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Sexual Assault & Abuse

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How to Support Sexual Assault Survivors

By Sexual Assault & Abuse

If someone close to you has experienced sexual assault or abuse, offering support and comfort can make a significant difference in their healing journey. At Fielding Law, we understand that providing the right kind of support is crucial for helping survivors navigate this difficult time. Here are some essential ways to offer support and comfort to those who have been affected:

How to Support a Loved One Who Has Experienced Sexual Assault

1. Listen Without Judgment
  • Be an Active Listener: When supporting sexual assault survivors, allow your loved one to share their feelings and experiences at their own pace. Avoid interrupting or offering unsolicited advice.
  • Validate Their Feelings: Acknowledge their emotions and let them know that their feelings are legitimate and understandable.
2. Offer Practical Help
  • Assistance with Daily Tasks: Survivors may struggle with daily responsibilities. Offer to help with tasks like grocery shopping, household chores, or transportation as part of supporting sexual assault survivors.
  • Help with Appointments: Offer to accompany them to medical appointments, therapy sessions, or legal consultations if they wish.
3. Respect Their Autonomy
  • Follow Their Lead: Let them decide how they want to handle their situation and what steps they wish to take. Supporting sexual assault survivors means supporting their choices without pushing them in any particular direction.
  • Avoid Pressuring Them: Refrain from pressuring them to disclose more information or take actions they are not ready for.
4. Educate Yourself
  • Understand Trauma: Learn about the effects of trauma and how it can impact behavior and emotions. This knowledge will help you provide more effective and empathetic support to sexual assault survivors.
  • Know the Resources: Familiarize yourself with local and national resources, such as counseling services and support groups, that can provide additional help.
5. Maintain Confidentiality
  • Respect Their Privacy: Keep their experiences and personal information confidential unless they choose to share it with others. Creating a safe environment for sexual assault survivors includes avoiding discussing their situation without their permission.
  • Create a Safe Space: Ensure that your interactions provide a safe and supportive environment for them to express themselves.
6. Encourage Professional Help
  • Support Therapy: Encourage your loved one to seek professional counseling or therapy if they are open to it. Offer to help find a qualified therapist or support group as part of supporting sexual assault survivors.
  • Provide Information: Share information about resources and services available to survivors, but respect their decision to seek help or not.
7. Be Patient and Compassionate
  • Understand Healing Takes Time: Recovery from sexual assault is a long process, and it is important to be patient and supportive throughout their journey. Continued support is crucial for sexual assault survivors.
  • Show Consistent Care: Continue offering support even after the immediate aftermath. Healing is ongoing, and your continued care can be comforting.

Why Hire Fielding Law?

At Fielding Law, we recognize the importance of compassionate support for sexual assault survivors. If you or a loved one needs legal assistance or advice on navigating the aftermath of sexual assault, our team is here to provide expert guidance with empathy and understanding.

Contact us at 833.88.SHARK for a confidential consultation. We are committed to helping survivors and their families through this challenging time with the utmost care and professionalism.

Supporting a loved one who has experienced sexual assault requires sensitivity, patience, and understanding. By following these guidelines, you can provide meaningful support and contribute to their healing process. At Fielding Law, we are dedicated to assisting survivors in their journey toward recovery and justice.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Child Sexual Abuse

Attorneys for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse

By Sexual Assault & Abuse

In a groundbreaking move for victims of child sexual abuse, Arizona has taken significant steps to reform the statute of limitations for survivors. This reform is creating new opportunities for healing, justice, and accountability. On May 27, 2019, Governor Doug Ducey signed into law Arizona’s victims’ rights bill, HB2466, resulting in the passing of ARS § 12-514. This new law offers renewed hope and a path to justice for survivors.

Arizona’s New Law: Addressing the Need for Change

A critical aspect of this new law was opening a one-time window suspending the statute of limitations for all claims. This allowed many survivors who were abused decades ago to file previously time-barred suits alleging child sexual abuse.

The Arizona victims’ rights bill includes the following key provisions:

  • Extended Age Limit: The age limit to bring a claim against a perpetrator has been extended by 12 years, from the current age of 20 to the new age of 30.
  • Temporary Filing Window: A temporary window was opened for survivors older than 30 to file civil claims against their perpetrators and the institutions that knew or had actual notice of misconduct that created an unreasonable risk of sexual abuse, regardless of when the abuse occurred.
  • Closing of Temporary Window: This temporary window closed on December 31, 2020, for survivors 30 years of age and older.

The Difference It Makes for Survivors

Governor Ducey stated, “We cannot overstate the pain and trauma suffered by victims of child sexual abuse. We know victims need time to process and understand what happened. They deserve the time to come forward.”

Recovering from sexual assault or abuse often takes years before the victim can come forward. Even after the physical damage has healed, a survivor’s mental scars may persist for a lifetime. Before this bill was passed, the statute of limitations was generally two years from the child’s 18th birthday. This limited the time to file a lawsuit against a sexual predator or the organization that employed or enabled that predator. This left many victims without recourse as they grew older. Now, survivors have more time to seek justice.

Holding Institutions Accountable

A troubling fact concerns how some institutions, businesses, and organizations have knowingly allowed abusers to continue working within their ranks, especially with children. If such an entity fails to take common-sense preventative measures, it may be found negligent. This negligence can make the institution or employer legally responsible for the harm to the child, in addition to the perpetrator.

Without enablers, abusers often would not have access to their victims. They wouldn’t have the credibility and trust gained through their employment. This trust frequently makes such abuse possible. The law permits employers to be held accountable if they fail to conduct basic background checks on employees who work with children or allow dangerous employees to remain in their positions.

Why It Is Important to Reach Out

If you were a victim of sexual abuse as a minor, it is vitally important that you reach out to us right away. There are many reasons to act promptly:

  • Witnesses tend to forget facts over time
  • Records can be destroyed
  • Entities may go out of business

If you wonder if Arizona’s new law will revive your claim, contact us for a free consultation. Your information will remain completely confidential.

Compassionate Legal Support

At Fielding Law, we are dedicated to fighting for justice and ensuring that survivors have the support and representation they need. Reach out to us today at 833.88.SHARK to learn more about your rights and options. We are here to guide you every step of the way, providing the compassionate and capable assistance you deserve.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

Navigating Sexual Assault Cases: Civil vs. Criminal

By Sexual Assault & Abuse

Sexual assault is a devastating experience that can have profound physical, emotional, and psychological effects on survivors. When dealing with sexual assault cases, it is essential to understand the distinction between pursuing a civil personal injury case and engaging in criminal proceedings.

Civil vs. Criminal: What is the Difference?

  1. Legal Avenues: In a civil personal injury case, the survivor sues the perpetrator for damages, seeking compensation for medical expenses, therapy costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. On the other hand, criminal cases are brought by the state against the perpetrator, aiming to hold them accountable for violating criminal laws.
  2. Burden of Proof: The burden of proof in civil cases is lower than in criminal cases. In civil court, the survivor must prove their case by a preponderance of evidence, showing it is more likely than not that the assault occurred. In criminal court, the prosecution must prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, a higher standard of proof.
  3. Purpose and Outcome: The goal of a civil personal injury case is primarily to obtain financial compensation for the survivor’s damages. Conversely, in criminal cases, the focus is on justice and punishment for the perpetrator, which may include imprisonment, fines, or probation.

Why Hire Fielding Law for Sexual Assault Cases?

Survivors of sexual assault face complex legal challenges that require sensitive and experienced legal representation. Fielding Law offers compassionate yet formidable advocacy for survivors navigating both civil personal injury cases and criminal proceedings related to sexual assault.

Our team understands the nuances of sexual assault cases, providing personalized support and guidance throughout the legal process. We prioritize your well-being and fight tirelessly to ensure your voice is heard and your rights are protected.

In such delicate and emotionally charged matters, having a trusted legal partner like Fielding Law can make all the difference. Contact us today at 833.88.SHARK for a free consultation and let us stand by your side on the path to justice and healing.

Note: Information provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice. Always consult with a qualified attorney for legal concerns.

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