this vibrant day, there is a notable spike in alcohol-related collisions. Whether attending parades during the day or pubs at night, it is evident that this day is majorly celebrated with the consumption of alcohol. A night that is meant for joy accounts for 36% of fatality collisions involving an impaired driver (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). With responsible behavior and planning, we can decrease this percentage together. 

Tips for Staying Safe on St. Patrick’s Day

Plan Ahead  

Before celebrating, designate a sober driver who will ensure the entire party gets home safely. The drinkers of the night can buy the designated driver food or nonalcoholic drinks throughout the festivities so they are not left out. Remember, if you are the driver, do not be a drinker. There is nothing better than getting home safe.  

Arrange alternative transportation like rideshare services if no one in your party is staying sober. Some companies offer special rates, even free rides, on high-impact holidays like St. Patrick’s Day. You can even schedule a pickup time so you do not have to worry about how you are getting home at the end of the night.  

Stay Aware  
  • Stay Sober and Alert: Your decision to stay sober does not guarantee everyone else will. Remain vigilant to other cars.
  • Avoid Distractions: Discontinue phone use, eating, and put away other distractions. Focus on the road, surroundings, and potential signs of impaired drivers. 
  • Exercise Caution: Be extra cautious around vehicles with potentially impaired drivers. Prioritize defensive driving to mitigate risks. 
  • Report Suspicious Activity: If you observe concerning behavior, say something. Help maintain road safety by calling the police if you suspect someone is driving under the influence.
Look Out for Each Other 

Take proper precautions at the start of the festivities by asking all friends who are planning on drinking to hand over their vehicle keys. Designate accountability buddies who will make sure no one gets behind the wheel intoxicated.  

Stay Safe and Celebrate Responsibly

St. Patrick’s Day is meant for joy and cheer, but this day has become tainted as it is one of the deadliest days of the year. By prioritizing safety and collective responsibility, we can ensure everyone can enjoy the festivities without fear of harm. In the event of an impaired driving accident caused by someone else’s negligence, Fielding Law stands ready to offer unwavering support and legal guidance to you and your loved ones. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation. We are wishing you a safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day! 


Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

What if I Can’t Afford an Attorney?

By Personal Injury

Accidents can strike unexpectedly, the prospect of facing personal injury without the funds to afford an attorney can be daunting. However, at Fielding Law, we believe that everyone deserves fair, accessible, and affordable legal representation during challenging times. Here is a glimpse into how we can help, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder your path to justice.

Why Choose Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we understand the financial strain that often accompanies a personal injury. Our commitment to client well-being goes beyond the legal arena; we prioritize making quality legal representation accessible to all. When you choose us, you gain a compassionate partner dedicated to alleviating the burdens associated with personal injury claims.

Affordable Legal Representation

The contingency fee structure at Fielding Law serves as a beacon of hope for those concerned about upfront attorney fees. With this arrangement, our fees are contingent on the success of your case. If we do not secure compensation for you, you do not pay. This model empowers you to pursue justice without worrying about immediate financial burdens.

Potential Expenses Beyond Attorney Fees

  • Court filing fees
  • Mailing and service of process charges
  • Costs for obtaining medical records
  • Expenses for expert witnesses
  • Miscellaneous charges

Understanding the financial concerns associated with pursuing a personal injury claim, Fielding Law goes the extra mile to ease the burden. While attorney fees are contingent on the outcome, there are additional expenses tied to the claims process. These may include court filing fees, mailing and service of process charges, costs for obtaining medical records, expenses for expert witnesses, and various miscellaneous charges.

Supporting You Every Step of the Way

In times of uncertainty, count on Fielding Law to be your reliable partner, providing unwavering support and cost-effective solutions. Your journey to justice begins with a simple step – contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation. Let us navigate the complexities of your personal injury claim, ensuring your rights are safeguarded and compensation rightfully earned.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Personal Injury Law Technology

Utilizing Personal Injury Law Technology

By Personal Injury

In the dynamic realm of personal injury law, technology stands as a powerful ally, transforming the landscape in favor of justice and client welfare. Fielding Law embraces cutting-edge tools and strategies to enhance our legal services for the benefit of those we represent.

Digital Evidence Collection

Digital evidence, ranging from photos to videos, significantly strengthens personal injury cases. Our adept use of advanced technologies ensures thorough documentation, providing a compelling narrative in legal proceedings.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR emerges as a revolutionary tool, aiding in accident reconstruction and providing immersive experiences for judges and juries. This technology enhances the understanding of complex cases, bringing clarity to intricate details.


Efficient communication is pivotal. Leveraging advanced communication tools ensures seamless collaboration among legal teams, clients, and relevant parties, fostering a transparent and supportive environment.

Case Management Software

Our utilization of case management software enhances organization and workflow. This not only boosts our operational efficiency but also allows us to stay focused on the intricacies of each case, providing personalized attention to our clients.

In a world where technological advancements redefine possibilities, Fielding Law stands at the forefront, harnessing innovation to champion the cause of justice for our clients. We are not only dedicated to leveraging technology for optimal outcomes but are also deeply committed to safeguarding our clients’ data.

How Does this Benefit our Clients?

Our commitment to integrating technology into our legal practice directly translates to enhanced client benefits.

  • Comprehensive Evidence: Thorough documentation for compelling case narratives.
  • Immersive Understanding: VR aids in accident reconstruction for clearer case comprehension.
  • Transparent Communication: Advanced tools for seamless collaboration, fostering a supportive environment.
  • Operational Efficiency: Case management software enhances organization and workflow.
  • Personalized Attention: Focus on case intricacies, providing tailored support.

Confidentiality and security are paramount at Fielding Law, where we collectively as a team take the safeguarding of our clients’ data very seriously. For personalized and tech-driven legal representation with unwavering commitment to data security, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Brain Injury Types

4 Brain Injury Types: Symptoms and Severity

By Brain Injury (TBI)

In the world of personal injury, being well-informed about the various types of brain injuries is crucial for both medical treatment and legal considerations. Fielding Law is dedicated to providing comprehensive insights into four primary types of brain injuries, their symptoms, and the distinct levels of severity associated with each.

1. Concussions

  • Definition: Often considered mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs), concussions result from a blow or jolt to the head.
  • Symptoms: Headache, confusion, nausea, sensitivity to light.
  • Severity: Typically mild, but monitoring for persistent symptoms is crucial.

2. Diffuse Axonal Injuries (DAIs)

  • Definition: DAIs occur when the brain rapidly shifts within the skull, causing tearing of nerve fibers.
  • Symptoms: Range from mild confusion to coma.
  • Severity: Requires immediate medical attention; long-term effects can include cognitive impairments and motor function issues.

3. Penetrating Injury

  • Definition: Involves an object entering the skull and damaging brain tissue.
  • Symptoms: Vary widely based on location and extent of the injury.
  • Severity: Immediate medical intervention is vital; long-term outcomes can be challenging to predict.

4. Anoxic Injury

  • Definition: Results from a lack of oxygen to the brain.
  • Symptoms: Cognitive deficits, seizures, coma in severe cases.
  • Severity: Timely medical intervention is crucial to minimize damage, but long-term effects can be significant.

Advocates After a Brain Injury

Understanding the severity of your brain injury type is pivotal for seeking appropriate medical care and potentially pursuing legal action. Fielding Law stands as a beacon of support for individuals navigating the complexities of personal injury cases. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury due to someone else’s negligence, remember that Fielding Law is just a call away at 833.88.SHARK. We are here to provide empathetic and capable legal assistance, ensuring that your well-being remains our top priority.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

boat safety tips for spring break

Boat Safety Tips For Spring Break Fun

By Boating Accident

With the sun shining bright just in time for spring break, it is time to prepare our boats to set sail. With all the excitement of getting a well-deserved week of fun, remember to use safe practices on board.  Our dedicated team at Fielding Law prepared boat safety tips for spring break so it can be full of memories, not injuries.  

Understand The Risk

According to the United States Coast Guard, there are over 5,000 boating incidents that occur every year in the U.S. The main contributors include boating under the influence, operator inexperience or inattention, and excessive speed. These incidents have resulted in over 3,00o injuries and 700 deaths. A week meant for fun can quickly take a turn when you are not taking the proper precautions.  

Safety Tips for Boating Fun

Familiarize Yourself With the Rules of the Water: Before you set sail, familiarize yourself with the rules of the water. Enjoy a seamless trip with The BoatUS Foundation guide created to ensure a safe day out boating.

Share Your Plans: Let someone know where you plan to go and what time you should be back to shore. In case of an emergency, someone on land will know to look for you and call for help if needed.   

Designate A Sober Skipper: Before you leave the dock, designate someone who will ensure the safe operation of the boat and the safety of the party. The Coast Guard has reported that boating under the influence is the leading cause of fatal accidents on the water.   

Ensure Proper Equipment: Before you set sail, ensure you have everything you need in case of an emergency while away from the deck. Here is a checklist of the necessary equipment for a safe day out.  

  • Enough life jackets for everyone on board 
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher 
  • Visual distress signals (i.e., flares and flags) 
  • Sound signal (i.e., whistle or air horn) 
  • Navigation lights  
  • Take a boating safety course  

Before you head out, check that all the equipment is in working order and has not expired. This checklist is not just a suggestion but requirements placed by the U.S. Coast Guard.  

Avoid Bad Weather: Before you head for your day of fun on the water, check the forecast and make sure it is safe to be out on a boat.   

Stay Alert of Wildlife: When you are out in the water, stay alert for any wildlife and boat responsibly.

Fielding Law is Here For You

Keep your spring break fun, and keep your outing safe and legal. Safety is not meant to be a bummer but rather a tool to give you peace of mind and let you kick back on your day of fun. With our boat safety tips for spring break, you can enjoy your day and return to shore accident-free. If the unexpected occurs and you are the victim in a boating accident, allow Fielding Law to be your anchor. Our trusted attorneys are ready to provide unwavering support in these intricate waters. Call 833.88.SHARK for a free legal consultation. We wish you a fun-filled spring break out on the water! 

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Pedestrian Tech

Pedestrian Tech for a Safer California

By Pedestrian Accident

Technology is transforming pedestrian safety in California, extending beyond roads to vehicles and comprehensive urban planning. At Fielding Law, our concern goes beyond legal matters; we care about the well-being of individuals navigating streets and sidewalks.

Pedestrian Detection in Vehicles

Many modern cars boast pedestrian detection systems utilizing sensors and cameras. These actively monitor surroundings, alerting drivers to pedestrians and, in some instances, triggering emergency braking to prevent collisions.

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

California leads in developing and deploying ITS, incorporating advanced traffic management, real-time data, and vehicle-infrastructure communication. These systems optimize traffic flow, reduce congestion, and provide real-time information for safer pedestrian environments.

Public Education Campaigns

Pedestrian tech aids public awareness through social media, online platforms, and apps. Focused on busy intersections and school zones, these campaigns leverage tech to encourage safe pedestrian practices and behavioral change.

Data-Driven Safety Initiatives

Big data and analytics identify high-risk areas, guiding effective safety measures. Analyzing traffic data, pedestrian patterns, and accident statistics enables informed decisions, improving safety measures and resource allocation.

Street Design and Infrastructure Upgrades

Advancements highlight the impact of street design on pedestrian safety. California invests in infrastructure upgrades, installing raised crosswalks, refuge islands, enhanced lighting, and pedestrian-friendly intersections.

Fielding Law: Your Pedestrian Accident Advocates

In California, technology collaborates with urban planning to create a safer pedestrian environment, from smart crosswalks to data-driven safety initiatives. As policymakers, planners, and developers continue their collaborative efforts, California stands as a beacon for prioritizing pedestrian safety, paving the way for a safer future. Contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK for legal support and a commitment to your well-being.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Product Liability in Car Accidents

Product Liability in Car Accidents

By Car Accident

In the fast-paced world of automobiles, occasional panic can lead to confusion, especially with brake malfunctions. Some believe they have a product liability case, thinking their car accelerated despite braking. Instead of attributing it solely to a car malfunction, consider human error caused by panic, common in Product Liability in Car Accidents.

At Fielding Law, we understand these complexities. Our caring approach unravels the mystery behind acceleration incidents. We recommend exploring black box data possibilities with your insurance company, confirming genuine malfunctions or unintentional actions.

What is Black Box Data?

Explain that a car’s black box (Event Data Recorder) records crucial data about the vehicle’s performance, including speed, brake engagement, and other key factors.

Clarify that not all cars have black boxes, but they are becoming increasingly common, especially in newer models.

What Can Be Collected?

The data collected by a car’s black box is extensive and serves as a comprehensive record of the vehicle’s performance. Some of the critical information that can be captured includes:

  • Speed: Recording the vehicle’s speed at different points in time.
  • Brake Engagement: Documenting instances of brake application and release.
  • Steering Angles: Detailing the position of the steering wheel during specific events.
  • Throttle Position: Indicating the degree to which the accelerator pedal is pressed.
  • Force of Impact: Measuring the intensity of the collision or sudden deceleration.
  • Airbag Deployment Times: Logging the precise moments when airbags are deployed.

Benefits of Retrieving Black Box Data

Retrieving black box data from a vehicle’s Event Data Recorder (EDR) offers several significant advantages, playing a crucial role in post-accident investigations, insurance claims, and legal proceedings. Here are some key benefits:

Accurate Accident Reconstruction

Black box data provides precise information about the vehicle’s speed, braking, steering, and other critical parameters leading up to and during the accident. This accuracy aids in reconstructing the events with a high level of detail, offering a clearer understanding of how the incident unfolded.

Establishing Fault and Liability

The recorded data helps in determining the party at fault by offering insights into factors such as speed, brake engagement, and force of impact. This information is invaluable in establishing liability, especially in cases where there are conflicting accounts or unclear circumstances.

Validating Driver and Witness Statements

Black box data can be used to validate or challenge statements made by drivers and witnesses. It serves as an objective record of the vehicle’s actions, helping corroborate or refute claims about speed, braking, and other critical actions taken by the driver.

Supporting Insurance Claims

Insurance companies may use black box data to assess the validity of claims. The recorded information offers an unbiased account of the accident, aiding insurers in processing claims more efficiently and accurately.

Enhancing Vehicle Safety Research

Aggregated black box data, when analyzed across multiple incidents, contributes to valuable insights into vehicle safety. Researchers can use this data to identify patterns, assess the effectiveness of safety features, and recommend improvements to enhance overall road safety.

Clarifying Product Liability Cases

In cases involving potential product defects, black box data can serve as critical evidence. It may reveal malfunctions or anomalies in the vehicle’s performance, supporting claims of product liability against manufacturers.

Facilitating Timely Legal Action

Retrieving black box data promptly is crucial, as these devices typically overwrite data after a certain period. Acting swiftly to preserve and analyze this information is essential for building a strong legal case or supporting a personal injury claim.

Why Choose Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we go beyond legal representation; we provide a caring and empathetic approach to our clients’ cases. In the realm of product liability, where complexities abound, our capable team stands as a beacon of support. We prioritize the truth, ensuring our clients receive the justice and understanding they rightfully deserve. With a commitment to excellence and ethical practices, Fielding Law has successfully navigated numerous product liability cases, earning the trust of our clients. When you choose Fielding Law, you’re choosing a legal partner dedicated to unraveling complexities, championing your cause, and delivering favorable outcomes. Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a legal approach backed by empathy, experience, and unwavering commitment.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Apple Vision Pro Distracted Driving

Apple Vision Pro Distracted Driving

By Car Accident

Amidst evolving technology, the utilization of Apple Vision Pro raises concerns, especially when used in potentially dangerous situations. The allure of augmented reality experiences is leading users to engage with the headset while performing various activities, including driving. This trend is not only alarming but also raises questions about the safety implications and potential accidents associated with distracted driving involving VR technology.

Dante Lentini’s Controversial Stunt

In a notable incident, Dante Lentini gained attention by posting a video where he wore the Apple Vision Pro headset while seated in the driver’s seat of a partially automated Tesla. Lentini, however, defended his actions, claiming that the stunt was not as dangerous as it appeared. According to him, the device was on transparency mode, allowing him to view the road through the headset’s cameras. Lentini even stated that an Apple engineer informed him about the headset having a steering-wheel detector, preventing users in the driver’s seat from using its apps. Despite Lentini’s reassurances, the incident raises questions about the perceived safety of using advanced VR technology while operating vehicles.

Government Warning Amidst Concerns

In response to these concerning behaviors, U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has issued a stark reminder. He emphasizes that all advanced driver assistance systems, including those in partially automated vehicles, require the human driver to be fully engaged and in control of the driving task. Buttigieg’s warning comes with a video showcasing a person in Utah using the Vision Pro while driving a Tesla Cybertruck with hands off the wheel, highlighting the urgency of addressing distracted driving concerns.

Why Choose Fielding Law?

The evolving landscape of technology brings both innovation and challenges. As seen with the use of Apple Vision Pro, the intersection of VR and daily activities raises concerns about safety and responsible use. Fielding Law is committed to addressing the legal consequences of distracted driving incidents, ensuring that individuals affected receive the support and representation they deserve. If you find yourself in need of legal assistance, contact Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK. Your safety and well-being matter to us.

Article Photo Credit: Loren Elliott/Reuters

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Brain Injury Awareness

National Brain Injury Awareness Month

By Brain Injury (TBI)

As we commemorate National Brain Injury Awareness Month, our hearts are with those navigating the challenges of brain injuries. At Fielding Law (Call us at 833.88.SHARK), we not only strive to raise awareness but also extend a compassionate guide. This article delves into vital tips for post-brain injury care, insights into pursuing a personal injury claim, proving liability, and navigating discussions with insurance companies.

Understanding Brain Injuries

National Brain Injury Awareness Month prompts a deeper exploration into the intricate challenges posed by brain injuries, extending beyond the visible aspects. Despite being largely unseen, these injuries intricately affect individuals, introducing cognitive, emotional, and physical challenges that reshape lives. Their impact resonates beyond the individual, creating ripples that extend to families and communities at large.

Tips After a Brain Injury

  1. Prioritize Rest: Adequate rest is crucial for brain healing; avoid mental and physical strain.
  2. Follow Medical Advice: Adhering to prescribed treatments aids recovery and strengthens potential legal claims.
  3. Document Changes: Track cognitive, emotional, and physical changes for both medical and legal purposes.

Can You Pursue a Personal Injury Claim for a Brain Injury?

Certainly, individuals can pursue a personal injury claim for a brain injury if it stems from someone else’s negligence. Whether the injury results from a car accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice, or another incident where negligence is a factor, seeking justice through a personal injury claim is a viable option. The process involves establishing that the responsible party had a duty of care, breached that duty, and directly caused the brain injury. Collating evidence, such as medical records and witness statements, is crucial in proving this connection. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney is essential to navigate the complexities of brain injury cases, ensuring proper legal procedures are followed, and victims receive rightful compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and the profound impact on their lives.

What to Do After a TBI

  1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention:
    • Get prompt medical care for your TBI. Documenting the injury is essential for building a strong legal case.
  2. Preserve Evidence:
    • Preserve any evidence related to the incident. This includes accident reports, photographs, witness statements, and any relevant documents.
  3. Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney:
    • Reach out to a personal injury attorney specializing in TBI cases. They can provide legal advice based on the circumstances of your injury.
  4. Document Everything:
    • Keep a detailed record of your medical treatment, symptoms, and the impact on your daily life. This documentation can be crucial in establishing the extent of your damages.
  5. Follow Medical Advice:
    • Adhere to the medical advice provided by healthcare professionals. This not only contributes to your recovery but also strengthens the connection between the accident and your injuries.
  6. Identify Responsible Parties:
    • Work with your attorney to identify parties responsible for the incident. This may include individuals, businesses, or entities whose negligence contributed to your TBI.
  7. Insurance Communication:
    • Direct all communication with insurance companies through your attorney. Insurance adjusters may attempt to settle quickly, and having legal representation ensures your rights are protected.
  8. Evaluate Long-Term Consequences:
    • Assess the potential long-term consequences of your TBI, including ongoing medical needs, rehabilitation, and any impact on your ability to work and enjoy life.
  9. Negotiation or Litigation:
    • Your attorney will negotiate with the responsible parties and their insurers to seek fair compensation. If a settlement cannot be reached, they will be prepared to take the case to court.
  10. Legal Timeframes:
    • Be aware of legal timeframes for filing a personal injury lawsuit. Your attorney will ensure all deadlines are met.
  11. Financial Recovery:
    • Pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the TBI.
  12. Supportive Network:
    • Surround yourself with a supportive network, including family, friends, and mental health professionals. Coping with a TBI can be challenging, and emotional well-being is essential.

How Do I Prove Liability?

Proving liability necessitates a meticulous approach. Start by gathering comprehensive evidence, documenting the incident thoroughly, collecting witness statements, and securing relevant records that can substantiate your case. Additionally, consider obtaining expert opinions, as their assessments can lend valuable insights into the specifics of the situation. These steps collectively form a robust strategy to establish liability and fortify your position in seeking legal recourse for the damages incurred.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

In the intricate landscape of brain injury cases, having compassionate and capable legal representation is paramount. At Fielding Law, our approach is rooted in empathy and understanding. We stand as advocates for brain injury survivors, offering not just legal expertise but a compassionate partnership throughout the recovery and legal processes. Call Fielding Law at 833.88.SHARK (833-887-4275) for a free consultation, and let us be your allies in healing and seeking justice.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.